What would you have changed in Until Dawn? *MAJOR SPOILERS*
I have to admit that I'm among those who were disappointed with the 'big twist that the serial killer/slasher flick was really just an elaborate revenge prank all along, while the Wendigo were the true villains of the story', and much preferred if the theme carried on throughout the entire game rather than half-way. Nevertheless, it was still a solid game overall and played out the Butterfly Effect system in an interesting direction.
I was also surprised at Sam and Mike's ridiculous plot armour for 95% of the game and would rather change that so that they can actually die early on, as well as allowing Matt and Jessica to have more screen-time.
Granted this isn't one of those 'I hate Until Dawn because it didn't play the way I wanted to', but rather the 'Until Dawn was good, but what if this were to happen instead?'
What are your ideas for Until Dawn?
I haven't played the game yet, I've just watched it on Youtube.
Anyway, I really wish the epilogues were longer.
I would want for Matt and Jess to meet up in episode 8(or 7) and then try to meet up with the rest of the group by episode 9. Cliche? Yes. But this game is Cliche. sigh
Make it non-PS4 exclusive.
Everything... this game is overrated
You can't really have a game where all characters can die at the beginning. It would be horribly arduous to try to make a story driven game work in that regard. You need something for the game to continue around, which was Mike and Sam. I completely agree about Jess and Matt though.
I really wanted Mike's hand to bleed when he broke the bulb at the end. I was actually really disappointed when he didn't.
Didn't that happen?
The game sucks.
I've very picky with the things I get into to. To put it bluntly, I don't like to waste my time watching or playing shit due to being a full time college student whom has to take care of her family as well as work everyday. There are few things I can find myself getting into or actually giving anytime to, so I generally like to think that if I actually give something my time it's actually worth something or pretty good. Though my opinion on what is considered to be shit is obviously subjective to my vies and likes/dislikes. Anyways... I think the game was very good for what is was. It kinda knew what is wanted to do, and did it. It executed some things greatly, and others things could've been done much better.
I think we should consider a few things...
The game is gorgeous first of all. And I have to ask, would people want to sacrifice the quality of the graphics for say, more time playing? Or do you appreciate the the time that was taken and the money sunk into making this seems as realistic as possible, making it seem like we were actually playing a movie? So, I think with what this game was about, and what the company was trying to do with the idea they had decided upon, the game was overall a pretty awesome experiment for a new kind of game. No doubt if they make more, they can definitely reference this game to make better games in the future.
I can't really think of anything that needed to be changed. I mean, horror games and horror movies rarely break the mold of what they are. I mean, it's what they are that makes them what they are. I think that Josh being the killer was meh, it was definitely something we all saw coming. His 'death' in the barn was GREAT for throwing us for a loop, but unfortunately many saw through the ruse.
The Wendigo were cool, the fact that Hannah survived the fall and become one if not the central enemy of the game, was pretty cool too. I mean, she had the chance to kill everyone who wronged her and made her and her sister die pretty much. Though not completely original and inspiring, the Wendigo did a good job for being the true enemy. Sweet revenge for the girl whose 'friends' played a mean prank on her.
I think that more evenly distributed play time between characters would've been nice for sure.
I would've killed off Emily for sure, or made her unsavable. I have never hated a video game character quite like I hate her. Also, talking of Emily's deaths or what should've been MORE possibly deaths, her one by Mike could've been more shocking and had more of an effect on the group in the basement. I mean, it was like, Mike murders Emily and Sam goes like, "Oh boy" sighing as she walks off. Ashley is meh after the attack, I mean she got what she wanted but compared to her many freak outs it was like little to no attention paid to Emily being murdered. Which, even if I hated the person whom was just killed in front of me I'd still be repulsed, or upset by the sheer fact someone just had their brains blown out by someone less than 10 feet from me.
I don't think the game is 'game-changing' in the video game industry. I think it was great for what it was. It was ambitious, and innovative. But like anything, had room for improvement.
