Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    For some reason, instead of finding them hawt, I find them pretty pretty disturbing :/

    Also, you're dying to see them, huh? :p

    I heard you forced Wolfe to look at some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Borderlands pics, can you PM them to me? It's for science

  • I'm immune u lower class n00b

    git cancer

    oh w8, you already got it lel

    How cum u didn't git le cancer b0ss?

  • He has a busy life you know.

    Working in He- wait nvm.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you don't even pay attention to your daughter growing up??? HORRIBLE, RHYS

  • Working with Fiona*

    He has a busy life you know. Working in He- wait nvm.

  • Of baby but I'm in the street now. I'll do it later <3

    I heard you forced Wolfe to look at some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Borderlands pics, can you PM them to me? It's for science

  • he's never too busy for his own child


    He has a busy life you know. Working in He- wait nvm.

  • Yo I send them in the Chatzy chat today.

    I heard you forced Wolfe to look at some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Borderlands pics, can you PM them to me? It's for science

  • edited October 2015


    Yo I send them in the Chatzy chat today.

  • ;-;

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'm immune u lower class n00b git cancer oh w8, you already got it lel

  • I actually did but whatever.

    I don't get enough credit for my job.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I heard you forced Wolfe to look at some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Borderlands pics So I've heard...

  • I'll send them ;)

    Daryace posted: »

    Of baby but I'm in the street now. I'll do it later

  • You're not old enough yet, that's why I sent it to you.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    For some reason, instead of finding them hawt, I find them pretty pretty disturbing Also, you're dying to see them, huh?

  • Sir always helping me <33 Currently you are my cyber-Handsome Jack IA (?)

    Yo I send them in the Chatzy chat today.

  • I don't get enough credit for my job.

    enter image description here

    I actually did but whatever. I don't get enough credit for my job.

  • Yo I already sent it along time ago.


  • Ayy happy to help.

    enter image description here

    Daryace posted: »

    Sir always helping me <33 Currently you are my cyber-Handsome Jack IA (?)

  • It is rather jarring, that Troy and Ashley voices Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us and Rhys and Gortys in Tales from the Borderlands

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you don't even pay attention to your daughter growing up??? HORRIBLE, RHYS

  • edited October 2015

    Yea I can't go that far back into chat


    Yo I already sent it along time ago.

  • edited October 2015

    Currently you are my cyber-Handsome Jack IA (?)

    enter image description here

    DarySir confirmed.

    Daryace posted: »

    Sir always helping me <33 Currently you are my cyber-Handsome Jack IA (?)

  • I think it was a great fit. Father and daughter once again!

    It is rather jarring, that Troy and Ashley voices Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us and Rhys and Gortys in Tales from the Borderlands

  • A lewd world?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • Hope Fiona enjoys her time in ghe whole new world she ended up with Rhys. Hopefully those 9 million dollars aren't worthless wherever they ended up.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • Aye! Did you know that Gortys can say "I love you, Rhys." ? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think it was a great fit. Father and daughter once again!

  • Oh... crap. The strawpolls are coming back? ;-;

    Eryka posted: »

    @SirScrubbington win with 43 votes http://strawpoll.me/5819572/r

  • You two really hate me, huh? ;-;

    You're not old enough yet, that's why I sent it to you.

  • what even

    Eryka posted: »

    @SirScrubbington win with 43 votes http://strawpoll.me/5819572/r

  • No. Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Oh... crap. The strawpolls are coming back? ;-;

  • edited October 2015

    So this is my 2nd fanfiction with Rhyiona , enjoy it.

    Also this is set a few years after the events of TFTB.

    She wanted none of those nights to end and it was always with dissapointment that she watched the darkness fade.

    I like the night. Without the dark , we'd never see the stars. That's the advantage of insomnia , people who go to bed early always complain that the night is too short , but for those of us who stay up all night , it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done.

    Rhys was walking through the quiet desert. Nights on Pandora were really strange for him , so quiet , so peaceful , so beautiful.

    Rhys sighed. Looking straight at Elpis past memories came in his mind about Hyperion , the Vault , his adventure , AI Jack. Ugh , Jack... Rhys thought.

    He sat there staring at Elpis lost in his thoughts for what seemed like ages , it almost felt -...


    Rhys shook his head , intrrerupted from his thoughts. He slowly picked up his advanced walkie-talkie.

    "Yeah ?" Rhys asked.

    "Rhys what the hell are you doing , I've been sitting here with the skag meat for centuries , did you get in trouble again , or are you just a dummy and keep forgetting about me ?" said Fiona.

    "Wha-.. No , of course not. I was just admiring the sky geez , forgive me for wanting a moment of peace in my life." said Rhys.

    On the other side , Fiona rolled her eyes. " You were admiring the sky for a whole hour ?"

    Rhys eyes widened and asked in surprise "What ?"

    Fiona said with an annoyed tone. "Ugh , just get back here so we can eat and go to sleep already , next time I'm not waiting for you anymore."

    "Alright , alright , sorry. Just give me 5 minutes and I'll be back before you know it." Rhys said with an apologizing tone.

    Fiona sighed. "Please don't get in trouble on the way back."

    "I won't , talk to you soon , Fi." said Rhys before putting his walkie-talkie back in his pocket.

    Rhys looked back one more time at Elpis before heading back to Fiona.

    Back at the fire place , Fiona was making 2 beds out of whatever few blankets she had while waiting for Rhys's dumb face to show up.

    Looks like we're stargazing tonight , not like you've done that every single night since the start of this journey , Fi , and with few hours of sleep nonetheless. She thought.

    Well atleast it's better than sharing a bed in a closed space with that dummy.

    Fiona took a moment to look at the stars that were in front of her. She never was in space except when they had to go to Helios , even then she couldn't enjoy it too much.

