(Spoilers) My theory about the identity of The Captor

(Made an account especially for this post, so - hi everyone!)

I think I can guess who that guy really is - something about tone of his voice gave me the idea, since it's very monotonous and kinda "machine-y".

It's one of the robots.

I believe there's very important choice in the fifth episode during which Loader Bot or Gortys gets destroyed. The remaining one is so angry at Rhys/Fiona about that decision (since it's player's choice) it manages to switch the attitude towards some "darker" personality type. Perhaps something on Helios, maybe some new science project would give the survivor robot the new "human-like" body with uploaded AI - and now it wants to settle things out. To know everything from the point of view of Fiona/Rhys. To decide what to do with them.

Why is it possible?

  • The Captor seems to know about Gortys Project - so he/she must have been involved in it at some point. Perhaps as a member of the group of protagonists"?
  • The Captor is quite naive sometimes and admits his mistakes, like when he/she kidnapped Fiona hours before Rhys and didn't listen to her story. Kinda like Gortys (Or - to a lesser extent - Loader Bot)
  • The Captor uses Conference Call, the same shotgun we see in Jack's Office in Episode 4. Gortys is close to it at the end of this Episode... in the prison under the trapdoor.
  • The mentioned earlier monotonous, robotic voice.

Yes, I know this doesn't prove anything, I'm just pointing at some clues... but IMHO it's very plausible.

What do you think?


  • Hmm, interesting. Perhaps he is some sort of Hyperion drone to gather information so they can get to the vault? Also, welcome!

  • Welcome!

    I believe the voice morpher is making his voice monotonous and robotic.

  • I think it will be better with pictures:

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    All those guys sure have a thing in common. But I dunno. I'm not sure it's a robot but now I'm 99% sure he has something to do with Atlas. Those grey/red + orange colours are just... If he has nothing to do with it and just happens to look like it it will be a mind-blown.

  • His movements seem a little too fluid to be Gortys, or Loaderbot, or probably any robot in the Borderlands universe. Plus, none of the robots in Borderlands have silent joints; they all kinda squeak or groan in some sense.

  • This

    enter image description here

    and this?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • That's a really fun theory! I agree in that there is an interesting correlation between the Stranger having a yellow cyclops eye, and Hyperion's Claptrap units/Loaderbots/Constructors/guards/engineers/Helios itself also having one eye. As said above, though, the Stranger does move quite fluidly, unlike the other robots in the series.

  • Really? For all the reasons you listed, I think it's Sasha.
    If it's Sasha:
    -She wouldn't ask Fiona's side of the story first because she would have already known it.
    -Sasha is also in the prison where she could have obtained The Conference Call.
    -The robotic voice could be a voice modular.
    -Fiona seems to recognized the Captor by his/her stance but can't seem to pinpoint who.
    -Like the Captor, Sasha is Trigger-Happy.

    For these reasons and more, I firmly place my bet on Sasha.

  • Just finished final episode. Who's going to say I'm awesome? Or do I have to say it all by myself? :D I even got the reasons right! :D

  • Wow lol you were on it my friend you sir, are awesome.

  • That's just impossibly awesome. Nice one, kiddo!

  • You're like the guy who predicted after the very first Episode of TWD that Lee would get bit in the penultimate Episode and die in the final Episode.

    Everyone was like: "lol never in a million years", and then they all got served. And you just repeated that. Nice going, kiddo.

  • Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dude, you got everything right what the hell LMAO..

    Nice one..

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