Overall, 7/10.
i get what you mean but I felt the story was really well done and for once I liked the twist as was a surprise after the trailers
I never like this either but the game has to tell a somewhat coherent story and as such some people have to stick around, for me the latter half did just seem to entirely focus on them. It would have been better perhaps if the scenes happened but others could be present (up until the scene where everyone went down into the caves I was enjoying it; than just sam and mike).
Anyway for me I would have added some things
There should have been one extra jess and matt scene when there alone after being seperated before running into each other.
The final lodge scene should have changed a bit more based on who was left, again everyone else just walks out while sam and mike do everything.
I would have like more variety in death scenes, each character really only has one or two each, especially given there were plenty of spots for death.
Next part if kind of long
The biggest change I would make is a scene after ashleys decision with investigating the voice, because for me the biggest plot hole is the fact ashley is either never brought up again or doesnt mention that she heard jess. Also this is the last time we see any of the remaining lodge character apart from briefly at the end
So as such I would add the following scene
1.Chris, Ashley and Emily dead
2. Emily dead, Chris and Ashley alive
Chris and Ashley head back and pass the sound of "Jess" shouting again. Chris asks about it and ashley says she heard it earlier. After being berated by Chris, Ashley whines that she didnt want to be separated and that something isnt right as Mike insisted Jess was dead. Chris again thinks they should help, that if it was ashley down there she would want help and Ashley has to decide whether to go with him. If she refuses they head back, if they investigate Then the scene continues as it would with ashley but chris is controlled instead, if you open the hatch he dies and ashley runs away screaming, there is a quick time event that eventually leads to her hiding and escaping, failure in many of these events means death. In the last hiding point she must "stay still".
** Chris- Dead Ashley and Emily - Alive**
Ashley and Emily head back and hear Jess shouting, Ashley tells that she heard it earlier and Emily says she isnt surprised ashley didnt help knowing her behavior so far. Ashley says she didnt want to be separated and that something isnt right- Mike was sure jess was dead. Emily then decides whether they investigate or not. If not they head back. If they investigate the scene continues with the player controlling emily, if she opens the hatch she dies and ashley runs away screaming, there are several quick time events until ashley hides, failure in these parts leads to death. At the last point she must "stay still"
Chris expresses some discomfort that ashley hasnt caught up and they both head back, when they pass the opening they hear ashley yelling for help, chris instantly sets off to help however emily hesitates (she doesn't like ashley). Emily can choose to head back to the lodge or follow chris. If she heads back the player controls chris who finds ashleys hat and is horrified, he hears munching sounds and see the wendigo eating part of ashley, chris then has to "stay still" several times or he dies. The wendigo then retreats back into the hole, chris picks up ashleys hat and returns to the lodge. If emily goes after chris she finds chris, he turns and shows her ashleys hat, emily then sees the wendigo behind chris, she tells him not to move, her speech alerts the wendigo and emily must "stay still" or she dies. The wendigo then retreats into the hole and chris and emily head back, chris keeps ashleys hat.
Emily heads back when she tells sam Ashley probably got lost or something and as she passes the opening she hears ashley scream for help, Emily then has a choice whether to investigate or not. (I'd like to think no one would choose to look in that case). If emily chooses to help she finds ashley's hat and notices a wendigo eating ashley in the cave, she has to "stay still" several times or she dies. the wendingo eventually retreats back into the hole and emily heads back.
6.Ashley, Emily dead Chris -Alive
Chris says hes concerned about ashley. Chris heads back, when he passes the opening he hears ashley scream for help. Chris investigates the noise and finds ashleys hat, he then sees the wendingo eating ashley. Chris then has to "stay still" several times or he dies. the wendingo eventually heads down in the hole and chris takes ashleys hat and goes back.
