Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    for real though, rhyiona has a kid...

    enter image description here

    (Cause I can't for shit.(╥﹏╥))

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    for real though, rhyiona has a kid and s/he doesn't stop crying all night long and fiona's just like THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! YOUR DNA IS FAULTY!! CRYBABY sorry

  • Hey ppl I'm back :) Did I miss anything important?

  • Seriously, they're so set on pairing Rhys with Sasha they blinded him to what was obviously right in front of him.

    Preach it

    PinkyPromise- "Yes, okay. Fine. I like her. I like her quite a bit actually. She’s… everything I’m not. She’s brave, she’s moral, she’s good

  • Well, you did miss some of the fan art!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey ppl I'm back Did I miss anything important?

  • me too

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    cause... cause rhys is a crybaby? so the kid is too? That reminds me of someone...


    for real though, rhyiona has a kid... (Cause I can't for shit.(╥﹏╥))

  • BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well, you did miss some of the fan art!

  • Oh, really?... who does it remind you of then?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    me too

  • rip in pieces

    ZapThroat posted: »

    enter link description here

  • let's hope he doesn't break his neck

    Quiff posted: »

    A moment of silence for our fallen hero. The heels were too powerful.

  • you

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Oh, really?... who does it remind you of then?

  • I was wondering about it myself. I thought that of all people, he'd be the best for Sasha in Fiona's eyes. That moment was a bit surprising to me and yes, Telltale really want you to choose Sasha (ugh). So I just came up with Fiona being a little jealous of this or something like that. And I think she's smiling a little, like she didn't expect this.
    At least Rhys can finally admits he likes Fiona more than Sasha and WE don't have to worry about any more Rhysha thing. Or I like to think like this.

    Navoc posted: »

    Sooo... It's been a few days since Fiona and Rhys disappeared in the vault, and I took some time to try and come up with answers to some of


    gets excited ;///////;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • he's lost in her eyes, ofc he's staying

    Quiff posted: »

    hmm not for long :^)

  • well, you asked

    what were you expecting lmao

    BigBadPaul posted: »


  • edited October 2015

    So I just came up with Fiona being a little jealous of this or something like that.

    But that's like, the only option which makes sense!

    Sasha has been around with worser guys than Rhys, and when she still had feelings for August, Fiona didn't seem to mind it that much.

    But as soon as she tells Rhys about him and Sasha, she becomes "protective".

    I think she's using the whole protective thing as a cover, because she's secretly jealous. By keeping away Rhys from Sasha, she gets some room to breathe in.

    The reason she's surprised when Rhys tells her that he's interested in her, is because she thought that he was hell bent on going out with Sasha.

    She was legitimately surprised to see Rhys actually being interested in her. This is also why she doesn't say anything. She doesn't mind it, but she doesn't know how to respond either.

    Narraya posted: »

    I was wondering about it myself. I thought that of all people, he'd be the best for Sasha in Fiona's eyes. That moment was a bit surprising

  • You know when it comes to talk about the stuff in episode 5 , it's really complicated to explain , I've tried to work my head around this but nothing came with too much success.

    So to answer your first question let's start with the question at the choices , "Did you ship Rhys and Sasha ?" and why there isn't a "Did you ship Rhys and Fiona ?" , if you look back at the Next on TFTB from episode 1 , you can see that 99% of those scenes never came true , listening to cut audio , you can actually find a Rhyiona kissing scene in episode 3 that was cut out and replaced with Rhysha , why is that ? Well , there's no straight answer. Telltale's reasons for doing this are yet to be explained , which I'm currently trying to work on. But nonetheless this actually kinda confirms that Rhyiona WAS INDEED a thing that Telltale had in mind , but well yeah. So returning , even if you did go with Rhysha all the way , the most affectionate thing Rhys says about Sasha is " I like her." , that's it , even if you did go with Rhysha all the way and you were an asshole to Fiona , the ending scene is still way too romantic , no matter what , still the same , it's almost like Rhyiona is confirmed anyway. A theory of mine is that Telltale is going with Rhyiona , but they did include this choice to show how many shipped Rhysha and who many didn't . so they just included that and the little crush confession , but he still is interested in someone else.

    Now your 2nd question could be answered with my first answer , because I kinda talk about it being a valid ship.

    Moving on , Fiona did not seem to care at all about Sasha and August , in fact she made fun of it (optional of course) , and so why does Fiona act all serious when it comes to Rhys and Sasha ? There's no way Rhys is worser than August. All these episodes , there are hidden scenes where Fiona makes goggly eyes at Rhys , in episode 3 you can even see her jealousy in the elevator scene , and now this ? ... There's something going on. Even in the vault where they were alone she looked at him in a special way. So my theory in this , which I actually talked about it with @BigBadPaul , is that Fiona has feelings for Rhys , and she is jelly when it comes to Rhys and Sasha.

    I'm not gonna be able to explain everything , I have to go very soon , I wish I could've spend another 10 mins on this comment to make you understand better.

