Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • tsunderes are love

    Quiff posted: »

    Our tsundere gurl :^)

  • because I love Juvia so so so so much

    Why do you keep doing this to me?

  • enter image description here

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • Looks like you can't deal with it, amirite, kiddo? B)

  • enter image description here

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • Is it your birthday-

    Happy birthday !

    enter image description here

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • Would be cool to be in this, but I guess you've already decided on which people to use.

    Jacol posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas, Some of you may have heard, some of you may not but I'm developing a Team Fortress 2 map with a little bit of Rhysha vs R

  • Yeah but that's still only 16%

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No. Letting Sasha pick the flower opens the Rhyiona dialogue in the end too. Can confirm because I didn't touch it.

  • Man, Chapter 2 ain't easy to write :(

    Maybe it won't be done by the end of today...

  • Yeah but it's pro-Rhyiona and that's what Navoc wanted, not the stats lol

    Yeah but that's still only 16%

  • Welcome baack! :^)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I AM BACK FROM THE PLACE-WITHOUT-THE-INTERNET! (remember the gif I was using when I left? now it makes sense, huh?) so! at first, I wante

  • inhalates to scream answer wait. what do you usually say when someone says "welcome back"...?...idea:

    thank yooooooooooou man! (creativity increased to -69)

    Quiff posted: »

    Welcome baack! :^)

  • Take your time. Rome wasn't built in one day :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Man, Chapter 2 ain't easy to write Maybe it won't be done by the end of today...

  • from marcus of course. there is a reason he's speaking with that russian accent, duh. he sells bears!

    enter image description here

    Where did you get the ammunition?

  • I think I'll leave it for today... I bought AC Syndicate earlier so I wanna check it out right now!

    Quiff posted: »

    Take your time. Rome wasn't built in one day

  • Goodnight everyone! Leaving early to get some AC Syndicate in my system :D

    Sweet Rhyiona dreams to all of you!! <3

  • It will happen and fangirling will ensue. ;)

    Let it happen!

  • I hate when 10 yrs old kids ask me that kind of a question.

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • Please tell me you're aren't being serious. I have a sneaking suspicion that you're joking, so I hope that is the case.

    If you are being for real, I honestly don't think you should bring that up here.

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • Just got back, went better than expected, Thanks bae. <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    good luck

  • Awesome, I am glad everything went good. Always, bae bae! <3

    Just got back, went better than expected, Thanks bae.

  • I'm sorry but this is epic. And I now ship Rhys x Godzilla.

    I'm going "Back to the Future" with Rhys and Fiona. enter link description here I'd made those Japanese dub clips a year ago.

  • Let's not bring drama here, thanks.

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • edited October 2015

    Because everyone loves wolf. The guy is too nice to exist.

    Before I go to sleep, I want to ask you a question right now. WHY WOLF GOT SO MANY BIRTHDAY ARTWORKS OF HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE!??

  • And to you too!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Goodnight everyone! Leaving early to get some AC Syndicate in my system Sweet Rhyiona dreams to all of you!!

  • nighty night bro <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Goodnight everyone! Leaving early to get some AC Syndicate in my system Sweet Rhyiona dreams to all of you!!

  • Rhys x Godzilla

    I want my fanart and I want it NOW please!

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I'm sorry but this is epic. And I now ship Rhys x Godzilla.

  • Night fam <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Goodnight everyone! Leaving early to get some AC Syndicate in my system Sweet Rhyiona dreams to all of you!!

  • Alrighty, just got back, time for some Rhyiona.

    enter image description here

  • Hope it's not the type of fanart I think it is.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Rhys x Godzilla I want my fanart and I want it NOW please!

  • Night' Hazza! (^^,)/

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Goodnight everyone! Leaving early to get some AC Syndicate in my system Sweet Rhyiona dreams to all of you!!


    So, this was something I have been wanting to ask for a long time: RAID BOSS and RAID BOSS RACE!!!!!!!!

    Actually we get a team of Rhyionans and take on the Raid Bosses of the Borderlands series. And since there are enough of us owning BL2 (how convinient) I was thinking doing Raid Boss Races. That's we group up in teams of 4 and see who can defeat the same raid boss first. If we can't all be on at the same time, to start at the same time, then someone in the group has to time the fight.

    So whose interested (please say you're interested, please, prease)

  • edited October 2015

    well, shit

    i gotta lvl up quickly...

    GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS So, this was something I have been wanting to ask for a long time: RAID BOSS and RAID BOSS RACE!!!!!!!!


    Hope it's not the type of fanart I think it is.

  • Oh yeah, of course, which playthrough does everyone do and if it's not TVHM or UVHM, then a max level needs to be set before hand. To level everything out.

    well, shit i gotta lvl up quickly...

  • edited October 2015

    I don't do it often, but that was an opening.

    Good luck getting that mental image out of your head though.