7.Chris, Ashley and Emily -Alive
The three head back and pass the opening, They hear Jess scream for help. Ashley tells them she heard it earlier and chris berates her saying she would want help if it was her and emily says she isnt surprised the person who supported her death didnt help. Ashley whines that mike insisted jess was dead and that she didnt want to be separated. Emily then decided whether to investigate now they are all together. If they head back everyone goes back safely. If they choose to investigate the player takes control of chris, the situation is the same as ashley if she goes initially, if chris opens the hatch he dies, if he goes back then they live. If chris opens the hatch then the wendingo kills him, ashley and emily run away screaming the wendingo gives chase and the player has to complete several quick time events for ashley, if they fail then ashley can die, after this both girls end up in hiding places and have to "stay still" or they get killed.
Yes and no. Matt and Jess met up in episode 10, but they didn't meet up with the rest of the group before the game ended.
Like others said, probably make it not PS4-exclusive. Poor people like myself want to be able to play, too. ;c
Other than that, I loved the game. I loved the character dynamics and their personalities. They were cliché at first but they grew into something more. I also liked the jumpscares. Sometimes the camera angles were a little awkward but that isn't too much of a problem. The motion capture for the facial expressions were also kind of wonky and seemed exaggerated and even forced at times. The aiming was a little delayed as well, with a tendency to miss targets.
As for the concept for the game itself, I liked the plot twist about the Wendigos and I thought they portrayed it very nicely. They did a good job in making me feel bad for Josh even though he ended up being the "killer". I really enjoyed all the background stories and lore about the Wendigos and Native American culture. I'm not sure if I would change anything. Even though I understand what they were going for in killing characters off in the QTEs, I'm kind of disappointed that there wasn't a retry option. It doesn't seem very fair to make them die like this, especially since the buttons tend to get stuck. I suppose it does add suspense to the game, but I think deaths should be caused more due to the choices people make rather than by not being able to press a button on time.
Other than that, I don't really have many complaints. I'm pretty picky when it comes to games, but this one met all of my expectations and even surprised me with it. I give a high 8 out of 10.
Be playable on all console:( Im a sad panda
I just wish there was a way to save Josh (Without him being a Wendigo)
All right, a few things I would change or add. I'll try to do them in order.
1. Ashley or Josh
I've seen a lot of 'Let's players' who, when it comes to choosing between killing Josh or Ashley, have assumed it was a bluff and refused to pull the lever. As a result the track changes itself automatically and the psycho says 'I see. You have chosen to kill Josh.', which either annoys or confuses them, because the game seems to either have made a choice for you, or glitched. The easy way to fix this would be to just add on the end of the psycho's recorded monologue at the start: 'But if you take too long to pull the lever, I will choose for you.' This would let the player know they're on a time limit and explain why the track switches itself.
2. Simplify the flare gun decision.
At the moment, if you give Matt the flare gun he fires it immediately unless he disagreed about going to the fire tower. A lot of players give it to him, because the guidance totem told them to, even though that's not actually useful advice necessarily. To fix this, if they put the flare gun and the fuse box both on the opposite side of the tower to the door at an equal distance away, one on the left and one on the right, there would be a 50/50 chance of reaching either flare or fuse first.
So if Emily goes left and finds the flare gun before finding the fuse box, then she automatically fires it, because she thinks that’s the only option, because the radio is dead.
If Emily goes right and finds the fuse box before finding the flare gun, then when she finds the flare, she has a choice to fire or save it. If she decides to save it, she then has the choice to keep it herself or give it to Matt. Matt would then automatically keep it.
This makes it a bit easier to save Matt and removes the agree/disagree decision from the equation.
3. Jessica in the mines
The elevator shaft with Jess at the bottom seems to possibly be in a different part of the mines to where Emily ends up, but I think it would have been beneficial if they cheated that and had Emily find her down there. Immediately after Emily's encounter with the flamethrower guy, but before she enters the gap and gets chased by the wendigo, Emily goes for a bit of a wander, and finds a couple of clues and a totem. This seems like a good point for Emily to see Jessica’s body at the bottom of the elevator shaft from behind a fence perhaps, so that she can't actually get to her. If Jess is obscured, Emily wouldn’t be able to tell if she is dead or unconscious. She'd try to talk to her, maybe mention their fight earlier, and then promise to find a way to get around to her.
