Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Well, yes, but it explains why people missed it I guess. :P

    Guess I just like being rude to him as Fiona sometimes.

    rhonu posted: »

    yea and honestly, who doesn't want to be mean to rhys sometimes :P it's for a good cause

  • NOO! I want her to post something!

    @Kawaiii, dont listen to Wolf. Post something... ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @Kawaiii actually please don't post or Wolfenus will die

  • edited October 2015

    It's been only 2 days...

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    Holy shiz... I think this may be the most popular thread on TellTale's entire freakin site. (EDIT: It is if you exclude TellTale's actual thread chains, and go by the game's communities) I dunno if I support it myself, (I did up to episode 3, cause of their attempts for a Sasha relationship) but I see ALOT do though. One thing is though, everytime I play through Epiosde 5 and/or look at the choices it's such a huge majority on shipping Sasha. Like on Xbox, it's a 90-95% majority, and it grows or shrinks within that everytime I check

  • Yeah because Sasha was the option that's easily presented to the player -- you have to be a bit rude to Rhys and not give Sasha the flower in order to get Rhyiona so I guess that's understandable. :P Even some of our own missed the option.

    Holy shiz... I think this may be the most popular thread on TellTale's entire freakin site. (EDIT: It is if you exclude TellTale's actual th

  • At least they made us work for Rhyiona, if you know what I mean. :v

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah because Sasha was the option that's easily presented to the player -- you have to be a bit rude to Rhys and not give Sasha the flower in order to get Rhyiona so I guess that's understandable. :P Even some of our own missed the option.

  • I'm actually cool with it, I'm sure people will see the option around eventually. :)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    At least they made us work for Rhyiona, if you know what I mean. :v

  • I-I'll see what I can do for you...

    I'm ready for whatever you are going to do, space cowboy...

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Okay, okay... don't get like that... but I have to admit that your robotic three leg is just... we have to repeat it..

  • i love how fiona doesn't say anything and just looks at him because she feels like words aren't needed for once

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • Heh, some of these gifs other post of what happen are subtle, but not to subtle. They did make the Sasha thing actually a big part somewhat after Episode 3. I guess if this is how people want their story going. And it better keep going in a sequel, cause gosh dangit I feel complete yet empty now that this game's over. No game has ever made me feel like this :/

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    At least they made us work for Rhyiona, if you know what I mean. :v

  • I love how she raises her eyebrows when he says that as in "oh. I get it." and then he smiles at her

    rhonu posted: »

    i love how fiona doesn't say anything and just looks at him because she feels like words aren't needed for once

  • Buenos Dias! Hopefully everybody's doing alright, feels good to wake up and visit the thread again!

    enter image description here

    Also Hey @MarijaaNo7.<3

    enter image description here

  • Uhh, Darayce already has a BF :P

    BigBadAce confirmed amirite I won't tell Kawaiii

  • I think she knew, but given her pretty sharp response afterwards of "Yeah okay" to Rhys saying they should head to the Vault... I think Fiona wanted him to say some more to her ;)

    Enigma12 posted: »

    So when Rhys said he "likes someone else" do you think Fiona thought it was her he was talking about?

  • Who cares :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Uhh, Darayce already has a BF :P

  • Dude!!!

    It was awesome right?? :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Amazing... :-; I can't contain my feelings... :-;

  • Oh God, I thought I was done with Courage the Cowardly Dog!!! :'O

    There's a certain Fiona SFM image someone made that you made me think of and its rather

  • Hey, you're back!! :D

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm ba-- Too much spoilers for me I guess I'll come back after I'll play E5... Or maybe just stay and being spoiled a lot... I missed ALL of you, I also love everyone

  • add me. my name is Sirscrubbingtonthethird

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'll try, but it will be hard on my phone Tell me your Skype name and Imma invite you ^^

  • I ship it

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Okay, okay... don't get like that... but I have to admit that your robotic three leg is just... we have to repeat it..

