Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide.

    enter image description here

    I mean, jeez... nothing really happened between Sasha and Rhys in this Episode either...

    kaza125 posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. TROLOLOLOl

  • amen.

    Whatever you say, mate. We are happy, you are happy, let's not create unnecessary war.

  • enter image description here

    kaza125 posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. TROLOLOLOl

  • Isn't theoretically currently neither canon since neither is written as a certainty in a future Borderlands game?

    kaza125 posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. TROLOLOLOl

  • edited October 2015

    Season 2 semi-confirmed.

    enter image description here

    Reliqum posted: »

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/3pjbrg/tftbl_episode_5_discussion_thread_spoiler_warning/cw76cvy As a GBX employee I'm p

  • Good thing I never delve much into the Stranger theories and I was pleasantly surprised when he turned out to be Loader Bot.

    I predicted Loader Bot being the stranger.

  • enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Now just gotta find a way to "predict" Season 2.

  • Oh well, street fighter's cool too.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'd love for it to have been one, but I think it's a Street Fighter reference, as what Gortys shoots out is a ball of energy, rather than a beam of energy.

  • No need to start a war here, okay? (I do find your comment humorous though.)

    I'm not sure how you can measure canon-ness though. I mean, if something is canon, it's canon. You can't be 90% canon, bro.

    kaza125 posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. TROLOLOLOl

  • Thinking about the comment he could mean generally future telltale games, 2vague4me.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Season 2 semi-confirmed.

  • imma do it for papa Felix and his stash.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    do it for the juicy cash shouldn't have doubted our hero Felix :^)

  • tfw papa felix never actually betrayed his girls


    Quiff posted: »

    imma do it for papa Felix and his stash.

  • Multiple interpretations!... I'm just taking the one that I like the most. <3

    Reliqum posted: »

    Thinking about the comment he could mean generally future telltale games, 2vague4me.

  • ttg fails to deliver once again

    jk love you guys :^)

    Quiff, asking the important questions. Seriously, though. Is it too much to ask for a shirtless Rhys?

  • I can imagine that. I was thinking about it and if you somehow come across Rhys in BL3 and get info on him (similar to his echo eye scans) it will says his relationship status is unknown.

    Reliqum posted: »

    Isn't theoretically currently neither canon since neither is written as a certainty in a future Borderlands game?

  • I'm just gonna leave this here before I go to work.......

    Consider it a sneak peek at a rewrite of the last few scenes I've done. I'll put up the link to the published thing later. Until then, enjoy!


    Fiona woke up feeling warm. And...a little sore. She blinked a few times, turning toward the other side of the bed, fully expecting to see— She frowned and sat up slowly. He wasn’t there. She looked around the room. Their clothes from the night before lay strewn haphazardly across the floor and over furniture, and her hat was perched delicately on the end of a bedpost. He must have picked it up off the floor that morning. “How sweet,” she murmured, stretching and sliding out of the bed.

    Wow, it had been a long time since she’d...spent the night with anyone. It had been...well, to say “unexpected” wasn’t really right. They’d both been able to tell that whatever it was between them was only getting stronger and harder to ignore as the days passed. Opening the Vault had apparently been the tipping point. Or maybe it had been almost dying. Or maybe it had been when he subtly confirmed that he’d been thinking about her the whole time. Maybe it was a combination of the three. Everything had come together so quickly that it was hard not to get caught up in the rush of adrenaline.

    Standing in the aftermath, beside him...it seemed right. They’d already been through so much...why stop there? So as the day turned to dusk and the last of the color left the sky to make room for the stars, she resolved that she wouldn't try to fight it. Her entire life had been built around taking each situation as it came, and adapting to make it work. This was no different.

    Still, she'd put up a characteristic (if minimal) amount of resistance as they'd talked about the future, taking good-natured jabs at him whenever the opportunities presented themselves. She knew he'd been chipping away at her willpower since they'd first met, and she wasn't sure she could hold out through one more sly sideways glance or confident smirk.

    And when their collective restraint finally crumbled and she found herself following him through the halls of the fallen space station, back to the room he'd claimed, she didn't even mind. She hadn’t protested when he'd shut the door or gently pushed her back against the wall and pressed his lips against her own. And she’d let go of the act altogether by the time the first piece of clothing hit the floor.

    Shaking her head with a smile, she wandered across the room toward the dresser, picking up stray articles of clothing as she went. At least she could make things look a little more presentable if someone decided to come in. Before she could get dressed or glance in the mirror, though, a slip of obnoxious yellow paper caught her eye. Hyperion stationary. Of course. Tossing the clothes into a nearby chair, she picked up the note.

    Mornin, Fi. I’m in the shower. Whether or not this is an invitation is up to you.

    Fiona immediately felt her face turn at least three shades of red. How could that bastard be so charming on paper and make a complete ass of himself when he spoke? Gritting her teeth, she crumpled the paper, then grabbed the first shirt she could find and threw it on. Damn him.

