Why do so many people dislike Minecraft: Story Mode?



  • Well that's your opinion i think this 1 of the best 1st episodes they made

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Minecraft Shminecraft. It does not matter. No. It can be about fuc**** teletubbies but the STORY has to be good. Telltale is able to do that

  • Move over Clementine... Reuben's here!!!

    Reuben should be one of the Telltale mascots! He's so freaking adorable!

  • I can't lie I've never played borderlands but based off the telltale game.. I thought it had an in depth story already.


    I think most of the hate comes from either stereotypes of Minecraft, or people still keeping the mindset that Telltale is only good for matu

  • That's the point; those were stereotypes other people made that weren't nearly as accurate as people thought they were. They just blindly assumed the Borderlands fans would be bad because Borderlands was an FPS, and Tales from the Borderlands' community proved the people thought that wrong.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    But i like FPS...and i am not an 12 year old :P

  • You... you mean... it's better than Zer0 Sum?

    enter image description here

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well that's your opinion i think this 1 of the best 1st episodes they made

  • Personally, i think minecraft isn't really cool anymore, it went from a cool little indie game and got really big, the problem is, when something gets big, lots of little kids adopt it, this means that the older players no longer feel dignified playing it and move on to other games, beacuse story mode was released with younger kids in mind, the older users of the telltale forums don't feel like it has a place here and that it will just attract little kids. (I believe this personnally)

    In summary: minecraft stopped being cool when it started selling it's shirts in kids sizes.

  • edited October 2015

    I don't understand why this happens. Why people stop liking something when it gets "too popular" or when it attracts a different demographic? I can see it in games where you have no control over who you play with, but that's not the case with Minecraft.

    Umikaloo posted: »

    Personally, i think minecraft isn't really cool anymore, it went from a cool little indie game and got really big, the problem is, when some

  • No i said one of the best not THE best

    Omid's cat posted: »

    You... you mean... it's better than Zer0 Sum?

  • I watched Minecraft Story Mode only as a let's play and it just did not entertained or fascinates me in any way. I'm okay with the graphics and Minecraft Style but the whole Story and characters are just too Disney..ish to my liking.
    Even as a child I disliked Disney movies and Minecraft Story Mode is just like that or a Lego Movie.
    I wouldn't say it`s a bad game, it's just not to my taste.
  • Just be Honest Minecraft: story mode is just a very bad game, it just borred...i don't know who is genius who said "i have a great idea, mincraft story mode" but congrate he can kill Telltale with that

  • Well its getting good reviews and lots of people like it

    berserk07 posted: »

    Just be Honest Minecraft: story mode is just a very bad game, it just borred...i don't know who is genius who said "i have a great idea, mincraft story mode" but congrate he can kill Telltale with that

  • Well good for them so

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well its getting good reviews and lots of people like it

  • So some people not liking it doesn't = bad by that logic GOT would be bad since lots were mad after ep 5

    berserk07 posted: »

    Well good for them so

  • Ok I'm neutral on this whole Minecraft situation, I don't care for it after playing but I definitely don't hate it. But you can't really measure a games quality on the reviews. Just saying a lot of people give good reviews to every single cod game that comes out each year. Not saying Minecraft story mode was bad I thought it was OK myself.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well its getting good reviews and lots of people like it

  • Hipster theory: it's popular now so it sucks.

    Abeille posted: »

    I don't understand why this happens. Why people stop liking something when it gets "too popular" or when it attracts a different demographic

  • because its garbage and a waste of time

  • Well lots on here like it too

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    Ok I'm neutral on this whole Minecraft situation, I don't care for it after playing but I definitely don't hate it. But you can't really mea

  • Your opinion mate

    Journey95 posted: »

    because its garbage and a waste of time

  • I don't understand it myself, it is so weird. D: Even I, who never has and never will play(ed) Minecraft, I still am enjoying this game very much so far. The story is simple from what we've seen so far, yes, but that isn't always a bad thing. And you never know, the story may yet have many twists and turns waiting for us. Perhaps the reason Ivor was kicked out of the heroes group will turn the story on its heels. Telltale has never failed to deliver, even with a dork game like TWD Season 2. I hope more people can learn to put their biases and snap judgments aside and give this game a fair chance.
  • I think people just judge the game. I was myself really hesitant to play it at first, but I did because I just like Telltale Games and trust them to make good games.
    Also, I think people judge because it's... well, Minecraft. I mean, when you go from Tales from the Borderlands+Game of Thrones to Minecraft, it makes a huge difference in terms of graphics... well that could be one reason anyway. Also, Minecraft's fanbase is kinda immature. Not all the fans, but from what I've seen back when I was playing this game, most of them. x_x
    Oh, and I think playing the game by yourself instead of watching a let's play is so much better, because you're involved and you're the one making the choices. That's just my opinion though.