  • edited October 2015

    You sir, have my respect already...

    Few people accomplish that :D

  • Another newbie?! YESSSSS!!!!! XD XD

    Just made my account (still setting up my gravatar) just to join in on this thread as I'm feeling a bit of a Phantom Pain now that the seaso

  • The BF! :P

    Who cares :P

  • Hey, buddy, how are you doing? :)

    Buenos Dias! Hopefully everybody's doing alright, feels good to wake up and visit the thread again! Also Hey @MarijaaNo7.<3

  • AA happy birthday Kimmy!! :D

    But anyway my family made it a very interesting odd birthday and it was kind of fun.

    Well I'm very glad that you enjoyed your birthday anyway. "a very interesting odd birthday" sounds really amusing :)

    Jay more Rhyiona art!!!

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi guys, ..I had a very odd birthday today hahaha. Also I guess I wasn't exactly a happy looking birthday girl (The effects of staying up la

  • i love this world

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    my god

  • that adorable loving face gaaaaahh

    aaahhh, this is still too perfect for this world, I love everything right now <3 <3 <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • ayy <33

    enter image description here

    Buenos Dias! Hopefully everybody's doing alright, feels good to wake up and visit the thread again! Also Hey @MarijaaNo7.<3

  • the fact that Rhyiona is confirmed and the finale is so perfect makes me so in love with life, that I don't even care, this game is forever in my heart now <3

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    It's been only 2 days...

  • Sees the GIF The feels... ;__;

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    ayy <33

  • edited October 2015

    AAAAAAAAAAAAH-- i'm just seeing now that AMAZING rhyiona poster by @nohhuhuh (i was in mobile before and the image didn't load) that's the most wonderful thing i've ever seen, i can hardly believe i'm a part of it. i don't deserve it... you guys are too good for me

    i'm so glad we went in together like a family

  • edited October 2015

    You know... going back to the scene where Rhys and Fiona "explain" to themselves, I found it pretty interesting how Fiona got a bit emotional explaining what Rhys did wrong.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I found the last one to be especially interesting, as Fiona has a moment of doubt before she says that Rhys and Jack ruined their lives.

    It makes me think that she didn't really mean it, and she needed an excuse to be mad at him.

    And seeing how she reacted when saying all that stuff out loud, she definitely considers (or considered) him a friend at least.

    TL;DR: Fiona cares about Rhys confirmed.

  • edited October 2015

    I'm still giddy. It's already Thursday and I'm still giddy. I just wanna hug everyone.

    ps: I still wanna marry Telltale.

    No, you didn't read that. Again.

  • ps: I still wanna marry Telltale.

    Goddamn it. When's the wedding gonna happen? x'3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm still giddy. It's already Thursday and I'm still giddy. I just wanna hug everyone. ps: I still wanna marry Telltale. No, you didn't read that. Again.

  • Kimmyyyyyy, Happy Birthdaaaaaay!!!!! May all your dreams come true (Rhyiona happened, so everything is possible now, lol)

    Can't wait to see your art again! Have a glorious day... the rest of the day c':

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hi guys, ..I had a very odd birthday today hahaha. Also I guess I wasn't exactly a happy looking birthday girl (The effects of staying up la

  • edited October 2015


    don't you dare say "soon"

    but... yeah


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    ps: I still wanna marry Telltale. Goddamn it. When's the wedding gonna happen? x'3

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm still giddy. It's already Thursday and I'm still giddy. I just wanna hug everyone. ps: I still wanna marry Telltale. No, you didn't read that. Again.

  • Ugh...

    I hope you don't mean "Telltale soon."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @telltale don't you dare say "soon" but... yeah soon

  • Ayy (゚ヮ゚)♡

    Sorry for being afk, you know the spoilers and all but hope you're doin' alright.

    What's Good? ᵔ_ᵔ

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    ayy <33

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