The release date was right in front of us this whole time

Do you remember in August that leaked release date for the retail release for game of thrones. Well the release date was true. Did telltale leak that thing on purpose to trick us. Have a great Halloween and let me know if telltale did that on purpose.


  • Wha I meant to say was that the retail release was leaked somewhere and in fact, it is the same release date as episode 6


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    There are tons of release dates listed that are complete guesses for all of Telltale's episodes (especially by that awful kpopstarz site and random wiki editors). Since people throw out tons of dates, it makes sense that one of them would hit at some point.

    There's no way that Telltale would be able to coordinate a release date with their distribution partners (Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Steam, etc.) for a November release as early as August.

    Wha I meant to say was that the retail release was leaked somewhere and in fact, it is the same release date as episode 6

  • edited October 2015

    Considering that it coincides with the release of the retail version then yes I would say they had the release date for retail version nailed down months in advance. They would have had to coordinate months in advance to make that happen.

    Did they know that Episode 6's release would coincide with the release of the retail version? Probably not. But I would say that by late September they knew very well that Game of Thrones finale wouldn't be ready till November.

    Jennifer posted: »

    There are tons of release dates listed that are complete guesses for all of Telltale's episodes (especially by that awful kpopstarz site and

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    They may have had the date of the retail version planned in advance, but that's not the same as planning the release date of episode six on the same time frame. In fact, it's almost certainly not the case. I highly doubt they would want the final episode to release in the same month, let alone the same day. If they were aiming for a November retail release, it's more likely they were hoping for at most an October episode 6 release.

    For instance, the final episode of The Walking Dead came out in November 2012. The retail release came out in December 2012. The final episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two came out in August 2014. The retail release came out in October 2014. The final episode of The Wolf Among Us came out in July 2014. The retail version came out in November 2014.

    Having the final episode of Game of Thrones coincide with the retail release is far from an ideal situation, as it gives little time to test all of the retail discs as well as all of the episodic versions. There's no buffer between releases, and even if they happened in the same month rather than the same day, the buffer would still be way too small to be ideal. There's no way that Telltale would have planned for that to happen back in September.

    Wigams posted: »

    Considering that it coincides with the release of the retail version then yes I would say they had the release date for retail version naile

  • You didn't get what I meant. I said that they didn't know that it would take this long for the last episode to be released. They didn't PLAN for it to COINCIDE

    I'm not saying that they did it on purpose or anything....I said that the plan was ALWAYS to have the PHYSICAL COPIES released on November 17th. THIS was negotiated months in advance. When it comes to EPISODE 6 I said that they DIDN"T plan to have it release on the same day as the physical copies are released in stores.

    Had this episode been released like a normal finale then it would have come out the same way all others have. Approx 2 months after...

    Jennifer posted: »

    They may have had the date of the retail version planned in advance, but that's not the same as planning the release date of episode six on

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    You stated that "by late September they knew very well that Game of Thrones finale wouldn't be ready till November". There's no way that would have been the case. It's likely the team was working like crazy to try to get it released in October, just so they could get a buffer between the episodic release and the retail release (which is pretty clear, given that their episodes have always had a buffer of around at least a month, if not more, between their episodic release and their retail release).

    Whatever development related hurdle that caused the episode to be released in November, it's likely the team didn't realize that they wouldn't be able to clear it until the moment that they worked out the date with their distribution partners (since Telltale staff have revealed that they can send in unfinished experiences into rating boards, as long as the game has all intended dialog/gore/language/etc. in place, the build could have been through this necessary process as early as September, and the team still likely would have been working towards an October release). Since the episode 6 release date was only announced recently, the moment that the team realized that the final episode would have to be delivered in November likely only happened some time this month.

    Wigams posted: »

    You didn't get what I meant. I said that they didn't know that it would take this long for the last episode to be released. They didn't PL

  • Seems as if the plan was always the have Minecraft ep 1 and 2, and Tale finale to be released in October to be the "mega month".

    Not sure why you think it's such a stretch that they determined by late September as in the end of September that Game of Thrones wouldn't be coming in October and therefore coming in November (they had the minecraft date nailed, the tales date nailed, and they had the retail version of minecraft naled for october 27th..seems as if the plan was to release minecraft episode 2 on retail launch day the entire time as well). Every game developer sends in unpolished/unfinished games to ratings boards, telltale is not exclusive in this area.

    Usually rating come out three weeks before release so if they didn't know in September they knew in the first week of October. Seems like it still hasn't even been sent in so....

