Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh shit I didn't see the other coment I'm so sorry

    enter image description here

    Okay...then I want to be there (?) Can I? Can I? pelase? (?)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Because we already have a Skype group lol xD

  • u have ruined your honour by insulting us.

    i am disappoint.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    and you guys attacked an innocent mistake that came from not paying attention i have to defend my honour

  • Okay, do as you like :p

    I was just going to correct you, though ;p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    and you guys attacked an innocent mistake that came from not paying attention i have to defend my honour

  • u guys ruined urs by attacking me first

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    u have ruined your honour by insulting us. i am disappoint.


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, do as you like I was just going to correct you, though ;p

  • edited October 2015

    I'll try, but it will be hard on my phone :(

    Tell me your Skype name and Imma invite you ^^

    Daryace posted: »

    Oh shit I didn't see the other coment I'm so sorry Okay...then I want to be there (?) Can I? Can I? pelase? (?)

  • W-we attacked you?!...

    enter image description here

    cough Sorry! My throat hurts.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I never expected this from you, father.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    W-we attacked you?!... cough Sorry! My throat hurts.

  • i feel kinda bad i talked so much shit about telltale now lmao... thanks telltale i'm sorry for not believing in u

    i'm so happy you are happy. i felt like i was holding hands with you guys in that scene. <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think we're all still shocked (even though we're super happy) that Telltale actually delivered.

  • Wolfie, you're scaring me now ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Yeah. Smile. Because you have to prepare the...

    uh....are you thinking something strange? Cause you look like you are doing it.

    Just something going through my mind, that's all!

    enter image description here

    It's because I made you lost your virginity yesterday night?...

    enter image description here

    Daryace posted: »

    Yeah. Smile. Because you have to prepare the... uh....are you thinking something strange? Cause you look like you are doing it. It's because I made you lost your virginity yesterday night?...

  • You actually should've. I mean, he's married with Kawaiii. x)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I never expected this from you, father.

  • edited October 2015

    I never expected this from you, father.

    I thought you were better than this!

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I never expected this from you, father.

  • Hi guys, ..I had a very odd birthday today hahaha. Also I guess I wasn't exactly a happy looking birthday girl (The effects of staying up late last night).

    But anyway my family made it a very interesting odd birthday and it was kind of fun.

    Also I wanna draw some Rhyiona since we have so much new content to work with. :D

  • When I was playing and I reached that scene I thought about this play right away. Then it turned out most people missed the option so it was really weird. :P But most people replayed for the sake of Rhyiona.

    rhonu posted: »

    i feel kinda bad i talked so much shit about telltale now lmao... thanks telltale i'm sorry for not believing in u i'm so happy you are happy. i felt like i was holding hands with you guys in that scene.

  • and i'm very glad you feel the same!! it's been a day and i still feel butterflies...

    Glad that the episode has made you warm and fuzzy, I feel the same thing.

  • You actually should've. I mean, he's married with Kawaiii. x)

    enter image description here

    I hope she's back soon. <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You actually should've. I mean, he's married with Kawaiii. x)

  • You have forgotten about this one!

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    my god

  • Don't worry. She will be back for you and me soon. ;3

    But she's very busy lately ;-; I almost dont see her around the thread very often ;__;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    You actually should've. I mean, he's married with Kawaiii. x) I hope she's back soon.

  • Okay, okay... don't get like that...

    enter image description here

    but I have to admit that your robotic three leg is just...

    enter image description here

    we have to repeat it...

    I-I mean...

    Rhysie, I'll still waiting for my lunch.

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Yeah. Smile. Because you have to prepare the... uh....are you thinking something strange? Cause you look like you are doing it.

  • Simply lovely... <3333

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    my god

  • even without the rhyiona option that scene is still the absolute cutest aw i can't stop smiling

    now i remember how sad i was about rhyiona not happening a few months ago and i wish i could go back in time and punch myself in th face

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When I was playing and I reached that scene I thought about this play right away. Then it turned out most people missed the option so it was really weird. :P But most people replayed for the sake of Rhyiona.

  • We've been accepted by TellTale ;-;
    This episode totally was AWESOME and oh god the Rhyiona scenes xD
    And those looks Rhys gave to Fiona ;_;
    I think we have a future now
    "A family" as Fiona said xD

  • So beautiful ;___;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    You have forgotten about this one!

  • Okay, okay... don't get like that...

    enter image description here

    but I have to admit that your robotic three leg is just...

    we have to repeat it...

    I-I mean...

    Rhysie, I'll still waiting for my lunch.

    enter image description here

    I-I'll see what I can do for you...

    Daryace posted: »

    Okay, okay... don't get like that... but I have to admit that your robotic three leg is just... we have to repeat it... I-I mean... Rhysie, I'll still waiting for my lunch.

  • I guess most people just didn't want to be mean and tell Rhys to gtfo Sasha but hey, being mean worked out for me. B)

    rhonu posted: »

    even without the rhyiona option that scene is still the absolute cutest aw i can't stop smiling now i remember how sad i was about rhyiona not happening a few months ago and i wish i could go back in time and punch myself in th face

  • they are so in love i feel like i'm in love too... i'm in love with 2 people in love

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    my god

  • enter image description hereenter image description here

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • @Kawaiii god fucking damn it celebrate rhyiona's canonness with us right now

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Don't worry. She will be back for you and me soon. ;3 But she's very busy lately ;-; I almost dont see her around the thread very often ;__;

  • I think we're all in love with Rhyiona tbh

    rhonu posted: »

    they are so in love i feel like i'm in love too... i'm in love with 2 people in love

  • I swear to god, if she posts something right now, I'll stop breathing...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Kawaiii god fucking damn it celebrate rhyiona's canonness with us right now

  • I choose that option every time I finish playing episode 5. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • @Kawaiii actually please don't post or Wolfenus will die

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I swear to god, if she posts something right now, I'll stop breathing...

  • The sneaky smile at the end like "you know what I mean" is the cutest thing

    I choose that option every time I finish playing episode 5.

  • I fucking love that scene ♥_♥

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • yea and honestly, who doesn't want to be mean to rhys sometimes :P

    it's for a good cause

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I guess most people just didn't want to be mean and tell Rhys to gtfo Sasha but hey, being mean worked out for me.

  • Also, I love how Rhys occasionally call Fiona "Fi" during the battle. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The sneaky smile at the end like "you know what I mean" is the cutest thing

  • Well, I love you Ramsay GIFs.

  • Nicknames are always adorable. :)

    Also, I love how Rhys occasionally call Fiona "Fi" during the battle.

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