  • Well, you can get a hug from Sasha.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. I mean, jeez... nothing really happened between Sasha and Rhys in this Episode either...

  • Oh great I can't wait to watch it! :'D I've been watching your Corpse party let's play while I'm drawing (yes, it's possible to draw and watch a let's play at the same time)

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Okay, then go celebrate in the Rhysha thread instead of insulting us.

    kaza125 posted: »

    When they say Rhyiona is canon, but Rhysha won by a landslide. TROLOLOLOl

  • I noticed you put a bunch of "...." for separation. You can use - - - (with no spaces) under the line to separate it. :)

    Anyway, nice fanfic! Seems like she didn't accept his offer though! Come on Fiona, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! ;D

    I'm just gonna leave this here before I go to work....... Consider it a sneak peek at a rewrite of the last few scenes I've done. I'll pu

  • edited October 2015

    And not only can we indirectly say to Fiona that we are interested in her, but we can also share a moment with her in the vault room. <3

    Well, you can get a hug from Sasha.

  • Oh... That... I thought you had something more.

    Kruzii posted: »

    ya know, at the end you gotta tell rhys to leave sasha alone, then you can make him say he does like someone else

  • Thinking of writing something based around that moment... hm.

  • Doesn't matter, I already said (as Fiona) that I ship Rhys and Sasha and already said (as Rhys) I like Sasha, so them getting teleported doesn't mean anything to me other than it sets up a possible sequel.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    And not only can we indirectly say to Fiona that we are interested in her, but we can also share a moment with her in the vault room.

  • holy crap, Rhys is bold. :D

    I'm just gonna leave this here before I go to work....... Consider it a sneak peek at a rewrite of the last few scenes I've done. I'll pu

  • pls fi

    enter image description here

    I'm just gonna leave this here before I go to work....... Consider it a sneak peek at a rewrite of the last few scenes I've done. I'll pu

  • Well, it's all about choice then, right?

    No ship really "wins".

    Doesn't matter, I already said (as Fiona) that I ship Rhys and Sasha and already said (as Rhys) I like Sasha, so them getting teleported doesn't mean anything to me other than it sets up a possible sequel.

  • I actually have faith. Surprisingly x) I mean, this games has been one of their most successful games of all time. Reviews have been so positive and it seems like everybody is loving this game :P

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    The worst thing about the wait is... we won't know whether TFTB will be continued until we get some news.

  • wow, it was a simple joke. I wasn't insulting or starting a 'war'.


    Okay, then go celebrate in the Rhysha thread instead of insulting us.

  • I guess it's kind of a you win and you lose thing maybe, no side really comes out on top, it's all how you play the game.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well, it's all about choice then, right? No ship really "wins".

  • Finally finished my painting at 3:29am because I've been playing Tftbl (I've been procrastinating)..and I'm just so happy omg <3 (I'm gonna replay it)

    Anyway Goodnight-ish <3

  • no side really comes out on top, it's all how you play the game.

    enter image description here

    Couldn't say it better myself.

    I guess it's kind of a you win and you lose thing maybe, no side really comes out on top, it's all how you play the game.

  • your comment proves otherwise

    kaza125 posted: »

    wow, it was a simple joke. I wasn't insulting or starting a 'war'. Salty.

  • GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Kimmy ~-^

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Finally finished my painting at 3:29am because I've been playing Tftbl (I've been procrastinating)..and I'm just so happy omg (I'm gonna replay it) Anyway Goodnight-ish

  • enter image description here

    the illuminati commends her to do it

    pls fi

  • Am the only one that can't help but think of Rhyiona when listening to Retrograde?

    enter link description here

    Like just a slow, sad but passionate alone time.

  • Oh, she does. Just you wait...

    pls fi

  • enter image description here

    Oh, she does. Just you wait...

  • edited October 2015

    It was them steeling themselves, and I guess the player too, for what was to come. It was so good. Unfortunately, I over did it and was a little disappointed in how the ending wasn't that dark, in fact it was kind of cheesy, which I don't mind but compared to how heavy the start of the episode was, felt a little off.

    Edit: Like the fact they're in single escape pods is brilliant cause it's just them and the complete isolation from everyone in those moments. I don't want to sound like one of those guys looking too deep into something simple but just the expressions they were given, we could feel what they were contemplating on that last ride down. No other game really gives you that kind of quiet moment before the storm. Like Mass Effects, you get the comfort of finishing your romance, and getting to say goodbye and good luck to everyone, but here it was just Rhys and Fiona sitting back and seeing pretty much the heavens fall apart around them.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Doesn't the intro feels quite like... 'Rhyiona'? Fiona and Rhys both in the escape pods, pondering about what's going to happen to them, going into space in parallel, together ♡ I find it really symbolic. enter link description here

  • Hey Y'all, back from frantic existence I call my life. Just finish playing EP5 a couple minutes ago...

    And oh my... That final episode...

    Where do I start? (As you can tell, I Enjoyed the **** outta it)

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