Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Rhys, you were soo cool.. I thought you were soo cool man, what happened to you? ;c

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    see?? I KNOW Rhys, people. I ain't even bullying, this is just the truth.

  • rhys was never cool, man.

    He was always the dorkiest dork.

    Rhys, you were soo cool.. I thought you were soo cool man, what happened to you? ;c

  • I know I've said this before,but I can't yet get over Tales,how am I gonna go on with my life without Tales From The Borderlands in my life?I really need to see this beautiful family in another season,you can't just let them go.

    Sorry I couldn't post any GIFs or videos or anything,as I'm actually crying from listening to My Silver Lining on repeat (and I'm not just saying that to look emotional,I'm literally crying with tears right now)

  • HA!

    blubber cries - softly cries - sobs - more sobbing - sobbing and sniffling - cries softly - cries

    The ones at the bottom are hilarious, especially the last one. And Fiona's.

    Narraya posted: »

    So.. I'm translating Ep. 5 and wow, guys, you really weren't lying about Rhys being a crybaby.. RHYS [pickup] [blubber cries] RHYS [

  • I'm so emotional today, even just thinking about Rhyiona is making me feel mushy

    send help

  • We're here for you, bro.

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I know I've said this before,but I can't yet get over Tales,how am I gonna go on with my life without Tales From The Borderlands in my life?

  • I'm emotional,you're emotional,I think we all need a therapy or something.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so emotional today, even just thinking about Rhyiona is making me feel mushy send help

  • I looked up to you man. I thought you were the coolest cucumber there was... My whole life... has been a lie!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    rhys was never cool, man. He was always the dorkiest dork.

  • it's just a mix of emotions today

    too much

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm emotional,you're emotional,I think we all need a therapy or something.

  • send help

    I-I'm working on it!

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so emotional today, even just thinking about Rhyiona is making me feel mushy send help

  • Look on the bright side of life. you're apart of the Rhyiona shipping family! You can't ship Rhyiona when you're glum!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I know I've said this before,but I can't yet get over Tales,how am I gonna go on with my life without Tales From The Borderlands in my life?

  • hey, he's still Rhys

    Just accept his true self.

    I looked up to you man. I thought you were the coolest cucumber there was... My whole life... has been a lie!

  • Thanks,I don't know how would I get over this game,maybe I'd get addicted or something,help me ;-;

    We're here for you, bro.

  • Rhyiona is the best therapy.

    ....unless it just makes Wolf mushier. We'll have to scrape him off the floor.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm emotional,you're emotional,I think we all need a therapy or something.

  • May I congratulate you on this successful rescue mission.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    send help I-I'm working on it!

  • oh good...... That was helpful :/

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    send help I-I'm working on it!

  • You're right,I haven't been in a group that feels so warm and beautiful,at least if S2 never happens,we still got each other ;')

    Look on the bright side of life. you're apart of the Rhyiona shipping family! You can't ship Rhyiona when you're glum!

  • I'm feeling the same way. I just spend way too much time here and spend the rest of my time writing.

    It...sort of helps.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Thanks,I don't know how would I get over this game,maybe I'd get addicted or something,help me ;-;

  • Unless if the thread gets deleted or one of us gets perma'd.. But what's the chances of that?

    (Well done chef, you just ruined a warm moment)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You're right,I haven't been in a group that feels so warm and beautiful,at least if S2 never happens,we still got each other ;')

  • edited October 2015

    [Trust Rhys]

    .....hm. That didn't turn out too well.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    send help I-I'm working on it!

  • ,

    Poogers555 posted: »

    mfw I got "Im interested in someone else" on my first try

  • Unless if the thread gets deleted or one of us gets perma'd

    A message to the mod that'd do this

    enter link description here

    Unless if the thread gets deleted or one of us gets perma'd.. But what's the chances of that? (Well done chef, you just ruined a warm moment)

  • . .

    Eryka posted: »

    Can I have some hugs, please?

  • edited October 2015

    Fiona: Rhys? What a loser-

    trips and thousands of pictures of Rhys fall out of her coat

    Fiona: No! This isn't what it looks like, I'm holding these for Sasha-

    pictures continue to fall out as she scrambles to clean them up

    Fiona: If you would just let me explain!


    I don't even know they just seemed perfect for this Tumblr thing. XD

  • I wish I had more free time to spend doing what I love,but unfortunately,school exists,and summer break is a long time ahead.

    I'm feeling the same way. I just spend way too much time here and spend the rest of my time writing. It...sort of helps.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i want to hug all of you

  • this actually happened to me once

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what if rhys cried so much that they'd have to use boats to move around the house

  • Same here. But I can always make time for Rhyiona.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I wish I had more free time to spend doing what I love,but unfortunately,school exists,and summer break is a long time ahead.

  • how whipped

    Fiona: Rhys? What a loser- trips and thousands of pictures of Rhys fall out of her coat Fiona: No! This isn't what it looks like, I'm

  • Ok,today has been a fun day with all of you,but I have to go to sleep now,good night everyone sniffs a tear.

  • i feel you so much pal, i also cry about rhyiona sometimes and i mean real tears like water coming out of my eyes and i'm like what the frick... but i really do i love this game so much it's ridiculous and i need a season 2 too for the sake of my emotions

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I know I've said this before,but I can't yet get over Tales,how am I gonna go on with my life without Tales From The Borderlands in my life?

  • Good night!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Ok,today has been a fun day with all of you,but I have to go to sleep now,good night everyone sniffs a tear.

  • edited October 2015

    how are you still alive??

    rhonu posted: »

    this actually happened to me once

  • i've been listening to "make you feel my love" by adele and imagining rhyiona music videos in my head nd why do we do this? why doi do this to myself

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so emotional today, even just thinking about Rhyiona is making me feel mushy send help

  • Sometimes I wanna write a LAP on why I love you guys but that would be cheesy and I'm a tsundere.

  • enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Oooh, so that's why it's "none". Thank you very much, even though it made me kinda sad.

  • Umm, was there more to the ending than I got? because sure, Rhys and Fiona had a nice last minute moment, but just before that, just before walking in, there was the whole, "what are your intentions with my sister".. and I saw no option to even hint that Rhys was more interested in Fiona... the best I could do was "we're just friends"... did you guys get something more?

  • Rhys is all like . . .

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    rhys was never cool, man. He was always the dorkiest dork.

  • adele makes me feel like i should cry at something like spilling water

    rhonu posted: »

    i've been listening to "make you feel my love" by adele and imagining rhyiona music videos in my head nd why do we do this? why doi do this to myself

  • You did give the flower to Sasha, didn't you? :)

    endoftimes posted: »

    Umm, was there more to the ending than I got? because sure, Rhys and Fiona had a nice last minute moment, but just before that, just before

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