Handsome Jack's wife??

This might be mentioned somewhere but...who is that "second wife" Jack's talking about? Any ideas?
It was a huge surprise to me, I always thought he was married only once..


  • He mentions killing his first wife in his Reddit AMA (which is considered canon in the Borderlands universe), though we never knew if she was Angel's mother - now we do - which effectively means that Telltale have confirmed that Jack WAS lying and that Angel DID NOT kill her mother.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm still not so sure if that Reddit thing is cannon, even though they said so. Anthony Burch once said on his ask.fm that nothing is canon until it actually shows up in a game, (even the comics). It was like a year ago, tho, so I don't think there's anyway for me to actually dig that back up.

    Oh, Borderlands canon, why must you be so difficult.

    He mentions killing his first wife in his Reddit AMA (which is considered canon in the Borderlands universe), though we never knew if she wa

  • Yeah I was also surprised.

  • edited October 2015

    To be fair burch has been a master at ripping holes through the canon so I'm not surprised

    Edit: Burch did the AMA

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I'm still not so sure if that Reddit thing is cannon, even though they said so. Anthony Burch once said on his ask.fm that nothing is canon

  • Hey ´sup Gente Jim?

    He mentions killing his first wife in his Reddit AMA (which is considered canon in the Borderlands universe), though we never knew if she wa

  • It was "tragic, violent, and accidental." Theoretically the AMA was meant to be done from Pre-Sequel Jack's perspective, right...? So maybe the only reason he said his first wife was his funniest kill was because he hadn't killed anyone first-hand yet(thus not knowing how much he enjoyed it), and he just felt responsible for Angel killing her somehow.

    He mentions killing his first wife in his Reddit AMA (which is considered canon in the Borderlands universe), though we never knew if she wa

  • Don't bring up his wife. He gets to strangulation levels of anger just by bringing her up.

  • You just gotta love Gortys

    Hey ´sup Gente Jim?

  • As soon as that moment happened I was like, "damn - how do I convince one of the mods to let me change my name to Gentle Jim?"

    Hey ´sup Gente Jim?

  • Well, I forget where I read it, but Randy Pitchford said that the comics are canon. Not hugely relevant, just a side note.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I'm still not so sure if that Reddit thing is cannon, even though they said so. Anthony Burch once said on his ask.fm that nothing is canon

  • Yeah there's been conflicting information about the comics. Originally they were said to be canon, but when the Fall of Fyrestone arc came out Anthony said they weren't canon.

    I think if Anthont had stuck with Gearbox all his little side things (like the Reddit AMAs and ECHOcast Twitter feed) would be canon. I believe he rescinded all that when he left because he wanted to give the next writers their best shot at making it their own.

    So, basically everything's just up in the air until it's proved/disproved in BL3.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    Well, I forget where I read it, but Randy Pitchford said that the comics are canon. Not hugely relevant, just a side note.

  • I don't recall it ever being mentioned who his second wife was, but I think it was mentioned in TPS. At least, I think I remember it being mentioned there, it was mentioned somewhere for sure. I thought maybe Moxxi was his second wife, but in TPS he just calls her his ex-girlfriend. My guess is the second wife was before Moxxi and Jack hooked up.

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