Can't Start Episode 5 - Saved Game Not Transferring

Alright, everyone, I've got a fairly serious issue here: I was ready to start Episode 5 and finish what was a very excellent game so far, but clicking on Play gave me the option of starting Episode 4 again. Trying to start Episode 5 said there were unfinished episodes, and it'd choose choices for me, which I don't want to do. So I played through Episode 4 again tonight all the way through, just to make sure, but I got an error I wasn't logged into my TTS account. Started again, and was back to the final scene in Episode 4, but still trying to click on Play said 'Start Episode 4'.

Can anyone give me an idea what's going on? I'm really, REALLY not wanting to start the game over from scratch, or play through Episode 4 for a third time now.

Support Tool link:


  • edited October 2015

    That sucks,man

  • I think this belongs in the support section.

  • Fair enough, though where is that located at? The Support section in general looks to have general FAQs, and not a link to any specific support forums.

    Reconn posted: »

    I think this belongs in the support section.

  • it's in the same place as ''Community'' and ''Games''.

    Fair enough, though where is that located at? The Support section in general looks to have general FAQs, and not a link to any specific support forums.

  • Still not really seeing it on either, but I did open up a support request... so that should hopefully work.

    Reconn posted: »

    it's in the same place as ''Community'' and ''Games''.

  • enter image description here

    Still not really seeing it on either, but I did open up a support request... so that should hopefully work.

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