If you could change one decision...?

If you could change one decision you made in your original playthrough, whether it was a dialogue option or a big deciding factor, what would it be? For me there's always at least one thing that I feel like I screwed up on in each series.


  • unlocking zer0! oh god i was so cut he's my fave. also i didn't realise you could save yvette and now i feel really guilty.

  • tell everything to sasha and fiona,i should have never trusted Jack

  • not shooting Felix, I really could of used that 9 million

  • I'd love Loaderbot and Gortys all over again.

    And id kill less people, Yvette to start with

  • Jack's a nice guy.

    igormp posted: »

    tell everything to sasha and fiona,i should have never trusted Jack

  • edited October 2015

    Well for starters I woulda not trusted Jack, due to him trying to get Rhys to shove a metal endoskeleton inside himself, and I would also make it so that I had enough money to hire a Vault Hunter. (Even though I got ClapTrap lmao.)

  • I'd have warned Felix. I thought he was already dead so I decided he should choke on it! It wasn't clear to me initially warning him would actually save him.

    If I knew it would have saved him I would have warned him. Other than that my cannon play through was perfect!

  • Nothing, since all the decisions ultimately lead to the exact same outcome anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I made the mistake of killing Felix on my first playthrough. But then I realized the fact that he gives you a load of cash so I replayed the episodes.

    Jake360 posted: »

    I'd have warned Felix. I thought he was already dead so I decided he should choke on it! It wasn't clear to me initially warning him would a

  • I would either choose to warn Felix or shoot Finch.

  • I should've warned Felix. But i was so angry that he betrayed me, so i just said 'Choke on it'

  • Letting the tour group die or not saying Rhys was interested in Fiona in the last episode, I completely skipped over that option. :[

  • I should have let Felix live. That decision I did was out of my character.

  • Telltale just got Tellrekt

    Nothing, since all the decisions ultimately lead to the exact same outcome anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • edited October 2015

    I would have not given sasha the flower, everything else was pretty perfect.

  • Definitely shooting Felix, mainly so I could've gotten Claptrap.

  • Choosing to Rule Hyperion.

    It ultimately didn't give me any power and led to Sasha being pissed at me. :/

  • edited October 2015

    Ok, I'm saying it.

    Not Releasing scooters satellite. I didn't do it because I thought it would lead to an embellishment scene. So, So, sad.

    Either that or i'm just a heartless jerk.

  • I actually based that decision almost wholly on the fact that I didn't think Sasha would like it. And look at that! I got a hug out of it! Nice!

    Choosing to Rule Hyperion. It ultimately didn't give me any power and led to Sasha being pissed at me.

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