What Do You Think TTGOT Did Right & Wrong

Opinion time and since Game of Thrones has been getting flack as of late, I want people to not only name what TTG has done wrong but also right. It ca arrange from anything, small to huge. If want to include a reason for why that thing is on either list, please do so; I'm interested in the why. :)

I'll start, and since this is on the spot, it won't be very long.

As for right:

  • Episode 2 as a whole: I think episode 2 is one of the best because it shows the determination to be a victor in what may seem like an impossible situation. Talia's song at the end fit the mood as well.
  • The last decision in episode 5

For wrong:

  • Mira's recent sections: I love getting my way out of trouble with words since I'm far less of a fighting type. Mira's sections were interesting to me until recently where she just seems useless since there is literally no way she can help her family in the state they're in. Plus, she doesn't feel like a Forrester since the game seems to focus on her so little.
  • Gared's sections: Same reason as I stated for Mira.
  • The traitor: This has been brought up so many times that I don't think it's necessary to talk about it.


  • I've been pretty happy with what Telltales done (including the traitor scene)

    Things I don't like:

    • Finn's death really sticks in my mind, I wish they did more with him, if they really felt the need to kill him off, wait until the final episode at least.
    • I wish Asher had a moment with Malcolm or Beskha about he feels about his family, we don't know his relationship with each of them and if he holds any anger towards them.

    That's about it, I've been really happy with this game.

  • edited October 2015

    Well, these are the things what Telltale's Game of Thrones I think they did right and wrong (in my opinion):

    For right:

    • Mira's story in the beginning was a little bit slow but as I saw in the later episodes, her story became more interesting.
    • Episode 4 as a whole: Episode 4 has to be my favorite episode in the entire series. It had many moments that made me nervous a lot, especially when it came to Highpoint. I didn't know what to do cause I was scared that I would end the lives of the Forresters.
    • Ethan's death was surprising. It reminded us in what world we're in and that every character can die always.
    • The last decision of episode 5.
    • The major choices in Game of Thrones are pretty hard to make.
    • Rodrik's revival. I know most of you were expecting for Rodrik to come back in episode 2 but I didn't. I thought he was dead for good. (Cause it's Game of Thrones xD)

    Now it's time for the wrong:

    • The traitor scene was kinda not well-written. It has to be one of my least favorite scenes in the entire series.
    • Gared's story for me isn't interesting as it was in the previous episodes.
    • There are too many characters from the show and we all know that we can't do anything to them. (Perfect example is in episode 5 where we have been given the choice whether or not stab Ramsay)
    • Finn's death. It's not a great death compared to the other deaths in Game of Thrones. More like a boring death.

    Overall the game is really great in my opinion and it is my favorite Telltale game. Every game has its good things and bad things.

  • Honestly, I was actually happy with this game and then all of a sudden. Nothing you did felt like it had any sort of weight...not even pretend weight....just felt like nothing.

    The whole traitor thing was built as a main plot and then...forget it...I can't even talk about this game anymore.


    Once again TTT is piggy backing off a already popular series. Hope they enjoyed my money with this one.

  • edited October 2015


    • Having Rodrik's death be a Red Herring. If they'd cut Ethan and just had Rodrik make it home with Gared, it would be odd as Rodrik would be expected to know all of the formalities of being a Forrester Lord while the player wouldn't. Learning it through Ethan first lets the player adjust to Rodrik's character easier.
    • Episode 2 as a whole. Probably my favourite TTG Episode.
    • Making Ironrath the most prominent of the POVs, and the rest sort of supplemental to it. There's probably not much difference in how much time we spend between POVs but Ironrath has been the most consistent overall - as it should be considering it's the home of all of the POVs
    • OH GOD THE FORESHADOWING & MIRRORING. This game is a fucking gold mine for it.
    • The end of every episode has been satisfying, be it tragic or triumphant.


    • Traitor scene. With Royland it just sort of breaks his character, and with Duncan it goes against the whole North Grove plot. I can kinda believe the 'I did it for this family' part but it's still kind of a shit choice. Should have been Ortengryn or Elissa.
    • The imbalance of POVs across Episodes. Naturally the Ironrath one is consistent, but it's been kind of bad these last few episodes. It started with Gared and Mira having a lot of focus and Asher having little, but now it's flipped completely and feels almost like Asher has as much as Gared and Mira do combined now.
    • Killing Arthur regardless. I think he should have been determinant depending on whether you brought him to Highpoint or not, but still ends up being ordered home by Ramsay. If he survives, Ramsay flays someone like Ortengryn in his place.
    • Finn's death.
    • Gryff's eye glitch. I'm not sure how that made it through testing.
    • I feel like we should have more hints towards the actual facts of what happened between the Whitehills and Forresters? They've been skirting around it for too long. I guess it's good not knowing whether we're playing the saints we think we are but I'd like to know if Thorren Forrester was the shithead I think he was. Hopefully they'll tell us in Ep6.
    • I feel as if the TV cast feature too heavily when we know what happens to them. (RAMSAY)

    All in all, good game. Definitely my favourite Telltale has done so far. S2 pls.

