Well the ship lives on in our hearts

Even if we were denied our Rhysha kiss TTG acknowlledged the relationship and that'll have to do.

Fuck it i'm going back to Pricefield.


  • you could've just posted that in the rhysha thread tbh...

  • not everyone can go back to pricefield

    cough episode 5 cough

  • edited October 2015

    While I would have preferred a kiss option, I felt this was a good way of satisfying both sides of the aisle, if you liked Rhysha, you could say that you had feelings for her, and if you didn't, you can deny it and say that you have feelings for "someone else" (Fiona). So while I think it should have been included, I get why it wasn't, considering where they put that conversation with Rhys and Fiona, where would they have put this option in the game.

  • I think my avatar shows I will always choose my ship over all else.

  • bae before bay, amirite?

    CapnJay posted: »

    I think my avatar shows I will always choose my ship over all else.

  • Stop the shipping stuff, please...

  • Never, Rhysha will live on and will continue in the inevitable and definite Season 2.

    Stop the shipping stuff, please...

  • I'll stop shipping TTG characters when TTG gives every character in every series a canonical full name.

    Stop the shipping stuff, please...

  • There is a Rhysha thread... where you can post Rhysha things...

    Why does there need to be mutiple threads on the same subject. If I was to ever make the same thread with Rhyiona, I'd be attacked in minutes ._.

  • Why? If you don't like threads about shipping then just ignore them.

    Stop the shipping stuff, please...

  • That would be easier, if they would stop being the only discussions there is!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Why? If you don't like threads about shipping then just ignore them.

  • I like Rhysha too, but I'd like to see other discussions than Rhys being in love with someone.

    Never, Rhysha will live on and will continue in the inevitable and definite Season 2.

  • True that. Was an easy choice with Chloe :)

    CapnJay posted: »

    I think my avatar shows I will always choose my ship over all else.

  • I hate that word so much....

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    bae before bay, amirite?

  • That seems to be less telling of the shippers and ,more telling of the plot there is literally nothing about the plot i'd bother making a thread to discuss than the ship. whether that means the plot is so good it's pointless to talk about it or it's so cliche it's pointless to talk about it. any conversation about it wouldn't be productive so why not stick with the most interesting part of the episode.

    That would be easier, if they would stop being the only discussions there is!

  • Well as you said : You can't control eveyrone.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    There is a Rhysha thread... where you can post Rhysha things... Why does there need to be mutiple threads on the same subject. If I was to ever make the same thread with Rhyiona, I'd be attacked in minutes ._.

  • And there have been plenty of those, it's just that the Rhysha and Rhyiona threads have always been the most active threads on the section, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been other discussions.

    I like Rhysha too, but I'd like to see other discussions than Rhys being in love with someone.

  • That's like Chloe saying she hates the word 'hella' to Max.

    I hate that word so much....

  • True

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Well as you said : You can't control eveyrone.

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