Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Lolwut?

    I'm confused :p

    Eryka posted: »

    So, you were using 2 tissues at the same time in 2 different places? Wait, it's 3, the nose count.

  • Eyes, nose, dick.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lolwut? I'm confused

  • Eyes, nose, dick.


    Eryka posted: »

    Eyes, nose, dick.

  • If Rhys has been honest and told Fiona about HJ. When we return to present day, when Fiona told Rhys about why she was angry at him. The more I hear it and the facial expression Fiona had, the more it sounds like she is hurt that Rhys didn't told her sooner about having Handsome Jack AI inside his head and being worried about his sanity. :)

  • Eyes, nose, dick.

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Eyes, nose, dick.

  • edited October 2015

    I loved how Rhys tried to talk some sense into Kroger, and how his voice started cracking up when he tried to persuade the stranger...

    enter image description here

    He was powerless to do anything, but he tried to do anything he could.

  • So I was shuffling through my classic Disney songs collection (don't you judge me) and it came to this and I got the goofiest image in my head for Rhyiona.

    enter link description here

    So, of course, Fiona would be Meg. But the Muses would be made up of: Maya, Lilith, Moxxi, Gaige, and Ellie. Intro scenario would be Fiona's a Vault Hunter on Sanctuary and she's talking about Rhys, but she won't say it.

    Also made me think of the same girls for Muses singing Zero to Hero but it'd be about Krieg.

  • Saves the GIF for personal reasons ♥_♥

  • Bye everyone! I'll be back in 1 hour and 20 minutes :-(

  • This is actually kinda hilarious because I listened to this yesterday and thought of Rhyiona.

    So I was shuffling through my classic Disney songs collection (don't you judge me) and it came to this and I got the goofiest image in my he

  • Oddly specific

    Eryka posted: »

    Bye everyone! I'll be back in 1 hour and 20 minutes :-(

  • For me it's the image of who'd be the muses that I love.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is actually kinda hilarious because I listened to this yesterday and thought of Rhyiona.

  • Vaughn has to be there.

    No question about it.

    For me it's the image of who'd be the muses that I love.

  • Rhys could've charged him, gotten stabbed, and LB shoots Kroger, and then you get Fiona crying over Rhys. (why do I go to these places?!?!?)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I loved how Rhys tried to talk some sense into Kroger, and how his voice started cracking up when he tried to persuade the stranger... He was powerless to do anything, but he tried to do anything he could.

  • Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while, but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

  • edited October 2015

    Remember, at this point, neither Fiona or Rhys knows what's really going on, and who the stranger was.

    They didn't know either of those guys intentions. :p

    Rhys could've charged him, gotten stabbed, and LB shoots Kroger, and then you get Fiona crying over Rhys. (why do I go to these places?!?!?)

  • Thanks Hanna! Sorry for the late reply. :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    AA happy birthday Kimmy!! But anyway my family made it a very interesting odd birthday and it was kind of fun. Well I'm very

  • Thanks Jane! <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Kimmyyyyyy, Happy Birthdaaaaaay!!!!! May all your dreams come true (Rhyiona happened, so everything is possible now, lol) Can't wait to see your art again! Have a glorious day... the rest of the day c':

  • Vaughn would be Phil?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Vaughn has to be there. No question about it.

  • Hahaha...there's a lot of birthdays this month

    Thank you :3

  • Well I was getting at that LB wouldn't let either of them get killed.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Remember, at this point, neither Fiona or Rhys knows what's really going on, and who the stranger was. They didn't know either of those guys intentions.

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Saves the GIF for personal reasons ♥_♥

  • Vaughn could be nameless background character number fifty but he's still gotta be there

    Vaughn would be Phil?

  • Thanks Poogs ^-^

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Happy birthday Kimmy

  • but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

    enter image description here

    We should get the champagne out...

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while, but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

  • Welcome back, mate. :)

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while, but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

  • Dammit he should've said, "Yes we do."

  • Thanks Quiff :3

    sorry for the late reply

    Quiff posted: »

    Happy birthday Kimmy!! may good food come your way today :^)

  • enter image description here

    Just get married already!!!

  • edited October 2015

    Well I was getting at that LB wouldn't let either of them get killed.

    Of course he wouldn't!

    But remember, Fiona and Rhys still didn't know at that point, that the stranger IS Loader Bot.

    They didn't really know what he would do.

    Well I was getting at that LB wouldn't let either of them get killed.

  • Welcome back Scoobs!

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while, but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

  • Well yeah, that's why Rhys should/would rush Kroger cause he could only rely on himself to keep his bae safe.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well I was getting at that LB wouldn't let either of them get killed. Of course he wouldn't! But remember, Fiona and Rhys still didn't know at that point, that the stranger IS Loader Bot. They didn't really know what he would do.

  • edited October 2015

    Lmao your name makes me wanna hear the "Scooby Dooby Doo main theme" over and over again xD

    Hey guys, I haven't been here in a while, but I knew I had to come back and celebrate the Rhyiona we got in ep. 5 with you all

  • He can't use his arms. He would charge at Kroger, trip him up, and then what?

    He would get stabbed himself, and Fiona would die anyway. :v

    Well yeah, that's why Rhys should/would rush Kroger cause he could only rely on himself to keep his bae safe.

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    "I-it's not l-like I want you to be s-safe or a-anything!"

  • Not Rhyiona stuff, but during the final battle, I was enjoying myself way too much, so I told Fiona and Sasha to take their sweet time. :)

  • Dammit Paul I was trying to be tragically romantic

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    He can't use his arms. He would charge at Kroger, trip him up, and then what? He would get stabbed himself, and Fiona would die anyway. :v

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