If Jessica is alive, but unconscious, then Emily obviously gets chased by the wendigo before she manages to find a way to get to her.
If Jessica is dead, then while Emily is talking to her, she sees the Wendigo, partially obscured by the shadows, suddenly appear and rip off Jessica’s head before dragging the body away.
This would help keep Jess 'present' in the game rather than just having her pop up again 6 chapters later, and maybe give a little bit of closure to Emily and Jess's relationship.
4. Flamethrower guy
So apart from Beth and Hannah, Flamethrower guy is the only other character you can't save. This is fine, given he's essentially just a plot device, but a lot of players seem to assume that they could have saved him, and aren't sure what they did wrong, when in fact, he dies either way. The way to fix this is to have two deaths. The one we saw, which would be triggered by failing that 'DON'T MOVE' with Chris, and another a little later if you passed it. I guess maybe he and Chris get split up or the flamethrower guy tries to lead the wendigo away, to give Chris a better chance of getting back to the lodge, but Chris finds his head on the way back or something. So he'd still die either way, it would just be clearer whether it was your fault or not.
5. Ashley snaps
This always seemed a little weird to me, that Ashley would let Chris die for shooting at her earlier, even if she asked you to do it in some versions. I think it's just poor writing and an overzealous use of the butterfly effect, past the point of what's believable for the character. This doesn't mean Chris shouldn't die here, if he made that choice though. All you'd need is for there to be no-one at the door to let him in.
So, if Chris tried to shoot himself or no-one earlier, then there's that scene where he and Ashley kiss and she stays at the door to wait for him.
If Chris tried to shoot Ashley earlier, he should apologise awkwardly before leaving and she will say she understands, but is distant with him and wants some time alone to process what happened, then she goes down to the basement with the others instead of staying at the door. Thus Chris dies.
6. Mike's hero quest
Okay, so as soon as Mike takes charge and establishes that the basement is now the 'safe room', he wants to leave to go on a dangerous, vague and ultimately futile mission. I get where he's coming from, but I don't know why anyone would agree with him over Sam's voice of reason. There's only a couple of hours until dawn, but instead of just waiting it out, he wants to go down to the mines that he's never been in. They needed to add some clearer dialogue about why it was imperative that they find Josh and get the cable car key, and why he went via the sanatorium. Something like 'You think a few doors and windows are going to stop the wendigo? Eventually it WILL get down here! We won't be safe until we are off this fucking mountain completely.' and 'I won't have a chance if I go outside, but there's a mine entrance right next to the sanatorium, so if I take the tunnel instead of going outside that might be safer.' Then have Emily and Ashley agree with him. That might be enough to make it at least sound like a plausible idea.
7. Emily's bite
So, this really seems like it was just put in there so that the player had an excuse to murder Emily, and so they could add a bit of a 'cabin fever' vibe, with them turning on each other. But most people I've seen play this scene have basically said 'No. I'm not going to shoot Emily just in case wendigoes are like vampires or zombies. They're clearly not. There's nothing to suggest they are. Mike and Ashley, you are morons.' This isn't helped by the fact that Emily has said several times that she feels fine and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with her. If the game wants to try to trick people into killing Emily, just so they can guilt them later, that's fine, but at least make Emily symptomatic. She could plausibly be dizzy, sweaty and pale from the blood loss, and from being chased around the mines for ages, so why not make her seem sick and possibly 'turning'. Some people might actually fall for it then.
8. Sam's hero quest
Despite having just said they should stay put in the safe room, in the same scene, Sam decides to lead them all out of there immediately to follow Mike. She apparently needs to warn him there are heaps of wendigoes in the sanatorium, not just one in the mine ... or something, I guess? (Which again, proves futile, because he finds out before she gets to him)
1) At least split this scene up so it seems like they wait in the safe room for a while, rather than leaving straight away.
2) I know, safety in numbers, but they didn't all need to go. Especially given that as soon as they get to the rock wall, Sam just sends them all back again, despite the fact that Emily clearly knows how to climb, too. Obviously, if it's just Sam and Ashley left, then that doesn't look too weird, especially since Ashley needs to be given a chance to make a fatal mistake and die. (Although what is weird is that no-one seems to notice/care if Ashley goes missing, not even Chris) But if Chris and Emily go too, that's a little strange.