  • Pretty sure he knows that. There's no need to remind him.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Your opinion mate

  • Still stating opinions like facts irks me

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Pretty sure he knows that. There's no need to remind him.

  • For me the problem's that Telltale keeps making the same game, changing the setting. And Minecraft one is too distant and hollow to feel attached, it was created for gameplay, not for the story. It's like making Pac-Mans: Story Mode -- it's funny for a few minutes, but not for 8 hours.

  • I've never understood comments like that.

    "The games garbage"

    Ok, why?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Still stating opinions like facts irks me

  • The only thing I had to criticize about this game if anything was Jessie's outfit as the male character. That's just a preference of mine because I was never into the whole suspenders attire, that was the way my grandpa dressed. I think it would have been neat to have been able to have your own custom skin to play as but once again that is just my opinion. Everything else about the game though was phenomenal though. It gave everything a non-Minecraft player needed to learn how to play and a new experience for people who did play Minecraft. I also loved the story about the game, it felt very Final Fantasy style mixed in with Minecraft's very own traits. The interaction level was spectacular as well although I did have some difficulty when trying to select items or people to interact with. Overall though it was a fantastic game and I can't wait till Episode 2.

  • I liked it but it seems like it's gonna be their weakest game in these 3-4 years.it was good though,but there was lots of problems in motivations & characterizations.also it doesn't rich to any high points.in comedy & gameplay Tales from the Borderlands is so much better,bout the narrative we got The Wolf Among Us & bout the charactarization & emotions we got The Walking Dead. I hope it would get better in episodes to come but still,it's a good game but much more mediocre compare to other TellTale games in recent years.

  • I liked the story, I liked the level design, I didn't mind the characterisations.
    I don't feel any particular loyalty with Telltale as I haven't followed their work.
    I used to play Minecraft, enjoyed it and moved on (still enjoying watching my kids have fun with building in creative mode), but I'm not a rabid fan trying to defend the franchise either.

    I'm not looking to disagree with other's opinions and I'm happy for anyone to disagree with my comments. I'm not likely to read them as this is the first and last post I'll make to this forum and I'm not likely to check back to read any responses. I'm adding these comments for the developers if they are interested in the feedback, from someone who has worked in the games industry designing user interface mechanics.

    Fundamentally, I get that this title is an animated storybook however I can understand why those loyal to the Minecraft franchise might feel disappointed that the basic gameplay elements making the original game fun are missing (ie the mining and crafting - crafting in the story game is too limited to count). I can certainly see why this would be eliciting a strong backlash from the (large) minecraft community that would be purchasing this game as the next instalment in the franchise.

    Moreover, purchasers unfamiliar with what animated stories have to offer may be disappointed buying this game - as it does not offer much in the way of interactive involvement (beyond progressing the story in a choose-your-own-adventure fashion).

    The quicktime events, linear game path, and limited exploration and itemisation/crafting only serve to add a thin veneer of interactivity on what is essentially a passive experience - made somewhat confusing by absence of telltales of when quicktime events would be needed (taking the passive watcher by surprise). There was also almost no consequences for missing the quicktime events (I missed heaps but the only time I had to repeat a sequence was an arrow trap).

    Forcing a timeframe on selecting conversation responses also attempted to introduce a sense of urgency but just ended up punishing the player that wants to take their time considering the options, particularly given that it wasn't clear what the benefits of those outcomes would be. This was also more frustrating because the mouse cursor often was not where I expected it to be and was laggy to compensate for the camera control.

    On the camera, there were lots of places where camera switches caused inversions of control direction, and often the camera would be low down and positioned where it wasn't clear where the navigable areas were (in the crowds for instance). There were also times requiring the player to move back into the camera direction to investigate, without an obvious indication that something interesting might be there.

