Loaderbot and Rhys

I think no one did mention this ever. Why was Loaderbot as the Stranger so damn agressive towards Rhys even if he didnt blow him up. Speaking of blowing stuff up. Fiona and Sasha blew Gortys up to send the Traveler away. Shouldnt Loaderbot be more agressive towards Fiona? I dont get it.

Why Loaderbot I thought you love me...

enter image description here


  • edited October 2015

    LB is undercover, so he can't act like he knows Rhys and gather suspicion. Also, maybe he was taking his anger out on Rhys considering he was angry. LB still loves his father though. Maybe he did beat up Fiona since she was captured first.

  • What J-Master said, I took it more as him trying to stay undercover and put on an act to throwRhys and Fiona off.

  • LB was acting. Like he said at the reveal, if he revealed himself, Rhys and Fiona would probably sugercoat the story in order to spare his feelings. Or given Rhys' and Fiona's profession. A Hyperion Stooge and Con artist, not the most trustworthy persons in the galaxy, he has to make them believe that he was a Stranger in order to have a more trustworthy version of their story.

  • This was mentioned before, actually, but so as not to resurrect threads I'll say this here - because it's socially acceptable to beat up defenseless men, but hitting a woman is crossing the moral event horizon. :)

  • Fiona punched Yvette in the face at least.

    This was mentioned before, actually, but so as not to resurrect threads I'll say this here - because it's socially acceptable to beat up defenseless men, but hitting a woman is crossing the moral event horizon.

  • Yeah, but women are allowed to punch other women, no matter the circumstances.

    J-Master posted: »

    Fiona punched Yvette in the face at least.

  • I know, I'm just pointing out that at least one women got punched in the face even if the puncher was another women.

    Yeah, but women are allowed to punch other women, no matter the circumstances.

  • True (and satisfying), but it doesn't have any bearing on the LB issue which is... awkward, at least.

    J-Master posted: »

    I know, I'm just pointing out that at least one women got punched in the face even if the puncher was another women.

  • i read the title of this thread and immediately thought it was one of those creepy roboshipping threads...

    enter image description here

  • If you are silent when fiona gets to interrogate him, rhys will ask why loader bot was abusing him and he says "i thought i was betrayed" so :l

  • Yeah, but wth did Rhys have to do with that?! He was god knows where, becoming Atlas' CEO, and nowhere near Gortys. LB saw Fiona and Sasha shooting Gortys, he didn't see Rhys anywhere close (cause he wasn't there)...

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If you are silent when fiona gets to interrogate him, rhys will ask why loader bot was abusing him and he says "i thought i was betrayed" so :l

  • Like I said, LB could've easily been acting to throw Fiona and Rhys off so they wouldn't gather suspicion. Also, if Fiona asks why take them prisoner, LB will say that he was angry so LB just takes his anger out on Rhys the punching bag, but that's left up to interpretation for me personally.

    Yeah, but wth did Rhys have to do with that?! He was god knows where, becoming Atlas' CEO, and nowhere near Gortys. LB saw Fiona and Sasha shooting Gortys, he didn't see Rhys anywhere close (cause he wasn't there)...

  • edited October 2015

    Well, acting mean to someone you consider your mentor/father figure doesn't really strike me as the LB thing to do... LB was always painfully genuine. But no matter LB's characterization, I feel the Stranger not punching Fiona was due to the established 'hurting women makes you unsympathetic' thing... Which I - surprise! - agree with... I just really don't see punching defenseless men as being any better.

    J-Master posted: »

    Like I said, LB could've easily been acting to throw Fiona and Rhys off so they wouldn't gather suspicion. Also, if Fiona asks why take them

  • loader bot is sexist and treats women better than men, it is clearly a comment on societal values like most sci-fi is, or you know, just because or whatever, no need to overanalyze it

  • He was angry at the betrayal, and taking it out on Rhys. He says so in the interrogation.

    Why Rhys, though? I dunno, I guess he seems like a better punchbag.

  • Rhys is punched in the face all the time anyway, a few more cuts and bruises wouldn't be noticed.

    FishySticks posted: »

    He was angry at the betrayal, and taking it out on Rhys. He says so in the interrogation. Why Rhys, though? I dunno, I guess he seems like a better punchbag.

  • In the ama the staff said the strangers identity was left open until near the end of the series, so I think the stranger being mad at Rhys was just for comedic effect. Smacking Rhys around (the comedic buffoon), rather than Fiona (the sterner of the two) just lends itself to a lighter tone. I don't think there is any reason to over analyse this, especially as it has been confirmed they didn't know it was going to be loader bot until near the end of development.

  • Well, he was just going through some things. He is a robot after all that's constantly evolving. I guess that's my interpretation.

    Well, acting mean to someone you consider your mentor/father figure doesn't really strike me as the LB thing to do... LB was always painfull

  • He begged Rhys as his final request while saving Rhys to save Gortys.

    After which, Rhys modded himself, stole Atlas, and when asked by the Stranger point blank about Gortys tried to sell him a fake investment on Eden.

    If you read that scene as the Stranger asking about a loved one, and not a vault, that is a really horrible answer.

  • lol yes

    i read the title of this thread and immediately thought it was one of those creepy roboshipping threads...

  • I saw things on google images.

    Terrible, terrible things...

    i read the title of this thread and immediately thought it was one of those creepy roboshipping threads...

  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2015

    Ok, the first attack was just trying to subdue Rhys (punch/Rhys title card)

    The next one was in response to Rhys being a smartass

    Nothing particular violent by Pandora's standard and completely in-character (asserting dominance and hiding identity)

    Then Rhys said "Gortys is bad business", not "The Gortys Project is bad business" and then tried to deflect with the Eden deal

    That response would anger anyone if you are talking about a loved one, The stranger displayed a commendable degree of restraint

    The next "violent" interaction: agreeing to Fiona's request about punching Rhys

    It is just a case of trying to assert control over the pair and knowing Rhys' behavior (If you let him start talking...)

    It could also be a delayed response to the previous one

    Then the next (and last) "violent interaction" is on episode 4, and that one is completely justified: Rhys told Fiona to attempt to escape

    Even if Fiona did try to escape, Rhys was the instigator.

  • Well technically, it was because of Rhys (who of course Loader Bot voluntarily saved, but still) that Loader Bot "died". Thankfully, he didn't actually die.

  • I really would have liked to see them both get hit just instead of Rhys. It would have nabbed some funny dialogue from Fiona in return.

    This was mentioned before, actually, but so as not to resurrect threads I'll say this here - because it's socially acceptable to beat up defenseless men, but hitting a woman is crossing the moral event horizon.

  • , but hitting a woman is crossing the moral event horizon. :)

    enter image description here

    Been there done that

    This was mentioned before, actually, but so as not to resurrect threads I'll say this here - because it's socially acceptable to beat up defenseless men, but hitting a woman is crossing the moral event horizon.

  • I think he was overacting to cover up his friendship with Rhys, he probably thought that they would figure it out if he went to soft on him so he went all out. Remember, Loader Bot just started to become more self aware after Jack died in BL 2.

  • oh thank god, i thought this was going to be another rhoaderbot thread

  • To me it felt more for comedic effect. Rhys heals his wounds from The Stranger after every instance. So treating the abuse to be something more would hurt enjoying the story. The dude is a punching bag to almost all characters.

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