So, the way to fix this would be to have Chris and Emily (if either or both of them are still alive) refuse to go. Chris because his leg will slow them down. Emily because thanks to her ordeal with the wendigo in the mines, she thinks it's insane to leave the safe room. Then, playing as Ashley, you would have the chance to convince either or both of them to come or stay behind.
If you leave only one person in the safe room, they'll be dead by the time you get back.
If you leave two of them there, a brief scene shows that they manage to keep the wendigoes out together.
It's a minor thing, but getting back to Ashley's fatal mistake, when she hears 'Jessica', I feel the options for that decision shouldn't be 'Investigate Voice' or 'Rejoin Group'. 'Investigate voice' is vague enough to already sound like a trap, and 'Rejoin group' will always sound like the obvious choice. Not to mention, if it's just Ashley and Sam left, that's not really a 'group'. I would propose that the options should be labelled as 'Find Jessica' or 'Find Sam', just to make them a little more neutral. If you know Jessica's dead in your game, you're probably not going to fall for that anyway. Again, just a minor thing.
9. Matt's return
So, what if, while Mike is heading through the tunnel to the sanatorium, Matt appears in a mine shaft above him (if he's still alive). Mike can fill Matt in a bit on what's happened, tell him about looking for Josh, and maybe bring up the conflict earlier between them, Emily and Jess. Matt explains that he’s been lost wandering around the mines, looking for Emily, and asks if Mike has seen her.
If Emily is still alive at this point and was bitten, Mike is given the choice to tell the truth about shooting/almost shooting Emily or lie and say she's fine.
Either way, if Emily is dead by this point in the game, Matt leaves Mike and goes back into the mines.
If Emily is still alive, then Matt jumps down into the tunnel and joins Mike in the sanatorium.
10. Sanatorium
If Mike still has the machete when he finds the gun in the sanatorium, he can give the machete to Matt, if he joined him, who can then use it to save Jess later (if she's still alive). Mike's plot armour is a bit of a problem here, given how much danger he's in at this part of the game. He really should be able to die in this chapter, so Matt being there with him would help facilitate that. They'd get split up in the sanatorium while searching for an exit, so a lot of Mike's plight would still be on his own or with the wolf. Then when Mike finds himself in a dire 'wendigo' situation, Matt reappears having found another way out.
But if Mike told Matt the truth about pulling a gun on Emily, then Matt abandons him, and Mike dies (unless he can complete a very complicated series of QTEs).
If he lied to Matt or if Emily wasn't bitten, then Matt saves him by showing him the way out.
If Matt isn't in the sanatorium with Mike, then Mike manages to find a way out, but still has to complete the QTEs or he'll die.
They then get split up again and Matt goes down to the mines to have his final scene, with or without Jessica.
11. Sam and Josh
Now, on the assumption that Mike could be dead by this point, and the fact the Matt may have rescued him instead of Sam, I wouldn't have Mike down in the mines with Sam at all when she finds Josh. That whole sequence would still function fine without Mike. He's really just there as a soundboard for Sam. Just have Sam cross the water, find the body larder, find Josh, get the key, and then find/not find Hannah's journal somewhere else and have Josh react to this revelation if she does, then she wades into the water again with Josh, gets pulled under, Hannah captures/kills Josh, then Sam escapes and finds the cliff face to climb out of the mine. If Mike survived the sanatorium, Sam doesn't see him again until he startles her outside of the lodge near the end.
12. Matt and Jess
If Mike told Matt the truth about killing Emily, and Matt left him rather than going to the sanatorium, if Matt has his final scene with Jess, he abandons her to die, instead of abandoning Mike. Otherwise he helps Jess (with the machete if he has it.)
If Matt has the flare gun, but didn't need to use it on the wendigo earlier, he now uses it to attract the attention of the approaching helicopter, once he's 'safe'.
