Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Sorry bro I guess you learned what happens when one doesn't shut their trap.¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I'll send the remains to Telltale no worries! ᵔ_ᵔ

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Welp, apparently I have been killed by @lilxGoofycuz. I didn't even get to marry Telltale. I just wanted to love Telltale... that's all I wanted... please pray to rhyiona in my name

  • It isn't a fetish it's a serious problem

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hashtag stopjackfetishes2k15

  • I'm thinking back to the first shipping train you made. To think we have come this far, it's pretty amazing.

    never forget

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is no special moment or anything but I just really wanna say I really really really love everyone here. very much. It just feels so

  • I thought believer of Rhyiona goes to Rhyiona heaven. Remember that church you created? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so can ghosts continue celebrating rhyiona or do I have to go back to my grave? cause I'm not done partying but if I have to die for the cause then...

  • Oho exciting!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Posting this now to inform you all that I will start writing the first chapter of my Crossover fic when I post this comment. Be ready >:D

  • yeah but priest handsome jack probably isnt too happy after this episode so id rather be in my grave rn

    I thought believer of Rhyiona goes to Rhyiona heaven. Remember that church you created?

  • Saw a post on Tumblr, had to make this.

  • we were just 8 fighting for this :'D

    look at us now and how far we've gotten both in the game and here

    Quiff posted: »

    I'm thinking back to the first shipping train you made. To think we have come this far, it's pretty amazing. never forget

  • Good point, let's not discuss about that, less he discover and bring his wrath down on us.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yeah but priest handsome jack probably isnt too happy after this episode so id rather be in my grave rn

  • it's a nicer version of this

    enter image description here

    it feels like years ago wow

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    he's trying to be a gentleman ok

  • My bad pls forgive me. ^‿^

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Welp, apparently I have been killed by @lilxGoofycuz. I didn't even get to marry Telltale. Brb, I'm going to cry at the fact I am now a single mother. God damn it, Goofy.

  • ayy, tumblr becoming increasingly cooler these days :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Saw a post on Tumblr, had to make this.

  • I'm glad that tumblr is seeing the light. :)

    ayy, tumblr becoming increasingly cooler these days

  • Gosh yes and I deserve it too!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Some time off should be pretty nice!

  • I'm just lucky I came across that text post :D

    I plan on looking for more so I can post more soon :D

    ayy, tumblr becoming increasingly cooler these days

  • this reminded me of "a whole new world" from aladdin and aw <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Saw a post on Tumblr, had to make this.

  • I'm just lucky I came

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm just lucky I came across that text post I plan on looking for more so I can post more soon

  • finally (c:

    I'm glad that tumblr is seeing the light.

  • Uhu, we deserve a reward or something for staying so strong through all these months !

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    we were just 8 fighting for this :'D look at us now and how far we've gotten both in the game and here


    Your lewdness never disappoints <3

    I'm just lucky I came

  • I could try and be creative about it but I'm not sure if you would appreciate me linking you to more filthy smut from the deepest recesses of my mind...

    Unless of course you wouldn't mind at all in which case tell me what you want to see and I shall endear to make it so >:D

    rhonu posted: »

    i don't know where they are now but they are together and tht gives me a few options

  • aww stop it you <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    GOD FUCKING DAMN IT JOHN! Your lewdness never disappoints

  • Ay everyone! just wanted to quickly ask if ya'll could spoiler tag you LiS ep 5 related comment here, I haven't been able to play it yet. Twm

  • I view it more as her waiting for Rhys to say the words. She's not being dominant, she's seeing if he's worth it :)

    rhonu posted: »

    fiona is clearly being dominant

  • Tumblr may not be that bad after all....

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Saw a post on Tumblr, had to make this.

  • Pizza is Rhys' 2nd favourite thing to eat in bed. Insert lenny face

    I did because I love pizza I didn't even think twice lmao

  • edited October 2015

    You know that feel when you watch a shitload of reviews by Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation and you start talking like him trying very hard to not say anything rude less you be banned by the self-empowered Mods of the forum?

    Well that's what I'm struggling with right now before I reveal to you all another one of my fanfics which I proclaim will be "Very long and amazing" much like I try and say to women on a night out in the hopes that I will actually know what a connection is for once in my life :P

    But do not fret! When I finally calm down and maybe have that last bottle of French cider sitting in my cupboard I shall be ready to deliver! NO NOT THAT KIND OF DELIVER!

    ... I may have gone too far with this.

  • I love how you guys both have that Rhyiona moment so it looks like you guys are having an actual converation.

    aww stop it you

  • hahaha wow, i never noticed xD

    I love how you guys both have that Rhyiona moment so it looks like you guys are having an actual converation.

  • I would actually stay more in the thread but I'm actually tired af. xD Seriously, lately I was sleeping for like 6 hours every day. I could really use some sleep right now. ;__;

    Anyways, good night, guys! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! <3 ^-^

  • edited October 2015

    Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize until now xD

    I love how you guys both have that Rhyiona moment so it looks like you guys are having an actual converation.

  • All I can say is be prepared...

    Quiff posted: »

    Ay everyone! just wanted to quickly ask if ya'll could spoiler tag you LiS ep 5 related comment here, I haven't been able to play it yet. Twm

  • John x Lottii avatars CONFIRMED! <3

  • This is all a sign

    hahaha wow, i never noticed xD

  • cya :3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I would actually stay more in the thread but I'm actually tired af. xD Seriously, lately I was sleeping for like 6 hours every day. I could really use some sleep right now. ;__; Anyways, good night, guys! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^

  • C u tomorrow, buh ;3


  • that rhyiona is confirmed?

    ofc it is :D

    This is all a sign

  • at least she doesn't have to insult him this time

    rhonu posted: »

    it's a nicer version of this it feels like years ago wow

  • ghost me x telltale confirmed?

    Sorry bro I guess you learned what happens when one doesn't shut their trap.¯_(ツ)_/¯ I'll send the remains to Telltale no worries! ᵔ_ᵔ

  • rhyiona has been taking over my life since tuesday and most people would say this isn't healthy but I feel greater than ever

    i love everyone and everything

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