    I wonder how it feels to be Hyperion and stare at Pandora from up there . That ex-Hyperion moron sure had a good view. She thought.

    Maybe one day I'll get off this planet , into space , and fly away from here... maybe.

    Fiona sighed.

    "Hey." a voice came from behind her.

    She turned around to find none other than the worst thing in her life. "You sure took your time." She said.

    "Well yeah , I felt like wasting time stargazing some more." Rhys said with a smile. "You ate already ?"

    Fiona smiled back. "Of course not ya dope , I've told you that I can wait. Now come on , I'm starving."

    Fiona was lying on her blanket while came back from extinguishing the fire.

    "It's kinda dark here ya know ?" Fiona raised her eyebrow.

    "I'll keep you safe from monsters." said Rhys while lying down on the blanket.

    Fiona chuckled. "If you say so , but it's still dark in here."

    Rhys extended his arm . making light all over the place.

    "Now we can see eachother perfectly fine." said Rhys.

    "It's a good thing you use your cybernetics to help a lady." said Fiona while looking at him.

    "Yup." said Rhys.

    Fiona looked at the sky. "Actually , you can stop , I want to stargaze without the light from your arm."

    And both of them sat in silence and stargazed for a long , long time. But neither of them were tired , in fact it was the opposite.

    "Ever wondered what's the life of a comet ?" Rhys asked while looking at the sky , breaking the silence.

    "Uhh , no not really. Why?" Fiona asked while looking at him.

    "Travelling around the universe for billions of years , thousands of kilometers , alone." said Rhys , still looking at the sky.

    Fiona looked back to the sky , seeing the passing comet. She was staring blankly at it , not saying a word.

    "This... makes you reflect on your life somehow. On everything that happened in the past , everything that lies in the future." said Rhys , still looking at the sky.

    Fiona kept staring at the comet while listening to what Rhys said , but still being silent.

    "Rhys... can I ask you something ?" Fiona turned around to look at him.

    "Sure... go ahead." Rhys still keeping his eyes on the sky.

    "Do you uh-... do you... think everything happens for a reason?" said Fiona while staring at his face.

    And Rhys sat there in silence for a thousand minutes , never tearing his eyes from the sky.

    "Nothing happens without a cause." said Rhys , finally tearing his eyes from the sky and looking at Fiona.

    Fiona looked at him and nodded , she didn't want to hear any more. His answer was enough. They continued stargazing in silence , until finally losing track of time.

    "I wish I could sleep." whispered Fiona.
    "Yeah... same." said Rhys , staring at the sky.

    And yet again they sat in silence and stared for a few minutes. Rhys extended his arm and activated it.

    "I've got an idea." said Rhys with a smile on his face.

    "Which is ?" Fiona asked.

    Rhys didn't answer , instead he went through the menu , in his music playlist , and played an instrumental song.

    Fiona was confused. "Uhh..."
    Rhys looked at her , smile on his face and started singing :

    enter link description here

    *I need another story

    Something to get off my chest

    My life gets kinda boring

    Need something that I can confess

    'Til all my sleeves are stained red

    From all the truth that I've said

    Come by it honestly I swear

    Thought you saw me wink, no

    I've been on the brink, so*

    *Tell me what you want to hear

    Something that were like those years

    Sick of all the insincere

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    This time don't need another perfect line

    Don't care if critics never jump in line

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away…*

    Fiona started singing lyrics of her own :

    *My God, amazing how we got this far

    It's like we're chasing all those stars

    Who's driving shiny big black cars

    And everyday I see the news

    All the problems that we could solve

    And when a situation rises

    Just write it into an album

    Send it straight to gold

    I don't really like my flow, no, so

    Tell me what you want to hear

    Something that are like those years

    Sick of all the insincere

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    This time, don't need another perfect lie

    Don't care if critics never jump in line

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away.*

    Then they both started to sing together :

    *Oh, got no reason, got no shame

    Got no family I can't blame

    Just don't let me disappear

    I'mma tell you everything

    So tell me what you want to hear

    Something that'll light those ears

    Sick of all the insincere

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    This time, don't need another perfect lie

    Don't care if critics never jump in line

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away.*

    *So tell me what you want to hear

    Something that delight those ears

    Sick of all the insincere

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    This time, don't need another perfect lie

    Don't care if critics ever jump in line

    I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    All my secrets away, all my secrets away.*

    Too bad the song had to end.

    So yeah that was it , it's not that great , it's the 2nd fanfiction I've ever wrote , but I hope that you guys still enjoyed this stuff. Love ya.

  • Working on another one-shot though for our wonderful ship. Wouldn't you agree it's just wonderful, @ABigBadWolf? ;)

  • Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming!

    enter image description here

    Just don't put me in them.

    Eryka posted: »

    No. Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming!

  • And if they did? What are you guys gonna do about it?

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Oh... crap. The strawpolls are coming back? ;-;

  • No. Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming!

    Rhyiona, help us all...

    Eryka posted: »

    No. Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming!

  • edited October 2015

    And if they did? What are you guys gonna do about it?

    enter image description here

    I'm sure that we will improvise.

    Green613 posted: »

    And if they did? What are you guys gonna do about it?

  • I'll clearly put you in them

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Strawpolls with multiple votes are coming! Just don't put me in them.

  • Goodbye, guys. I won't be here to see the strawpollcalypse happening again in the thread. xP

    Eryka posted: »

    @SirScrubbington win with 43 votes http://strawpoll.me/5819572/r

  • I'll clearly put you in them

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'll clearly put you in them

  • It won't happen again

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Goodbye, guys. I won't be here to see the strawpollcalypse happening again in the thread. xP

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