13. The lodge
If Mike is possibly dead by this point, then this would play out the same way except Sam would need to break the lightbulb, or light the zippo instead. Maybe she could even throw something at the bulb to break, so they don't have to show her crossing the room. It'd be a little messy given she wouldn't have anyone to save her anymore, but it'd still be doable.
Another problem with this end scene seems to be that a lot of players 'Run to Switch' early, not realising that means Sam is going to flick it immediately, thus killing anyone still in there. Now this might be a deliberate ambiguity, with the game hoping to trick you into killing off a few more characters accidentally, but I feel like the option really should say 'Flick the Switch', so that the player isn't misunderstanding what's going to happen. Also maybe they could add one last QTE sequence during Sam's run to the door, rather than it just being a cut scene, although I'm not sure what would happen if she failed it. Maybe she'd still flick the switch, but die in the process. (It's also a little odd that Chris automatically survives, if he's still there at the end, because he's the first to escape the lodge. I feel like he should be able to die in the blast like the rest of them.)
Is it overrated, to be honest it wasn't all that critically acclaimed
Made actual more scary moment and removed the jumpscares. Jesus christ this game had too many jumpscares, I would have preferred more trips to places like the sanatorium. The first trip there was actually a creepy moment and intrigued me to find out more, second trip it was "die motherfucker, die motherfucker. Die"
The graphics are the only thing truly outstanding. The writing is as generic and corny as the characters except like 2 (Josh and Chris) one of them gets fucked over no matter what your choices are
I found it corny at times where they want it to be corny, to fit into a classic b-movie horror. But generic, the wendigo folk lore isn't used as much as it should be in media and has been used once before. There's not many stories I can recall which have a sister eating another sister at the bottom of a mine, it fits almost 3 different horror movies into one lmao, I don't see how it can be generic.
I know they fucked over one of only 2 interesting characters no matter what you choose. Guess he won't be in the sequel
If there is a sequel there's no way any of them will be in it, to be honest its unlikely it has anything to do with anything from the first game, it will be a different setting
Most of the totems were useless, only the guidance totems helped somewhat, so I wish they would have been replaced with other moments, since there were plenty of other moments that could have been used that were actually useful.
I don't like that the flamethrower guy dies no matter what, if Chris does the don't move thing right, I think the flamethrower guy should run with Chris and help him in 2 ways, 1. If Chris fails to shoot a wendigo, or fails a quick time event, the flamethrower guy can take the hit and die instead, or 2. If Chris chose to shoot ashley previously and Ashley doesn't open the door, flamethrower guy can either hold the wendigo off so Chris can shoot the door open (or Mike could open it, and the flamethrower guy could die) or help force the door open, and this would obviously ruin the relationship with Chris and Ashley. If Chris fails the don't move thing then what happens normally happens
I wish there was some way to fully save Josh, could have been some pretty interesting end cutscene for him. Matt and Jess could have been brought up earlier, and helped or be involved in some way. I don't like that Sam and Mike can't die until the end, if they could have died, if Chris and Ashley were on good terms, they could have done the same thing as Sam and Mike, or Mike and Emily (though maybe Emily would abandon Mike in that situation if the whole shooting incident happened) or Matt and Emily.
First off, I would keep the plot true to its basics. There would still be Josh's little giggle, wendigos and Doctor Hill. But I would just rewrite two things.
I would try to change the amount of the game spent as Mike. It felt as if the game was trying to force him down my throat. Secondly, I would offer certain characters more oppertunities to die. Sam and Mike's plot armour is obscene.
I might as well add my own ideas for what I think that would have made Until Dawn better in some ways:
EDIT: I forgot that I've already made some ideas on my opening comment, so I may as well address that the ideas above are some more of my ideas. Sorry for the confusion.
I would have preffered a bit of a thicker second half, however there is a danger of making the game drag on. I feel the game really only needed more of a solid epilogue
See I liked both of these parts of the story, the wendingos were actually pretty scary, the psychopath even on the first playthrough was a bit dumb. I was never really that scared.