  • Traitor scene. With Royland it just sort of breaks his character, and with Duncan it goes against the whole North Grove plot. I can kinda believe the 'I did it for this family' part but it's still kind of a shit choice. Should have been Ortengryn or Elissa.

    Why would your mother betray you? lol That would make even lesser sense. Maester being the traitor is perfect though.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Right: * Having Rodrik's death be a Red Herring. If they'd cut Ethan and just had Rodrik make it home with Gared, it would be odd as Ro

  • She's gone behind Rodrik's back for Ryon before, when she asked Ludd if he could attend the funeral, I imagine she'd do it again.

    Though the context of the traitor scene would have to change, I doubt Elissa would do exactly the same things as Royland/Duncan.

    Traitor scene. With Royland it just sort of breaks his character, and with Duncan it goes against the whole North Grove plot. I can kinda be

  • edited October 2015


    • Characters actually last in this game. We get to learn things about them, connect with them, and care about them. I was worried that Telltale would pull another TWD: Season 2 and just kill off everyone for the sake of cheap, shocking scenes. I'm glad characters are on-screen for more than a few moments before their death. The important characters, at least.
    • Things haven't been predictable, at least in my opinion. I never expected the brothers choice. The North Grove is still a HUGE mystery to me. What is it? What will it do? Does Gared have any idea how to get it back to House Forrester? Is it even real? Who knows. Well, Telltale, but y'know.
    • Ethan's death. It was shocking, and in a way I love. It started the whole thing out the right way. Fuck Ramsay.
    • Gared, as a character. He exists. That makes me happy.
    • Tension. The Highpoint scene in particular. Telltale does nothing better than tension.
    • The overall story. I love it.


    • The traitor scene. Yeah, I know, that's what this forum has been about for the last 3 months, but still. Royland made no sense as traitor, at least to me. House Forrester was what he lived for. His actions in-game reflected that. Should have been kept as the Maester.
    • Finn's death. I'm not big on choices 'mattering' as I focus more on story, but man, I wanted Finn alive. Episode 4 started off so well with him alive, and then he was killed right after. I wasn't even shocked, because it was so painfully clear what Telltale would do with him.
    • Gryff has magical healing powers?????
    • Arthur. Made sense for me, but for others? He was outside the Great Hall! How did Ramsay even know he'd be tied up for those who had Arthur with them to Highpoint????
    • GARED AND MIRA IN EPISODE 5. Gared did what? Sit by a fire, hunt rabbits (that they LEAVE regardless!), and then ran away from some wights. That's not an episode worth of a POV's story. With how short the episode was, they should have at least allowed us to do SOMETHING else with Gared and Mira. Longer conversations with characters, learning more about them, would have done for me.
    • Ramsay -- his choice in episode 5. We know we can't kill him, don't tease us.

    Okay, but I still love this series. Just a few things that have happened I don't agree with.

  • edited October 2015

    Despite some missteps and missed opportunities, I love Game of Thrones by Telltale. So here is what I love most and what I don't like.

    Love (Since what's right can be subjective)

    • Rodrik Forrester. I love this character so much! Initially I thought that his character was just meant to die in the Red Wedding. Then he turned out to be alive. In a series where a lot of characters die, this was so refreshing and so awesome to see. And he immediately filled Ethan's void and become my favorite character. His story is all about endurance and recovery. He has to go through constant humiliation, beating and suffering, in order to recover. That doesn't break him, it only serve to make him stronger. It is his story that I am looking forward to every time.
    • The Forresters in general. I grow to care about the Forresters more than the Starks. Because everything we do it is for the sake of keeping the family from falling apart. No world saving issue, just a focused goal about keeping ourselves from extinction.
    • The characters are far more relatable. We are seeing the world from another perspective. We aren't playing as a powerful noble. Rodrik and Ethan are by all means a small time lord. Asher is a simple warrior. Mira is a simple handmaiden. Gared is a simple squire. Yet that doesn't stop them from doing awesome stuff and be badass. All of them are willing to raise to do great deeds in order to save their family. Ethan immediately rose to his task as the lord. Rodrik ignoring his suffering and becomes an unbroken leader. Asher helping Daenerys take Meeren. Mira playing the Game of Thrones. Gared grows from a squire to a skilled warrior who can fight wrights.
    • I constantly feel tense when I play this game. Just like in Game of Thrones, the difference is, this is more personal, because you are these characters. You know that you can die for real.
    • Ballad of the Forrester by Talia. This was the moment that the Forresters stop looking like a Stark copy and carved their own identity. I love that moment. :)

    The thing I dislike

    • Lot of missed opportunities. Such as more exploration around Ironrath.
    • Lot more noteworthy railroading, such as our choices doesn't matter (EP6 can still prove me wrong)
    • They didn't need to use Ramsay that much. An original character could have served the same role.

