Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Love you too, good night and sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    Daryace posted: »

    I go to sleep too! Good night my loves! Love you all

  • i'm proud of you son

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Sorry, mum!... I'm guessing you're just gonna have to

  • edited October 2015

    God I love their smiles so MUCH I CAN'T TAKE IT


    Daryace posted: »

    Good night sugar!!

  • A little... sometimes it's numb but other times no such luck, sadly.

    rhonu posted: »

    ow ;; that sucks... but are you feeling better than before?

  • enter image description here


    rhonu posted: »

    i'm proud of you son

  • edited October 2015

    Rhys: So Nick, you uh, you got a wife or a girlfriend?

    Nick: Yep, her name is Jayne. She's everything I don't deserve...

    Rhys: Oh come on, a big tough manly guy like you!

    Nick: It was never about how many women I could take to my bed, Rhys. It's all about connection. Besides, I've only had sex with 2 women in my whole existence.

    Rhys: Whoa! Why?

    Nick: Because... Sex and love aren't things I was meant to be interested in. But it happened. My first love was also my first wife. Bloody Mary is her name...

    Rhys: Uhhh, you mean the ghost that haunts mirrors?

    Nick: Yep her. We have a daughter together, she'd be about 17 by now... Me and Mary didn't last though. It just wasn't meant to be, so we parted ways. It didn't take her long to move on with her life but, I was crushed. I tried to kill myself I was that bad.

    Rhys: Dang. So, how did you meet Jayne then?

    Nick: By hanging out with the right people. Long story short she was in the most abusive relationship in the world, working as a stripper at the local club, and had no idea what love really was. But we found bits of ourselves in each other. We made each other happy, amongst all the bickering we did.

    Eventually her shithead boyfriend put her in the Hospital because he found out she had stayed at my place, honestly she just slept on the couch...

    Rhys: So you, you killed him?

    Nick: No, but I wish I did, deep down. I was still a mess at the time, I was getting my own ass kicked before I found some of my former self and retaliated. I threw him out of a window and threatened him into staying away from her. When she got out of the Hospital she was so pissed at me. Even though her boyfriend abused her that much, he was the only thing she had in life.

    We argued so badly that night. She was crying, I was angry. Then all of a sudden she yells at me "I'm around you all the time because I don't want you to leave me alone" and then it went quiet.

    Rhys: And?! Come on man tell me! Please?

    Nick: And then I kissed her, you can guess what happened next. We've been together ever since that night. We never looked back.

    Rhys: Wow bro, I ship it. I sail that ship across the galaxy!

    Nick: So, what about you and Fiona?


  • no more pizza... just salad

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    and this is exactly why he needs salad

  • I don't know a bigger cry baby than Rhys, ofc.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so who do you think would win in a crying competition? Rhys or his and Fiona's kid? cause I mean, his whiny genes are strong so I think a baby can put up quite a fight discuss.

  • Good Night! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Daryace posted: »

    I go to sleep too! Good night my loves! Love you all

  • With Nick, his human form is his identity. It's what makes him 'Nick' and not 'Death's Harbinger'

    I will explain in the fic, don't you worry :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh, I see... Except I don't entirely see yet, but if you're right then I will see soon

  • You're really bullying him.. watch out for Fiona, I'm not sure she'd like the fact you're bullying the father of her child.. :>

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    well I hope the water doesn't mix well with his cybernetics so his brain gets a shock maybe he'll get smarter that way

  • I go to sleep too!

    Good night my loves!

    Good night, Daryace!

    enter image description here

    Love you all <3

    D'awww... stahp it, you.... <3

    Daryace posted: »

    I go to sleep too! Good night my loves! Love you all

  • of course i am. look at everything you've achieved so far, and now you're not even scared to snap on me... i think you're not a baby anymore. you're a man. i raised you well

    BigBadPaul posted: »


  • edited October 2015

    God damn it, Wolf. I'm supposed to be getting my achievements on steam right now and you're tempting me with questions like this!

    The answer is easy: Rhys will cry more and their kid will tell him to stop being a "whiny little bitch"

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so who do you think would win in a crying competition? Rhys or his and Fiona's kid? cause I mean, his whiny genes are strong so I think a baby can put up quite a fight discuss.


    -whispers- I'm not the only one....yaaay....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hints? Ok. * Rhyiona * Violence * Destruction * Tears (I hope) * Vausha .... Anyhing else?

