Your favourite TFTB moments

Tales is finally over and is probably my favourite TellTale game since TWD (I liked TWAU as well) but anyways, this is just a place to discuss there favourite episodes, moments, desicions and dialogues. Also, what do you think happened at the end? Where did Rhys and Fiona go?


  • The name is a bit misleading.

  • Changed it. Is that better?

    The name is a bit misleading.

  • (in letter format, because numbers imply favoritism and I just can't pick favorites between these three moments)

    A. The intro (music credits) to episode 2. I will never get over how badass that is.

    B. That moment at the end of episode 2 where you have to choose between trusting Fiona and trusting Jack. It was sudden and unexpected, and everything escalated reaaally quickly. The music during that scene was also fantastic.

    1. The entire sequence from the music credits at the beginning through the final scene between Rhys and Jack at the Helios crash site. Words cannot describe how much I love that telltale brought the intensity and emotion I've come to expect from them. Sure, this game has been largely a fun (and funny!) adventure, but damnnn son, that scene between Rhys and Jack.... Major props to everyone involved.
  • Episode 2 ending was beautiful

    enter link description here

  • That Episode 2 endjng. Great music, great outcome if you trust Jack.

    And of course the reveal of the stranger.

  • Every intro was simply amazing, especially Episode 2 and 5. I also loved the Episode 4 reject ending ("No. I am Handsome, goddamned Jack!"). The fight with the Traveler was great of course, aaand the ending where you could reflect back on everything.

    The funniest moment for me is a toss up between Sasha being revived and then falling on the ground, or Athena's reaction to Fiona carrying around an eyeball. "It's not that weird-" "Oh my god yes! Yes it is!"

  • Everytime you hit Start Episode and you already know

    enter image description here

  • Episode 1:

    1. Intro
    2. Loader Bot fight scene
    3. Penumbra's scanned information ("What are you going to do, stab me." Death By: Stabbing)
    4. ? Shade's face will remember that
    5. Blow his mind
    6. Bossanova and Zero introduction
    7. Pinky promise (come on, you knew I was going to say that)
    8. Fiona's part of the bandit race

    Episode 2:

    1. Scooping out Pollux's eye
    2. First time talking to Handsome Jack
    3. Intro
    4. Handsome Jack's shenanigans if you don't tell Vaughn about him.
    5. Scooter's reaction to Sasha
    6. "I am shame."
    7. Final decision

    Episode 3:

    1. Both openings
    2. Meeting Gortys (? Awesome)
    3. Intro
    4. Jack and Rhys on the caravan
    5. Jack-apedia
    6. Cassius' sucky cat
    7. Buying new outfits and accessories for the group
    8. Every single Rhys and Sasha moment, especially the flower (again, you knew I was saying that)
    9. Athena training Fiona
    10. Last 10 minutes

    Episode 4:

    1. Rhys' killer plan
    2. Rhysquez: Jack's inside Rhys who's inside Vasquez
    3. Scooter admitting he has a crush on Fiona
    4. Janey and Fiona conversation about Athena
    5. "You're the only one running pal I can fly."
    6. Intro
    7. Scooter's death
    8. Using the stun rod on Yvette
    9. Shooting Butt Stallion
    10. Finger gun fight
    11. Rejecting Hyperion

    Episode 5:

    1. Punching Yvette
    2. August saving the day
    3. Loader Bot's "death" and Intro
    4. Final confrontation between Jack and Rhys
    5. Shooting Finch
    6. "What isn't complicated is the fact that you were making googly eyes with my sister the entire time you were around."
    7. Reuniting with Vaughn
    8. Stranger's reveal
    9. Picking the team
    10. Everything Claptrap says
    11. Epic Traveler and Gortys fight scene
    13. Sasha's "death"
    14. Loader Bot and Gortys hug
  • I agree with everything you just said, pal. I also liked how satisfying the end to EP5 was. Sure, it was a cliffhanger, but, it left me with a warm, happy feeling.

    Episode 1: * Intro * Loader Bot fight scene * Penumbra's scanned information ("What are you going to do, stab me." Death By: Stabbing

  • Funny moment: Finger gun fight

    Dramatic moment: Rhys and Jack's final confrontation

    1. Loader Bot vs. Bandits
    2. Ambush on August's deal
    3. The Race Attack
    4. Helios attacking the group
    5. Athena's chase on Fiona and Sasha
    6. The opening scenes of episode 3 (Both)
    7. Meeting Vallory
    8. Meeting Gortys [(?) Awesome]
    9. The intro of episode 3
    10. Rhys and Sasha's moments including Rhys putting a flower on Sasha's hair [(?) Sasha will remember that]
    11. Fiona and Sasha vs Finch and Kroger
    12. Rhys, Sasha and Loader Bot stopping August from chasing Gortys
    13. Fiona and Athena vs Brick and Mordecai
    14. The ending of episode 3
    15. Rhys and Vaughn bro-knee [(?) I'm the broest of bros]
    16. Rhys and Jack tracking down Vasquez's body and face
    17. The intro of episode 4
    18. Rhys stuning Yvette out
    19. Finger gun fight (Pew pew pew, shu shu shu)
    20. Escaping Helios
    21. Handsome Jack's final moments
    22. The storm by Gortys' final form
    23. Stranger's identity
    24. The Vault Team vs the Traveler
    25. Sasha's troll death
    26. The ending of episode 5
  • It didn't leave me with a warm, happy feeling, it left me utterly depressed and sad over the fact it was over and an even bigger need for a Season 2.

    AChicken posted: »

    I agree with everything you just said, pal. I also liked how satisfying the end to EP5 was. Sure, it was a cliffhanger, but, it left me with a warm, happy feeling.

  • Every single freaking intro was incredible.

  • The intro and outro of Episode 5 did it for me.

    The bit where you control Gortys though was definitely the best so far. If there is a Season 2, I know it will be packed with more great moments.

  • The references to earlier episodes.

    • Enhance?!

    • What's up Glasses Face. Not much Hat Lady!

    • The finger fights through the series, and then the full fight in episode 4.

    I'm sure there are more but i can't remember!

  • Ugh Sasha's troll death lol. That part was an emotional rollercoaster for sure.

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Loader Bot vs. Bandits * Ambush on August's deal * The Race Attack * Helios attacking the group * Athena's chase on Fiona and Sasha *

  • Telltale clearly noticed people shipping Rhysha and they had to make us think they would have balls to destroy that.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Ugh Sasha's troll death lol. That part was an emotional rollercoaster for sure.

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