Y'know, if I had any tears left inside me, I'dprobablystart crying... b-but I don't, a-and I wouldn't want to wake up Fi either!... she's pretty menacing when she's angry... yeah.
Y'know, if I had any tears left inside me, I'd probably start crying... b-but I don't, a-and I wouldn't want to wake up Fi either!... she's pretty menacing when she's angry... yeah.
Damn... I used to ship Rhys and Sasha so hard. But last episode... that GODDAMN last episode. Really changed my mind about that... (?) Yes, … moreyes, it's way too late now. Everyone knows. Rhysha is cool but... this... I need to see more moments like this in S2 of Tales #RhyionaFTW
I'm just looking out for you.
Felicitations, malefactors! I am endeavoring to misappropriate the eidolic alloy for the preparation of apparitional armament! Who will join me!?
Y'know, if I had any tears left inside me, I'd probably start crying... b-but I don't, a-and I wouldn't want to wake up Fi either!... she's pretty menacing when she's angry... yeah.
It's fine, just... I keep being a bully, but I care. ;-;
So true
This is so adorable, no one can tell me they don't feel something for each other.
I've never seen this before. Thank you for blessing me.
bows down to your greatness
Welcome to our cult.
when rhyiona exists but everyone is sleeping
I'm awake buddy!!!
I'm in PST so I'm usually active when everyone else is sleep. So lonely...
praise the lord
it's only 2AM, too early to disappear
Playing Heroes! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
It's 10 PM here, I'm clearly not sleeping
Go to sleep, son
sleep is for the weak
sleep is a pretty good idea.. It's only 7pm in California.
Your time zone is horrible! :-(
If you're not sleeping, how can you have some sweet Rhyiona dreams?
9:14 PM
Fun facts:
"Rhys" is a Welsh name, that means "enthusiasm"
"Fiona" is a Gaelic name, that means "white" or "fair"
Today was a slow day .-.
10:16 PM
i never do ;-;
it was weird, very lively at some points and very quiet during others
Good to know!
Try to sleep, and you'll have some sweet Rhyiona dreams!
The circle of life...
i swear I've slept before, I'm not a vampire
So, I was looking for a good response gif for this, but found some sweet art instead!
That's exactly what a vampire would say, vampire.
I just got back from work, so I have a whole night of Rhyiona ahead of me.
It's still almost 10 pm where I am though. But what matters is that I'm awake. And my WiFi connection is back!
This is freaking awesome