  • Later Wolfenus, Night'! (´ー`)/

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Too tired... need sleep for tomorrow... too much homework to do ;-; Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, I tried to make it look like the choice making menu. So basically this is what it was

    (Y) ...

    (X) [Help Gortys]

    (B) Be patient Gortys

    (A) [Inform everybody on the thread]

  • But... didn't you just say his human form is more of a disguise than an identity?

    Ah forget it, I'm sure I'll understand when it comes up.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    With Nick, his human form is his identity. It's what makes him 'Nick' and not 'Death's Harbinger' I will explain in the fic, don't you worry

  • yes, yes, perfe--

    Wait, you're agreeing?!??

    rhonu posted: »

    no more pizza... just salad

  • I-I don't know what to say...

    enter image description here

    rhonu posted: »

    of course i am. look at everything you've achieved so far, and now you're not even scared to snap on me... i think you're not a baby anymore. you're a man. i raised you well

  • Exactly.

    You'll see :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    But... didn't you just say his human form is more of a disguise than an identity? Ah forget it, I'm sure I'll understand when it comes up.

  • I don't actually ship it, but for the purposes of this fic, it MAY happen.

    VAUSHA? VAUSHA??? -whispers- I'm not the only one....yaaay....

  • When you find really good rhyiona art

    enter image description here

    (im just looking for an excuse to post juvia cause she's bae)

  • Love you all <3

    Good Night Daryace! Back at yah! ^.^

    Daryace posted: »

    I go to sleep too! Good night my loves! Love you all

  • ive always bullied rhys tho

    I bet she approves.

    Narraya posted: »

    You're really bullying him.. watch out for Fiona, I'm not sure she'd like the fact you're bullying the father of her child.. :>

  • I'M SORRY please continue

    lottii-lu posted: »

    God damn it, Wolf. I'm supposed to be getting my achievements on steam right now and you're tempting me with questions like this! The answer is easy: Rhys will cry more and their kid will tell him to stop being a "whiny little bitch"

  • im just looking for an excuse to post juvia

    enter image description here


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When you find really good rhyiona art (im just looking for an excuse to post juvia cause she's bae)

  • No one got a good response for Rhys to give to Nick about him and Fiona?! Wow guys :O

    Anyways, off to bed very soon. Goodnight all! :D

  • Night, Hazza!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No one got a good response for Rhys to give to Nick about him and Fiona?! Wow guys :O Anyways, off to bed very soon. Goodnight all!



    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    im just looking for an excuse to post juvia I WILL DEAL WITH YOU SOON.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    You're not getting away this time!...

    I've got the perfect punishment set for you.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I'd always wondered if the ECHO eye was just like a contact lens or if it was his actual eye. After seeing Ep. 5, I guess it's both? It's like...they took out his iris and replaced it with the ECHO eye. Also, am I the only one who wonders why he didn't end up with serious brain damage from tearing all that stuff out? I mean....it's connected to his brain, right? There had to have been a long and complicated surgery to get it all hooked up correctly, and then he's just able to rip it out and move on...? And not only that, he's able to build his own versions from Atlas prototypes and install them himself? You're a hacker, Rhys, not an engineer. Or a surgeon. -squints suspiciously-

    Also, more on topic with this conversation; that's a tough call. Rhys is definitely a crybaby, but his kid.....hm............

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    well I hope the water doesn't mix well with his cybernetics so his brain gets a shock maybe he'll get smarter that way

  • Rhys: To put it simply, it's complicated
    I did confess though...
    Ish, okay maybe not directly, but I did say something so. ... yeah. It'll happen. It'll happen

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Rhys: So Nick, you uh, you got a wife or a girlfriend? Nick: Yep, her name is Jayne. She's everything I don't deserve... Rhys: Oh come

  • enter image description here

    Daryace posted: »

    Good night sugar!!

  • post juvia cause she's bae)

    Fucking weeb

    only a weeb would take an anime shitter over Fiona

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    When you find really good rhyiona art (im just looking for an excuse to post juvia cause she's bae)

  • enter image description here


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    You're not getting away this time!... I've got the perfect punishment set for you.

  • Good Night, Hazza! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No one got a good response for Rhys to give to Nick about him and Fiona?! Wow guys :O Anyways, off to bed very soon. Goodnight all!

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