Time heals all wounds



  • Gortys spoke for all of us when she said "what a rollercoaster of emotions, huh?'

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Haha I feel you on that one dude. I was so freaking sad. I thought she was really gone. But then I got happy again and laughed when it dropped her. I was like MY EMOTIONS PLS STOP

  • edited October 2015

    But Timothy's not the body double in Opportunity. Also, when did Nisha have involvement in Bloodwing's murder?

    Otherwise, Lady Aurelia Hammerlock and Athena are safe.

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Pre-Sequel crew really got it bad though. Jack becomes Handsome Jack and dies in BL2. Jack copy killed off eventually by Handsome Jack

  • For sure lol.

    HLeigh0109 posted: »

    Gortys spoke for all of us when she said "what a rollercoaster of emotions, huh?'

  • I did think it was a cop out when it initially happened. However, thinking back, the tone shift would be too jarring if after mourning for Sasha for a few seconds, all the characters just started fighting over loot. Not really fitting for Borderlands to end on a depressing note.

  • Yes, but it's not like Telltale didn't know it was stupid. I thought of it more as a joke.

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