    I'd also add that the game frequently takes the player through points of no return without making the player aware of the threshold (eg. I recall one point chasing the pig there seemed to be an option of investigating an interesting cave or going to some water - I wanted to look at the water but then found I could not move to the cave, even though it was still on screen, with no obvious impediment). Movement in the game was largely limited to one-way railroads linking small sections of free exploration.

    I get the impression that these choices to limit the interactivity would either be due to targeting a younger audience, making it easier to use on smartphones and tablets, or aiming to simplify development (by aiming for a highly-linear experience).

    As to the younger audience, my 5 year old plays Minecraft creative mode with a great deal of dexterity and control (and he isn't alone amongst his friends) - so don't feel like the game has to just be an animated storybook to be accessible to everyone. On the mobile device-side, sure there are reasons for simplifying controls, but Minecraft PE works pretty well on tablet already. As to simplifying development through a linear experience, there are plenty of ways to keep linear gameplay but still engage the user in an interactive experience and give them some wider freedom of movement (just check out many of the TT lego games).

    I hope that Telltale are listening to the discussions and taking on the feedback for their next episodes. I really hope they succeed as the Minecraft franchise has definitely been lacking a strong narrative to take advantage of all that empty space in the sandbox. I suspect however, that following episodes will end up cookie-cutting the current game mechanics and we may have to wait and see what else turns up in the Minecraft universe. Please prove that wrong.

  • I liked everything about it. Although, I wish Male Jesse had better clothes.

  • Me too. I am a "joyless" adult who would like to play games for adults. The question was why do people dislike this game? Since the OP asked the question wouldn't it make sense for people to, I don't know, answer. So, to ClemmyClooandBabyboo, I ask this: why are you reading this thread if you don't want to read about people complaining about this game?
    Oh. I never gave this game a chance because I find the graphics/art style repellent.

    I've been waiting for TWAU S2, like forever.

  • I have to say that most people just automatically hate story mode because of their Minecraft experience. A lot have forgotten that Minecraft: Story Mode is more story and Telltale Games than Minecraft and Mojang. It's only based of Minecraft but they're different games.

  • Personally, I really like it. I had some doubts, even whilst playing the game, but I believe Telltale will deliver.

    I really like how it seems like it will really be accessible to people of all ages, considering a lot of Telltale's games have been pretty dark and gritty, and even Sam & Max having what one would call "adult-humor". I enjoy the fun and sorta light-hearted LEGO:Movie vibes it gives off, and I like the characters.
    If I were to give any criticism, it would only be that I felt they should do some more worldbuilding first (ba dump pshh). But seriously; a story which has enough characters to make up a society, should have some sort of societal structure, in order to give every event and character action further significance. Also add more specialization to what each character builds and uses. Aaaand not make the Nether and monsters something that are so commonly talked about and understood- that way when those things do show up, it's a bit more cinematic.

  • [removed]

    catrix posted: »

    I liked the story, I liked the level design, I didn't mind the characterisations. I don't feel any particular loyalty with Telltale as I ha

  • I love it! :3 I regret nothing!!!

  • edited October 2015

    Some of people I know hate this game just because this is Minecraft. Nothing else. Seriously, for example I talked to a guy lately and it was something like that:

    Me: Ok so I just finished Tales and I dunno what to do with my life, so I'm gonna give Minecraft Story Mode a try, I'm a bit skeptical but...

    Him: Whaaat, you even want to launch this shitty game, wtf is wrong with you girl, this is Minecraft

    Me: I just don't want to judge over something that I don't really know, and maybe it's not bad, how do you know if you didn't even give it a chance?

    Him: But it's fucking Minecraft, a game for retarded kids

    Me: Oh well...

    Literally. Not even trying to think of a better reason. I'm not a Minecraft fan but I don't think that hating a game because of its community (you must agree, most of Minecraft players are children) is too smart and mature.

  • edited October 2015

    People are just quick to judgement,I feel like everyone who is saying they don't like it or anything negative related to the game,haven't even played it. I also think that people are judgeing so much because they think that telltale should stick to their own stuff and not expand to other titles.

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