This game has really passed by expectations by MILES! Definitely my game of the year!

I LOVED EPISODE 5 AND TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS IN GENERAL! I loved the musical intros of each episode.. The comedy and action were great! NO MAIN CHARACTERS DIED! Surprising considering this is TellTale we are talking about.. The stranger reveal was amazing,Athena and Springs talked about their wedding,Zer0,Brick,Mordecai and Claptrap got to be in the game. I think in my opinion this is TellTale's BEST game ever!


  • Same here but I dunno about it being my GOTY though.

  • edited October 2015


    Unless Fallout 4 ends up being major disapointment, Tales is my GOTY so far.

  • I love Fallout and everything but I don't think Fallout 4 will be patched and modded until at least early 2016

    bocajbee posted: »

    Agreed. Unless Fallout 4 ends up being major disapointment, Tales is my GOTY so far.

  • This is why I sort my GOTYs by category. I feel like FO4 and TftB would be too different games to compete. But if I had to pick it would currently be Tales.

    bocajbee posted: »

    Agreed. Unless Fallout 4 ends up being major disapointment, Tales is my GOTY so far.

  • I feel like Fallout 4 will be such a buggy mess when it releases. I already pre-ordered Fallout 4 but I will most likely not play it until glitches get patched.

    Reliqum posted: »

    This is why I sort my GOTYs by category. I feel like FO4 and TftB would be too different games to compete. But if I had to pick it would currently be Tales.

  • Well I gotta say it is definetly a candidate for GOTY for me. Right now it's a toss up between Witcher 3, TFTB, Batman Arkham Knight, and Life Is Strange for me (Yes I loved the game except the endings). Though I'm still waiting for Rise Of The Tomb Raider before I make my decision.

  • edited October 2015

    I think it says something about us as gamers that our standards allow for this to become an expectation as part of a games release cycle.

    I also don't think GOTY material but it definitely deserves an honorable mention slot. Their intro music choices for 4 and 5 were also definitely a miss for me, though, especially when compared to the first three.

    I love Fallout and everything but I don't think Fallout 4 will be patched and modded until at least early 2016

  • I am certain Fallout 4 will get the GOTY

    but tales is my own personal GOTY

  • I feel like Fallout 4 will be such a buggy mess when it releases. I already pre-ordered Fallout 4 but I will most likely not play it until glitches get patched.

  • amazing

    Reliqum posted: »


  • It probrably will, FO4 has better marketing and will have a much much bigger fanbase.

  • Funny video, but I can overlook glitches as long as they don't affect my ability to complete the game; I care more about having an interesting world to create a character in. Nothing in Fallout or Elder Scrolls has effected that in my experience playing through.

    Reliqum posted: »


  • Plus it has much more depth of content while Telltale's games are focused towards pretty much only story. A bit like GTA 5 vs. Last of Us from last year, to an even greater degree.

    Reliqum posted: »

    It probrably will, FO4 has better marketing and will have a much much bigger fanbase.

  • Man, imagine going back in time to when Tales from the Borderlands was announced, and telling all the people worried that Tales would be about memes/guns and bring "12 year old FPS kiddies" to the forums that Borderlands would be considered by many as Telltale's best game since Walking Dead - or in some people's eyes, something even better than Walking Dead: Season 1.

  • They'd call you a heretic and Biff would try and chase you down. Then you'd have to escape him and a bunch of other bullies, ultimately dumping a truckload of manure on them

    It would be pretty fun, actually, just stay away from your mom. 0.o

    Man, imagine going back in time to when Tales from the Borderlands was announced, and telling all the people worried that Tales would be abo

  • Yeah, people would laugh at you.

    Man, imagine going back in time to when Tales from the Borderlands was announced, and telling all the people worried that Tales would be abo

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