    Navoc posted: »

    Sooo... It's been a few days since Fiona and Rhys disappeared in the vault, and I took some time to try and come up with answers to some of

  • In episode 1, Fiona mentions that "Sasha was right in not trusting you". This was the writers baiting players to take an interest in Sasha. Cause it triggers our instinct to prove people wrong, and we wanted to win Sasha over just because we're told she doesn't trust us. Combine that with that it implies Fiona trusted Rhys, we're less determined at that point to try to win her over, as a player. So it's also on a gameplay vs storytelling level that they, for lack of better word, trick players into wanting Sasha.

    Green613 posted: »

    Seriously, they're so set on pairing Rhys with Sasha they blinded him to what was obviously right in front of him. Preach it

  • wow

    i think im gonna go cry in a corner now

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    well, you asked what were you expecting lmao

  • I love you for this. This is everything I wanted to read. enter image description here
    The hype for Season 2 is unbearable.

    Brawl posted: »

    You know when it comes to talk about the stuff in episode 5 , it's really complicated to explain , I've tried to work my head around this bu

  • Fiona takes a bath with Rhys's pieces

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    rip in pieces

  • Hahaha, good notion but no, it's my "gamertag" and also my username on several other websites but just in that moment I started to kinda...dislike it for some reason.

    Aaaand thank you very much!!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I take it your current charming one is the result of "Well, this seems like a funny username at the moment, let's type it in and get on with business"? Welcome aboard, by the way

  • point proven

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    wow i think im gonna go cry in a corner now

  • Fiona takes a bath with Rhys's pieces

    If ya know what I mean...

    enter image description here

    Fiona takes a bath with Rhys's pieces

  • (?)Cool moves Firehawk,cool moves.

    Fiona takes a bath with Rhys's pieces

  • Yeah, you're right. Jealousy is the only option! And btw I could never understand how people are able to ship Rhys with Sasha when it's clear that she still has some feelings for August. I felt very uncomfortable when she said that and then I was given the "choice" to flirt with her and all that stuff. So desperate.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    So I just came up with Fiona being a little jealous of this or something like that. But that's like, the only option which makes sen

  • Yeah, especially when August is still alive and kicking. I'd be afraid for Rhys. :v

    Narraya posted: »

    Yeah, you're right. Jealousy is the only option! And btw I could never understand how people are able to ship Rhys with Sasha when it's clea

  • So your telling me in here:


    Is a bunch of these?


    It all makes sense now. Rhys stole Vasquez's Reese's Pieces so Vasquez wanted to kill Rhys to get them back. Inside the box is really the Reese's Pieces Rhys stole from Vasquez.

    Fiona takes a bath with Rhys's pieces

  • Like my old friends, but they stopped living. but now all my friends think Rhyiona is cool, I mean... who-- who wouldn't?

    When my former friends say Rhyiona isn't cool.


    What a pile of shit.

    In episode 1, Fiona mentions that "Sasha was right in not trusting you". This was the writers baiting players to take an interest in Sasha.

  • Next Station: Anal Devastation

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    20 minutes into netflix and chill and he gives you that look LMAO xd

  • ScooterXFiona confirmed

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    S-Scooter?! C'mon, you gotta be kidding me.

  • Thats also why Vaughn wanted gloves to pick them up, they were left rotting there.

    So your telling me in here: Is a bunch of these? It all makes sense now. Rhys stole Vasquez's Reese's Pieces so Vasquez wanted to kill Rhys to get them back. Inside the box is really the Reese's Pieces Rhys stole from Vasquez.

  • tfw you press SEND and regret it right away

  • edited October 2015

    OOh really interesting. I was a bit skeptical about the whole crossover idea but it turned out well. Nick is truly at home in Borderlands universe.

    hmm.. actually I gotta say, I wouldn't mind seeing Nick in Borderlands 3 as a main villain. Jeez he and Handsome Jack would be the best killer buddies :'D

    “You are something new!! We want to eat you and get whatever it is that makes you strong! Eat you, eat you!!

    Ha, "you are something new, we want to eat you" :'D I like Psychos. I hope to see more of their philosophical thoughts :')

    So, you want to hear this story? The story that that wretched man in the black coat never wanted me to tell anyone?...

    Btw I'm not sure if it was intentional but I was hearing that Tales "recap guy's voice" while reading your intro. That made me laugh a bit :P

    Well all in all this was a pleasure to read. I can't wait to see how you will handle little Fiona and Rhys. News flash, I love them as kids :'DD

  • edited October 2015

    I wouldn't say pile of shit, it's smart writing to manipulate people to naturally want to chase after the writer's intended love interest. The bs is that they didn't consider that there could/should be a second one. Also the idea that one of the TTG staff said (in paraphrase) Rhysha shippers tended to try to be Rhys and Fiona while Rhyiona shippers tended to view themselves as players controlling Rhys and Fiona. I couldn't agree less with that idea.

    Green613 posted: »


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