    Edit: Also my phone crashed in the middle of writing this message and that's why it looked weird.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • I wasn't sure on posting this before, so I kept it on Tumblr and shared it with those who were interested. After thinking about it. I think it's fine enough for the forums. :)

    Premise: After a long day of vault hunting, Fiona comes back with some tension in her back. Rhys, after watching a few videos on massaging, he tries to help Fiona get rid of that stress.

    “I’m home!” Fiona voice echos throughout the apartment. Is Rhys working late again? Fiona takes off her black jacket and throws it on the arm of the tan couch. She lays herself down on the couch, but not without caution. After all, she did throw her back while searching for another vault again.

    “Shit…If that damn bandit didn’t make me do some stupid aerobics this-”

    “What aerobics?”

    Fiona jumps a bit in her seat, causing some pain in her back. “Ow! What the hell Rhys?!

    “W-what?! I was just wondering!” Fiona sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

    “You’re always wondering. If you don’t stop your curious mind at some point, my fist may be the one to persuade you.”

    “Sorry! Anyway, what’s wrong?” Rhys jumps over the couch to sit next to his girlfriend of 7 months.

    “My back hurts. I think I threw it when I did the aerobics you were so curious about.”

    Rhys frowns. He hates seeing his girlfriend in pain. He did voice his concerns when she chose being a Vault Hunter as her occupation. Sometimes, the two would even go out on a mini-adventure of their own. He always constantly watched her, worried.

    “Can I give you a massage?” Rhys inquired. Fiona side eyes him, interested.

    “Color me surprised. Within the 7 months we’ve been together, I never knew you could do massages.”

    “I only watched a few videos on it. I’ve never actually tried it.” He smiles nervously.

    “Then let’s see if those videos trained you enough.”

    Excited, Rhys smiles wide. “Let’s go to the bed room, there’ll be more room there!”

    Rhys takes Fiona’s hand, guiding her to their bedroom which is a nice size for an apartment.

    Fiona takes off her shirt, only leaving her in the black bra that Rhys got her a few weeks back. She lays down on the bed covered with red and white sheets. “Whenever you’re ready.” Fiona says, turning her head slightly to look at Rhys…whose face is completely red.

    “I swear on anything, if you get a nosebleed when you’re doing this and you get blood on me, I’m seriously going to punch you…”

    “O-okay! Sorry, geez…” Rhys quickly runs to the bathroom to get the oil and when he comes back, he applies it to Fiona’s back.

    When did he get oil? Was he planning to do this at some point? She smiles slightly at the thought. How sweet of him.

    Rhys gets on the bed behind Fiona, getting on his knees to be in the best position. “Ready? I can’t guarantee-”

    “You talk too much, just go.”

    “Shut up…I was making sure…” Rhys mumbles to himself.

    Rhys’ fingers begin to touch her shoulder blade, causing Fiona to flinch when Rhys presses down on them slightly. “Geez, no more crazy stunts. I can’t do this if you’re going to move like that.”

    “I can handle this if I can handle Pandora. Please continue you.”

    Rhys does just that. He presses slightly harder against her nerves, trying to take out the knot that’s there. Fiona grabs the nearby pillow, gripping it tightly. However, Fiona can’t deny that Rhys’ touch is certainly doing some magic. It’s a nice pain that he can only deliver.

    The pain is no longer there in her shoulder blade. Rhys fingers travel down to the middle of her body, massaging along the way to find anymore knots. As he’s doing this, Fiona can feel the tension that she once felt slowly leave her body. She smiles, her cheeks slightly turning red.

    “You’re doing an nice job. Surprised you haven’t screwed it up.”

    “My fingers never mess up.” Rhys says in a flirtatious tone.

    “Only when you’re fighting.” She teases him.

    “You always seem to ruin anything I say if I flirt with you…”

    “I’m in charge of that department, can’t let my position get taken.”

    Rhys chuckles. He massages the middle of her back. About 15 minutes go by when he gets rid of the final knot. Fiona happily sighs, turning over to face Rhys, smiling. “Thanks, those videos really did help you.”

    Rhys smiles back, “I’m glad I was able to help you. Now that your back is good, we can-” Rhys is interrupted with Fiona’s finger touching his lips.

    “Not tonight. You can get a kiss though.” She takes her finger off his lips, replacing it with her lips, The two passionately kiss, before parting away for a breather.

  • Lol could you imagine if they had kids? Whoa...

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Alright, so I'm thinking of writing a story right now and I have a mighty need to include Vaughn in somehow (because last time I included Sasha) so should I give that a try? I'm not sure if I'm gonna write him very accurately since I only did that once so I'm sort of scared.

    I mean, shipper Vaughn. It needs to happen.

  • I can't bring myself to play Borderlands 2 again. After Tales from the Borderlands, I simply can't make myself shoot Loader Bots. :(

    GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS So, this was something I have been wanting to ask for a long time: RAID BOSS and RAID BOSS RACE!!!!!!!!

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