The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What? I think Fiona is... kinda hot.

    what the fuck

  • hey everyone how's it hangin lol

    It's On Again

    rly like this song :D)

  • My current sexuality: Your profile picture.

    My current sexuality: the way the Sole Survivor just shoots that radroach without even looking at it in the Fallout 4 Wanderer trailer. In other words... two weeks until Fallout 4.

  • Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's related to that blog project some of you may know about. Per the instructions, I had to create a survey and ask 50 people in my blog's target audience in order to learn their preferences and improve the blog posts. I created the blog on Survey Monkey, it should only take a few minutes to complete, not even (it's only 10 questions), you only have to answer the questions you are comfortable answering, and your answers are completely anonymous. Thanks guys, here's the link:

  • There you go.

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • I got you.

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.

    My current sexuality: the way the Sole Survivor just shoots that radroach without even looking at it in the Fallout 4 Wanderer trailer. In other words... two weeks until Fallout 4.

  • edited October 2015

    @dojo32161 @1632699

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Also, you don't have to reply to me if you do the survey, just saying, but thanks anyway.

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • Scary fact of the day:

    Top five countries known to partake in illegal arms trading?

    United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China.

    The only five countries that are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council?

    United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China.

    Facts don't lie.

  • I got you fam.

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • edited October 2015

    Those countries are the superpowers of the world. So they do and get away with whatever they want.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Scary fact of the day: Top five countries known to partake in illegal arms trading? United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and

  • Much appreciated

    I got you fam.

  • Did it! And if I may, is it a video game design school? Or is the survey video game-based because of your blog? Either way, I had fun! I like taking surveys :D

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • pls

    I got you fam.

  • ComingSoon posted: »

    hey everyone how's it hangin lol It's On Again rly like this song )

  • It's okay man. Everyone gets ignored sometimes.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • We can look back now and see how easy it is for one greedy person to undermine the communist system. But so long ago, I imagine that it would have seemed much more credible . Keep in mind that Assassin's Creed: Syndicate takes place in 1868; this is fifty years before the first ever communist government came into existence.

    Also, I think the Left Party of France was butthurt over Unity with how they saw it as "counter-revolutionary" propoganda and a misrepresentation of history, portraying the aristocracy as victims and people like Robespierre as monsters.

    These people make my eyes roll so intensely.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So many right wing tears over Karl Marx appearing in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

  • Another scary fact:

    The United States, since its inception in 1776, has been at war for a collective total of 222 years. This means that the U.S. has only been in a state of peace for a total of 21 collective years.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Scary fact of the day: Top five countries known to partake in illegal arms trading? United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and

  • Because of the blog.

    Did it! And if I may, is it a video game design school? Or is the survey video game-based because of your blog? Either way, I had fun! I like taking surveys

  • edited October 2015

    I'm the highwayman.

    enter link description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Done good luck bro :)

    Hey guys, I know I've been doing this a lot in the past couple of months, but I could use your help with a business project for school. It's

  • enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So many right wing tears over Karl Marx appearing in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

  • First-Person mode in GTA V Next-Gen is SO FREAKING COOL.

  • Thanks

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Done good luck bro

  • edited October 2015

    Can't they at least boycott it for a sensible reason like the stupid U-Play DRM on PC or the awful state Unity launched at?

    That would make much more sense, besides Karl Marx, Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin are the main reasons that I want to play that game despite my general dislike of Ubisoft because fuck Ubisoft (You know Ubisoft I could probably forgive all your awful bullshit if you stopped dicking around and made Beyond Good and Evil 2, I mean C'mon it ended on a fucking cliffhanger!)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So many right wing tears over Karl Marx appearing in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

  • I disliked it at first, but once I got rid of the deadzone, it was a lot better.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    First-Person mode in GTA V Next-Gen is SO FREAKING COOL.

  • edited October 2015

    Spoiler from season 6 episode 3 is in this video

    enter link description here

  • That ending though, 'One person was brutally murdered an several other people also could have been, BUT HEY, DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK'

  • Fallout 4 news!

    Fallout 4 won't end when you complete the main story and there will be no level cap.

  • The moderation in this Republican debate is

    T E R R I B L E.

  • Shout out @NightShoud18 love the Atticus avatar :)

  • These are new Rap Battles I've listened to and I have to say I'm surprised at how good they are xD

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    I love this new Rap Battle Series on Youtube <3

  • That was the funniest episode of South Park in a while.

  • Loved the hilarious art lol

    That was the funniest episode of South Park in a while.

  • God man, I'm so scared of operations. Going to have to have one done tomorrow, well probably tomorrow, might not actually get in. I mean I know that I'll be asleep through the whole thing yet I'm still afraid. Welp, just gotta deal.

    Don't know why I said any of this.

  • Sorry buddy, had to change it because seeing it every time I logged on was giving me excruciating heartache.

    But here, I'll post it for you, so ppl won't think your sexuality is Todd Howard. (Though it should be. Cause Fallout 4).

    enter image description here

    My current sexuality: Your profile picture.

  • I've been fortunate not to have any yet, but that's still a fear in the back of my mind so I can understand a bit. Great thing about falling asleep though is the next thing you know the ops all over and done done and you're in your bed, that what my mother said when she's had hers in the past.

    What is it you're going in for, are you okay with sharing that? o.o if it's too personal it's okay you don't have to.

    God man, I'm so scared of operations. Going to have to have one done tomorrow, well probably tomorrow, might not actually get in. I mean I k

  • edited October 2015

    It came as a surprise, one second I'm checking up at the doctor, next second I'm in a hospital bed prepped for surgery. I really wasn't expecting that, I mean I was in the hospital less than a month ago already.

    It's a hydrocelectomy, they usually let you go the same day after it. I'm a bit too embarassed to go into detail about what it is so you'd better just search it up yourself.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I've been fortunate not to have any yet, but that's still a fear in the back of my mind so I can understand a bit. Great thing about falling

  • I can understand your embarrassment. You poor thing. Well at least it isn't anything too serious. From what I briefly read up it's a safe procedure so you'll be alright. Wish you the best for tomorrow CR.

    It came as a surprise, one second I'm checking up at the doctor, next second I'm in a hospital bed prepped for surgery. I really wasn't expe

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