Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Say "stay away from Sasha" if you didn't give Sasha the flower.

    endoftimes posted: »

    Umm, was there more to the ending than I got? because sure, Rhys and Fiona had a nice last minute moment, but just before that, just before

  • May I congratulate you on this successful rescue mission.

    enter image description here


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    May I congratulate you on this successful rescue mission.

  • .

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so emotional today, even just thinking about Rhyiona is making me feel mushy send help

  • Good Night! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Ok,today has been a fun day with all of you,but I have to go to sleep now,good night everyone sniffs a tear.

  • edited October 2015

    I've been listening to the Undertale OST on repeat and that makes me emotional

    rhonu posted: »

    i've been listening to "make you feel my love" by adele and imagining rhyiona music videos in my head nd why do we do this? why doi do this to myself

  • No, I'm serious. You managed not to injure anyone but yourself, that's a first :D

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    May I congratulate you on this successful rescue mission. ...

  • if S2 never happens

    It will happen! You just have to

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You're right,I haven't been in a group that feels so warm and beautiful,at least if S2 never happens,we still got each other ;')

  • You managed not to injure anyone but yourself, that's a first

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    No, I'm serious. You managed not to injure anyone but yourself, that's a first

  • Night friend! Sleep well :D Rhyiona is with you. . .

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Ok,today has been a fun day with all of you,but I have to go to sleep now,good night everyone sniffs a tear.

  • Me too..... but if I see something funny I just use this music

    It helps a lot even in some unfunny situations! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

    Klowbi posted: »

    I've been listening to the Undertale OST on repeat and that makes me emotional

  • if you tell rhys to stay away from sasha and didn't give her the flower in ep 3 then you can pick the "i'm interested in someone else"

    endoftimes posted: »

    Umm, was there more to the ending than I got? because sure, Rhys and Fiona had a nice last minute moment, but just before that, just before

  • I'm trying to be encouraging here, helping you see the bright side of things. Not my fault the brightest you can get is the bottom of a pit.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    You managed not to injure anyone but yourself, that's a first

  • Thaaaat's the spirit...

    enter image description here

    Narraya posted: »

    if S2 never happens It will happen! You just have to

  • Farauna posted: »

    Me too..... but if I see something funny I just use this music It helps a lot even in some unfunny situations! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

  • Night, Zap!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Ok,today has been a fun day with all of you,but I have to go to sleep now,good night everyone sniffs a tear.

  • .

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    what if rhys cried so much that they'd have to use boats to move around the house (that... actually nearly happened one time.)

  • Yes, the Greater Dog is just so adorable!

    Also I just found this and I don't know what to think about it....

    somewhere I think it's awesome.

    Klowbi posted: »

    I'm a particular fan of the dog song, it just makes me so happy!

  • My reaction to ep 5 and Rhyiona overall .

    rhonu posted: »

    i feel you so much pal, i also cry about rhyiona sometimes and i mean real tears like water coming out of my eyes and i'm like what the fric

  • edited October 2015

    Not my fault the brightest you can get is the bottom of a pit.

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm trying to be encouraging here, helping you see the bright side of things. Not my fault the brightest you can get is the bottom of a pit.

  • omw

    Farauna posted: »

    Yes, the Greater Dog is just so adorable! Also I just found this and I don't know what to think about it.... somewhere I think it's awesome.

  • edited October 2015

    Okay, so this is just a minor downer to add to the thread, you don't have to pay attention to this if you don't want.

    Of course, you're all probably confused as to why I'm sharing this here, but I'll just tell you that I'm sharing this because I trust you all and you're all so kind to me. I know that I can come here and feel welcome.

    My boyfriend and I just broke off our relationship, and I wish I could say that it wasn't a train wreck. There was a lot of shouting and swearing and crying. I'm not in the best mood. Things weren't going well for a few weeks now, and we just.. cracked tonight. My head is throbbing and I'm curled in bed, cuddling my dog and cat, but I know that, with a lot of perseverance, I can get through this. He's leaving tomorrow night, we've come to a semi-neutral relationship as of now.

    This post is probably not worth your time, but I'm just letting you all know, because I needed to let it out, somewhere.

    I'm going to go to bed now, I think. Might not be here for a few days, but, I'll see what I'm doing. Got work tomorrow and I need to decorate my home for Halloween. :)

    Thanks to all of you, for being so kind to me since I came here. I'm sorry that this post is quite mood-killing. <3

  • Okay found some sweet art by someone named Avali . . . .

  • I'm so sorry to hear that... I honestly hope everything ends up getting better for you becauae you deserve more than being gloomy.

    Hope for the best. :(

  • Oh come on, that was a good comeback and you know it! Of course, you're speechless with admiration :D

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Not my fault the brightest you can get is the bottom of a pit.

  • I know how you feel bro ;__; I can't believe that it's over.


    ZapThroat posted: »

    I know I've said this before,but I can't yet get over Tales,how am I gonna go on with my life without Tales From The Borderlands in my life?

  • when a day goes by with no new Rhyiona art

    enter image description here

  • I'll just tell you that I'm sharing this because I trust you all and you're all so kind to me. I know that I can come here and feel welcome.

    enter image description here

    You're ALWAYS welcome here!

    My boyfriend and I just broke off our relationship, and I wish I could say that it wasn't a train wreck. There was a lot of shouting and swearing and crying. I'm not in the best mood. Things weren't going well for a few weeks now, and we just.. cracked tonight. My head is throbbing and I'm curled in bed, cuddling my dog and cat, but I know that, with a lot of perseverance, I can get through this. He's leaving tomorrow night, we've come to a semi-neutral relationship as of now.

    Oh... I... I am sorry to... hear that.

    But, at least you've got it off your chest!... it was a good thing to do.

    I'm going to go to bed now, I think. Might not be here for a few days, but, I'll see what I'm doing. Got work tomorrow and I need to decorate my home for Halloween. :)

    I understand. We will be here for you, I assure you. ;)

    Thanks to all of you, for being so kind to me since I came here. I'm sorry that this post is quite mood-killing. <3

    You're welcome! <3

    I hope you will feel better soon!

  • put on a shirt, there are children here

  • poogs pls

    Give them lovely artists a break or rip their fingers

    Poogers555 posted: »

    when a day goes by with no new Rhyiona art

  • I hate to hear that, so sorry Cara :( If things weren't going so well this was probably the right thing to do but it can't have been easy.

    You'll feel better with time, I'm sure of it. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Halloween is a good start :)

  • edited October 2015

    Of course, you're speechless with admiration :D

    (One of these days, you will prove them wrong, Rhys... yeah, you will.)

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh come on, that was a good comeback and you know it! Of course, you're speechless with admiration

  • Thank you, Wolf. I'm sure that I'll be fine, soon. Just need to take it easy, and to not stress out so much.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm so sorry to hear that... I honestly hope everything ends up getting better for you becauae you deserve more than being gloomy. Hope for the best.

  • im so excited for rhyiona halloween

  • HandsomeChefHandsomeChef Banned
    edited October 2015

    A good idea for a Rhyiona fanfic actually.

    Fiona: Rhys? What a loser- trips and thousands of pictures of Rhys fall out of her coat Fiona: No! This isn't what it looks like, I'm

  • what if it's a very inappropriate shirt

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    put on a shirt, there are children here

  • Take your time, we understand! We just want you to be okay. :)

    Thank you, Wolf. I'm sure that I'll be fine, soon. Just need to take it easy, and to not stress out so much.

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