I wasnt a huge fan of this either and in an ideal game there wouldnt be any plot armour. However there has to be a limit if they want to tell a coherent story. I feel if maybe they let the others stay with sam and mike it wouldnt have been as obvious. They basically split off from everyone else at the end.
The rest of your points seem like personal preference for what you wanted from the characters, which is fine but to be honest I think everyone has different thoughts there
Probably had the group together for a bit longer, but that might have messed up the pacing if the game was to keep the same length. We had all these relationship bars but they all split up into pairs in episode 1 so few of them really mattered.
I'm aware of that fact that everyone has different ideas, which is why I created this topic for everyone who felt that Until Dawn could have been something different. I'm not sure why some of my ideas being personal preferences is something that needed to be pointed out to everyone, since none of my own ideas imply that everyone else's ideas are wrong.
Everyone have their own views for what could have made Until Dawn better, and what stories and ideas were fine to begin with, including yourself.
I would have liked more bonding time between the characters at the start. It gives us more implication on who's all good with who, and who isn't. I also would have liked a better ending for Josh.
Poor guy.
I disagree, actually. I find her extremely likable, she's my favorite character.
Emily is the main reason the group was rescued by the helicopter at the end, is that not a redeeming quality?
Okay, you got me with that one. Emily (and Matt) is the reason why everyone was rescued at the end, so I can't disagree with you on that.
But as for her negative qualities that I didn't like about her is how she treats Matt. Unless you have a high enough relationship with her, Emily will sell out Matt to the police for abandoning her after the tower fall by claiming that he left her to die.
Even if Matt does all he can to try and save her and chooses not jump for safety and risk dying by the Wendigo (though to be fair, their existence isn't Emily's fault) to try and reach for her arm, Emily will still sell him out to the police, just because he didn't do enough to appease her relationship with him. Because of this, Matt could find himself in serious trouble with the law shortly after he is rescued, and could end up thrown into prison over his girlfriend's testimony against him. And if Matt happens to be dead, and his relationship with Emily isn't high enough? Emily has no problem speaking ill of the dead and still bad-mouths him to the police.
In the end I'm left wondering just what Matt saw in her and why he bothered dating someone that high-maintenance and self absorbed? It's one thing to be at your worst attitude in a highly stressful and nightmarish event when you think you're about to die, it's another to sell out your boyfriend to the police once danger has pass for something he didn't even do to you.
I think that was just convenience - what she says depends on whether you have an >50% relationship with her or not. I guess they assumed people who had build a bad relationship with her would abandon her in the mine.
It would have made more sense if Emily's attitude towards Matt comes down to whether he legitimately abandons her to die, and not because their Relationship Values is less than 50%. Even if people didn't like Emily, not all of them would want to have her dead...I mean I would have tried to save her even if she wasn't my favourite character.
Had it been up to me, this is what Emily would have said to the police if Matt tried to save her even if their relationship is falling apart:
Emily: (to the police) I was shouting at him and being a complete bitch to him, I was hanging for my life scared shitless that I was going to fall off! And he shouted back at me and everything...but he still did everything he could to grab my hand. Jesus, I mean, he could have just left me to die after all the crap I gave him, but instead he stayed with me and tried to rescue my ungrateful ass, even if he did hate my guts right there and then.
Still while I dont like her personally I did like emilys character. She was cleary more useful to the group than most of the other girls but horrible to be around. She didnt feel exaggerated to me anyway, no more than any of the others
More Matt screen time and Josh having at least a halfway decent ending.
I want it on pc
My Changes to Until Dawn
Add more later
I loved this game btw but it’s fun to think of things I would like to add or would enjoy to play through
I feel the same way, in spite of my supposed neutrality with his character.
I'd rather Emily smacked him instead of Ashley, considering that he deserved it more than Ashley did.
Sam was a really boring character I wish she had more badass scenes or funny lines
Okay next time Directors cut DLC and she is laughing at Josh getting cut in half and laughs at the screen so much that Josh gets creeped out and leaves the room