    Jennifer posted: »

    You stated that "by late September they knew very well that Game of Thrones finale wouldn't be ready till November". There's no way that wo

  • All in all, this doesn't really matter so there's no point in going back and forth anymore :P the release date is the 17th and we'll have to live with it :(

    Jennifer posted: »

    You stated that "by late September they knew very well that Game of Thrones finale wouldn't be ready till November". There's no way that wo

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Ratings boards aren't always consistent with when they add ratings to their websites. They're good for finding out about upcoming releases, but due to their inconsistency with updating, they're not so good at accurately determining when a game will be released.

    I'm sure the plan was always to have the four games they released in October as part of Mega Month, but there's no reason that Game of Thrones couldn't have been released as part of the mega month too, if the episode had been ready to go. The most likely scenario is that episode simply wasn't ready in October, for unforeseen development difficulties, so it got pushed to November. Telltale has never made a final episode and a retail release within such a tight timeframe as they are with the November release of Game of Thrones, as it gives them a prohibitively small amount of time for testing on all systems for both the digital and retail releases, which would all need individualized testing resources (and it gives them no time to fix the problems found by gamers in the episodic version for the retail release). So, it's pretty clear that they didn't intend to release both the final episode and the retail release during the same month.

    Additionally, the development and release of other episodes have nothing to do with the Game of Thrones release, as different teams work on each of the series and Telltale has released two games on the same day before. Just last month, during Mega Month, Back to the Future and Minecraft were released on the same day. Telltale almost certainly would have done the same with Game of Thrones and the second episode of Minecraft if they could.

    Wigams posted: »

    Seems as if the plan was always the have Minecraft ep 1 and 2, and Tale finale to be released in October to be the "mega month". Not sure

  • edited October 2015

    Back to the future was a RE-release so I don't know why you would consider it the same thing as releasing two brand new episodes. Back to the futures release was also leaked by amazon a few months earlier, that's why everyone knew about it so far in advance. What two NEW episodes were ever released on the exact same day?

    You're putting words in my mouth now....I never said other games affected it's release or that they didn't have separate teams so lets get that out of the way. I said that Telltale (there is somebody who coordinates release of episodes in the company) knew that the Game of thrones team wouldn't have the episode done for October in LATE LATE September or EARLY EARLY October. The episode simply wasn't ready and they knew it wasn't going to be ready.

    Telltale has never made a final episode and a retail release within such a tight timeframe as they are with the November release of Game of Thrones, as it gives them a prohibitively small amount of time for testing on all systems for both the digital and retail releases, which would all need individualized testing resources (and it gives them no time to fix the problems found by gamers in the episodic version for the retail release). So, it's pretty clear that they didn't intend to release both the final episode and the retail release during the same month.

    " When it comes to EPISODE 6 I said that they DIDN"T plan to have it release on the same day as the physical copies are released in stores.

    Had this episode been released like a normal finale then it would have come out the same way all others have. Approx 2 months after..."

    That's why i said that in an earlier post...

    Jennifer posted: »

    Ratings boards aren't always consistent with when they add ratings to their websites. They're good for finding out about upcoming releases,

  • [removed]

    Jennifer posted: »

    Ratings boards aren't always consistent with when they add ratings to their websites. They're good for finding out about upcoming releases,

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    You did imply that other games affected its release with your posts about Game of Thrones episode 6 getting a release date in November due to Telltale planning release dates of the four games they released for Mega Month in October. That's not the case, as I pointed out Telltale has released games on the same day before (Back to the Future wasn't a re-release, but a remaster with new content). In addition, CSI: Deadly Intent and Tales of Monkey Island episode 4 both released on October 30, 2009. Because of that, there's no reason that Game of Thrones episode 6 and Minecraft: Story Mode episode 2 could not have released on the same day, if it were possible to do so. And, an October release of Game of Thrones would have been a beneficial release for Telltale as they would have had a lot more time to do testing for all of the versions of the final episode and the retail release.

    Because of that, it's likely that they struggled all throughout October to try to get the game out, but only just discovered that they couldn't arrange that, due to unforseen development difficulties (which wouldn't be the first time that unforseen difficulties delayed a release, as seen with The Wolf Among Us). Releasing the final episode and the retail version in the same month is not an ideal situation at all. Telltale definitely would have done everything they could do to avoid that by making one more October mega month release if they could have done so.

    That said, I'll stop here as I agree with this post of yours:

    All in all, this doesn't really matter so there's no point in going back and forth anymore :P the release date is the 17th and we'll have to live with it :(

    The game's coming out in November, regardless of Telltale's intentions, so we'll just have to wait until then to see if it's worth the wait.

    Wigams posted: »

    Back to the future was a RE-release so I don't know why you would consider it the same thing as releasing two brand new episodes. Back to th

  • May I ask when screenshots for Ep 6 come out? My curiousness is overflowing. That is if you know and can say.

    Jennifer posted: »

    They may have had the date of the retail version planned in advance, but that's not the same as planning the release date of episode six on

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