    And that's it I think. I mean besides these points, there hasn't been anything that has been a glaring problem to me that completely destroyed my experience. The traitor scene didn't bother me, I love it actually.

    While Tales from the Borderlands has become my favorite Telltale game, Game of Thrones has a special place in my heart. :)

  • edited October 2015


    • The different point of views.

    • The sence that everything could go terribly wrong at any time during Rodricks story line.

    • Talia's song

    • Ethan's death was brave and unexpected


    • Traitor...

    • Shoving in as many characters from the TV show as possible. Felt like marketing.

    • After episode 5 everything I've done seems like a giant waste of time so I really don't care what happens.

  • Gryff's eye glitch. I'm not sure how that made it through testing.

    If this isn't fixed in Episode 6 then this game will lose some points for me. I'm also astounded how they released the episode with a glitch like that.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Right: * Having Rodrik's death be a Red Herring. If they'd cut Ethan and just had Rodrik make it home with Gared, it would be odd as Ro

  • I wish they would have had the mom or the daughter be the traitor. It seemed like the perfect set up but for some reason we got what we got.

    What is even more crazy is we gotta wait so long to finish out this dreaded season. Heck I'm enjoying MC story mode and I don't even like MC Story mode.

  • Especially the Asher thing...

    We need a flashback scene somewhere in episode 6

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I've been pretty happy with what Telltales done (including the traitor scene) Things I don't like: * Finn's death really sticks in m

  • edited October 2015


    • The political schemes in King's Landing.

    • The Coronation Feast is still my favourite part of the whole game.

    • Despite Mira's distance, they found a great way to make her useful for her family, which was stopping the hundreds of sellswords the Whitehills were hiring from steamrolling Ironrath.

    • Side characters are interesting, and I want to know more about them even if some of them had next to no screen time.

    • Everything Morgryn.

    • The soundtrack is great.

    • The scene at Highpoint was pretty good, especially the Game Over scene.

    • Everything Asher.

    • Beskha is absolutely amazing. Love her back story, it was presented on a perfect way that made me want to give her a hug, although I don't think she would like to be hugged.

    • Voice acting is superb.

    • "You fuck potatoes?" is already a funny line on itself, but the delivery made it hilarious.


    • Gared's scenes were all filler in Episode 5.

    • Finn's death was beyond ridiculous.

    • The whole traitor thing was badly written, which resulted on the traitor only making sense if you played a certain way as Rodrik.

    • Mira was holding the Idiot Ball during the whole Episode 5. Not only she forgot to mention to Sera that she lied to Tarwick to protect her, she was also suddenly unable to drop subtle hints when talking to Tyrion.

    • Rodrik picked up the Idiot Ball in the end of the episode and jumped head-first in what he knew was an ambush.

    • Putting so many canon characters in the story was a very bad idea. They limit the possibilities for the plot way too much because they already have a story written for them, and TellTale can't change it too much. This can also cause inconsistencies with the established timeline, as is Ramsay's case.

    • Having different POVs, while an important characteristic of the source material, worked against TellTale's model. The episodes are short and far apart, and we ended up with about thirty minutes of screen time per episode for each of the main characters (more for some, less for others, depending on the episode. Gared and Mira were overall too neglected for my tastes). After five episodes, it feels like the storylines didn't go as far as they could have gone. I expect Episode 6 to have more progress, since we will only have three POVs, so all the main characters should have more screen time.

    • Too many times, an obvious dialogue option wasn't present. Ramsay asking if we showed mercy to Gryff, we couldn't say we did. Sera asking what Mira had done for her lately, Mira couldn't say she lied to Tarwick. I would also have liked if they had given us the opportunity to confront Morgryn about his "odd reputation" during the Coronation Feast, but that's just a detail that would amuse me and not something as important and obvious as the first two examples.

    There are many other small gripes I have with the game, but they are too small to be worth mentioning. All in all, I think the things done right still outweighs the ones done wrong. It's a good game.

  • Right:

    Ironrath Storyline

    Merging of character stories

    Fight scenes

    The dialogue options

    Essos scenes


    Sentinel choice

    Handling determinant characters

    A Nest of Vipers...

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