Whitehill Banners at the Twins

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

When I started replaying episode 1 today, I noticed that, when the massacre began, some of the tents had Whitehill banners. Since the Whitehills are a northern house, then they were probably loyal to the Starks, and should have been massacred by the Freys. So were the Whitehills bribed to betray the northern army? Or were they simply let off? WHat do you guys think?


  • edited October 2015

    Edit: I totally forgot, they are Bolton bannermen and since the Boltons betrayed the Starks, they did too

  • The Whitehills are Bolton Bannermen, they'd be loyal to him.

  • Yeah I always wondered that , were the Whitehills involved in the betrayal ? Because Ludd said : "im nothing like Walder Frey" when Rodrick mentions that they can't trust anyone after the red weddding

  • They were they killed especially Forrester men.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Yeah I always wondered that , were the Whitehills involved in the betrayal ? Because Ludd said : "im nothing like Walder Frey" when Rodrick mentions that they can't trust anyone after the red weddding

  • Bolton soldiers are part of the betrayal. So it is fair to say that Whitehill soldiers were also part of the killing.

    And it is Rodrik.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Yeah I always wondered that , were the Whitehills involved in the betrayal ? Because Ludd said : "im nothing like Walder Frey" when Rodrick mentions that they can't trust anyone after the red weddding

  • And it is Rodrik.

    No Rodrik misspelling shall escape us! XD

    Bolton soldiers are part of the betrayal. So it is fair to say that Whitehill soldiers were also part of the killing. And it is Rodrik.

  • Nope, they'd have fought Robb's army alongside the Freys.

    On a similar note, the Glenmore's liege lords (the Ryswells) were also pro-Bolton so any Glenmores present would have also fought against the Starks and Co.

  • Holy crap that's a game changer there, Glenmore's are twats.

    Nope, they'd have fought Robb's army alongside the Freys. On a similar note, the Glenmore's liege lords (the Ryswells) were also pro-Bolton so any Glenmores present would have also fought against the Starks and Co.

  • So basically they're as bad as the Boltons & Freys ....

    Oh and thanks for correcting the spelling :)

    Bolton soldiers are part of the betrayal. So it is fair to say that Whitehill soldiers were also part of the killing. And it is Rodrik.

  • That'd be very funny , considering that the hier to them was flayed by Ramsey

    So much for being an ally :p

    Nope, they'd have fought Robb's army alongside the Freys. On a similar note, the Glenmore's liege lords (the Ryswells) were also pro-Bolton so any Glenmores present would have also fought against the Starks and Co.

  • The Ryswells only declared for the Boltons after the Red Wedding, along with the Dustins since Bethany Ryswell was Roose's wife and Barbery is now the Lady of Barrowtown. In ADWD it's mentioned that Lord Rodrik Ryswell is hostile to the Freys because they lost men at the Twins.

    Nope, they'd have fought Robb's army alongside the Freys. On a similar note, the Glenmore's liege lords (the Ryswells) were also pro-Bolton so any Glenmores present would have also fought against the Starks and Co.

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