So the consequences of choosing Felix to help you...

So as many of you know, warning Felix about the bomb gives you the option to enlist him as a teammate while creating your team. This causes him to reveal that the money is safe, the money of which he gives you 9 million dollars of.

Now despite whether or not Fiona will ever come out of the Vault, what does this mean for Sasha, the person who only ever wanted a life away from Pandora? Do you think she'll spend the money to start a new life somewhere else? Or do you think she's developed a fondness for Pandora over the course of the season? Basically: what will she do now?


  • Well first, Fiona has to give Sasha the money, which she can't do because she just got teleported at the end, which means...Tales From the Borderlands Season 2?

  • You are getting your hopes up. Bigby is chasing after Nerissa for 2 years now i think.

    Well first, Fiona has to give Sasha the money, which she can't do because she just got teleported at the end, which means...Tales From the Borderlands Season 2?

  • Yeah I know, but a man can dream can't he?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    You are getting your hopes up. Bigby is chasing after Nerissa for 2 years now i think.

  • Well, we don't know if they were teleported. Maybe it was just a fade out. But both have been thoughts in my head

    Well first, Fiona has to give Sasha the money, which she can't do because she just got teleported at the end, which means...Tales From the Borderlands Season 2?

  • I mean it's not like she had all 9million in her back pocket.


    Well first, Fiona has to give Sasha the money, which she can't do because she just got teleported at the end, which means...Tales From the Borderlands Season 2?

  • The loot found on the monster + the recognition of being vault-finding, jack-killing, Helios-destroying, monster slayers, would set them up for life. Also remember that they have notable figures like Athena and Springs to back up their story. 9mil is nothing compared to the fame they'll have. Also they would probably all have notable places lined up for them in Sanctuary once Lilith finds out.

  • This is Telltale we're talking about here, the same company that said Lee could fit a blowtorch and a car battery in his back pocket, holding $9 million is not out of the spectrum of reality.

    MrShadow posted: »

    I mean it's not like she had all 9million in her back pocket. ...right?

  • Which begs the question.... How the hell did Fiona fit all that money in her pockets? Secret hat compartment?

    Well first, Fiona has to give Sasha the money, which she can't do because she just got teleported at the end, which means...Tales From the Borderlands Season 2?

  • Never question the power of her hat. And like I said above, this is Telltale, the same company that had Lee fit a blowtorch and a car battery in his back pocket, carrying $9 million is not out of the question.

    Which begs the question.... How the hell did Fiona fit all that money in her pockets? Secret hat compartment?

  • Through the power of being an adventure game protagonist!

    Which begs the question.... How the hell did Fiona fit all that money in her pockets? Secret hat compartment?

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