Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • that's right! no discrimination here!!!!

    Hydra_Hell posted: »

    ALL the pages are beautiful

  • The "be it for reason" line always sounds like "be it for Rhys" to me. Makes everything ten times better.

    Goooooooood morning everyone, how's everyone doing and what's crack a lackin'. Brought you two Rhyiona gifs to brighten up your day

  • which one

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I wanna marry that face

  • You kinda remind me of Samuel from LiS because of your bold/italic editing stuff.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Well the last Episode was just done. I made sure to choose the "I like someone else option." God I had so many issues with dialogue not o

  • I agree completely. It feels like he wasted everyone's time just to pair Naruto up with a stalker he talked to about five times before and someone who tried to murder Sakura five or six times.

    I just... I have no words for this.

    Zeratuel posted: »

    it had so much potential. what i would have done was have Sakura show up and to decide wither she save Naruto and let his dream live on, or

  • the first one ofc

    the second one is not cute enough

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    which one

  • but rhys is taken

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    the first one ofc the second one is not cute enough

  • I learnt this song the day after I finished Episode 5. I might be a tad bit sad. I also know Retrograde so yeah.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ...I'll be back in a little bit! Help yourself to this: enter link description here hype hype hype season 2

  • that's why I said "wanna" and not "am gonna"

    [rip my heart]

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but rhys is taken

  • your heart = rekt

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    that's why I said "wanna" and not "am gonna" [rip my heart]

  • Its just because I do it all the time on the "terrible" site that is Google+. It's carried over.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You kinda remind me of Samuel from LiS because of your bold/italic editing stuff.

  • it feels like you're whispering lol

    SmolGui posted: »

    Its just because I do it all the time on the "terrible" site that is Google+. It's carried over.

  • thanks buddy

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    your heart = rekt

  • i didn't see any natural growth there at all between any of them thats what irritated me the most. All the wasted parallels and moments that the other characters had amounted to nothing. The thing I still don't understand was that the new series was suppose to be about growing from a teen into an adult and seeing how cruel the world was. But no one grew up. Sasuke got more emo, Sakura still didn't understand what real love was and is now stuck in an abusive relationship, and Naruto still has that "Everything will work out fine because I'm Naruto" mentality. I feel like Kishimoto really missed having a strong and meaningful message about the world here, but nope just throw all that out the window.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I agree completely. It feels like he wasted everyone's time just to pair Naruto up with a stalker he talked to about five times before and someone who tried to murder Sakura five or six times. I just... I have no words for this.

  • I bet that 0.5% that said they liked someone else are from this thread.

  • Something old I found

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    When the bae compliments you:

    enter image description here


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    it feels like you're whispering lol

  • Holy shit then this thread would make a big a part of the community.

    SmolGui posted: »

    I bet that 0.5% that said they liked someone else are from this thread.

  • Yeah, definitely. You can't tell me the Minato x Kushina parallels were a complete accident; and I feel like Kishimoto calling all that development a "red herring" was completely disrespectful to the people who wasted their time reading that manga.

    I excused so many of his actions because I thought the ending would at least be memorable but he managed to screw even that up. No wonder the sales dropped so much.

    Zeratuel posted: »

    i didn't see any natural growth there at all between any of them thats what irritated me the most. All the wasted parallels and moments that

  • ur welcome friend

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    thanks buddy

  • Advertising your vids I see?

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ...I'll be back in a little bit! Help yourself to this: enter link description here hype hype hype season 2

  • enter image description here

    That look he gives her..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    enter image description here

    I'm trying to get rid of stalker feeling, don't mind me. And sorry for my poor english below..

    Found this on thumblr somewhere.. can't find it again, but just thought it was perfect.

    And the more I watch gameplays of TftB the more I'm starting to think some scenes was made with Rhyiona in mind. I like to think about Vault scene as an answer to "Jungle Ep. 3 disney scene" with Sasha. :D

    Also I want to say hi to everyone again. Maybe I'll start to post more.. Anyway, it's 7 p.m, I have a lot of exams tommorow and all I can think of is Rhyiona.. damn that Ep. 5 hit me hard with this ship. :D

    Also this: enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    It worked cause I just started liking his videos.

    I might even subscribe cause of that editing.

    (I love this song I'm singing along.)

    Advertising your vids I see?

  • Advertising your vids I see?

    If you want to call it that

    enter image description here

    then sure.

    Though even if I would put it up here, I doubt it would cause a huge influx in popularity. So I don't really care. :v

    P.S: Seriously, I gotta go.

    Advertising your vids I see?

  • We really should do a sing along for this.

    On this thread.

    Because. You know... Season 2 hype.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ...I'll be back in a little bit! Help yourself to this: enter link description here hype hype hype season 2

  • Imagining Rhys as a stalker...

    God that has corrupted my mind. It reminds me of an image I saw on this thread earlier today.

    enter image description here

    Narraya posted: »

    That look he gives her..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm trying to get rid of stalker feeling, don't mind me. And sorry for my poor english below..

  • As a writer myself, one of the things i love is parallels. You can get so many meaningful or amazing messages hidden in them if you use them right. I just don't understand why he would waste all that time and effort into just tricking people, thats not cool. That was the main reason i supported it so much, it had so much growth and development to it, it felt like a genuine relationship to me. I loved Naruto as a series when it first started because i could relate to all the characters. That was the reason i stuck with it through the end. Now the series that would make me ball my eyes out over is just a less impressive version of Dragon Ball Z. Where if you aren't a demi-god or half demon you are effectively dirt. I know they made brand new series but im not even going to bother looking at it. I can't believe people still defend it now.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, definitely. You can't tell me the Minato x Kushina parallels were a complete accident; and I feel like Kishimoto calling all that deve

  • For the fiftieth time, cue steamy relationship music

    When the bae compliments you:

  • I love you because you used a Handsome Jack screenshot.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Imagining Rhys as a stalker... God that has corrupted my mind. It reminds me of an image I saw on this thread earlier today.

  • I took it not long ago. While playing Episode 5 on my Rhyiona save.

    I love you because you used a Handsome Jack screenshot.

  • Now kiss-


  • Not to mention his terrible writing of the female characters. Like holy shit Tsunade was a freaking Kage, how come you're not writing her as one? It was just overall very bad. I'm glad I'm not reading Gaiden because that awful level of writing probably followed it there.

    Currently I'm reading Bleach, SnK and Fairy Tail and badly written as they can be they're still far superior to anything Kishimoto cooked up.

    Zeratuel posted: »

    As a writer myself, one of the things i love is parallels. You can get so many meaningful or amazing messages hidden in them if you use them

  • I could totally see this, they're like 5 year olds sometimes.


  • 5 years old with the desire of adults...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I could totally see this, they're like 5 year olds sometimes.

  • I screenshotted this at the right time. LOOK AT RHYS FACE.

    Can someone like, zoom into that and post it here? It needs to be done.


    enter image description here

  • well I mean

    I can't deny that

    Eryka posted: »

    5 years old with the desire of adults...

  • Vallory × Rhys confirmed?

    SmolGui posted: »

    I screenshotted this at the right time. LOOK AT RHYS FACE. Can someone like, zoom into that and post it here? It needs to be done. Pls.

  • edited October 2015

    New otp.

    (jk lel)

    Eryka posted: »

    Vallory × Rhys confirmed?

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