Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    Fox Mulder

    enter image description here

    God... someone should cue the X-Files theme song over here...

    It's hard enough being stuck in a basement. Who are you, Fox Mulder?

  • He's such a cheeseball, I just wanna hug him and touch his hair.

    Narraya posted: »

    I think his smile is what gets me every time. I hate it and love it at the same time. I mean.. look at this face! I can't handle it.

  • Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's something between those two, I mean, it's totally obvious by now, isn't it? :D

    Many things... like... not enough sharks! Or... not enough chainsaws! D:

    Well, I'd use our official term, but it's still a secret, isn't it? I wanted to be, um, ambiguous? Come to think of it, we can even stay here, I don't mind to be honest... had conversations like these before and usually it did not backfire on me, nobody really notices when you have a conversation on the past pages. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ah, of course, those two... A tornado... of sharks... what could possibly go wrong with this movie? Definitely an interesting movie to wa


    It's hard enough being stuck in a basement. Who are you, Fox Mulder?

  • Well....

    @ABigBadWolf said he'd have one tonight..... -stares-

    Farauna posted: »

    Feeling terrible right now, I think I'm going to play some Heroes....by myself.... Hopefully I see some Fanfics when I come back!

  • Don't feel terrible. Think of happy Rhyiona thoughts!

    Farauna posted: »

    Feeling terrible right now, I think I'm going to play some Heroes....by myself.... Hopefully I see some Fanfics when I come back!

  • You asked.

    The X-Files theme

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Fox Mulder God... someone should cue the X-Files theme song over here...

  • Okay, so Cara wrote the third instalment to her Hunger Games AU, remember that? She sent me it a week ago, but I don't think she's in the right mind to post it here, so I'll post it either tonight or tomorrow for her. I've been given permission by her, she's even admitted that she's still feeling pretty rough. I've also let her know that we're all here for her, and that she can come on here whenever she likes to talk.

    I'd really like to see her happy again, and, fingers crossed, she will be when she comes on here and sees how much we care. Because we do! She's a part of our family, and has been for a long while, now.

    So, yeah. I'll hopefully have that up at some point. :)

  • T-this is perfect!

    enter image description here

    You asked. The X-Files theme

  • Thank you. I love you too.



  • Are you kidding me? It's practically confirmed, there's no doubt about that xD

    0/10 too much tornado, too little shark?

    Secret it may be, we've just never had a reason to mention it and it might be a bit weird to do so now. I've had countless back-page conversations with people that have never been discovered... and then some that have. But we're not discussing state secrets, are we?

    HellFish posted: »

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's something between those two, I mean, it's totally obvious by now, isn't it? Many things... like... not eno

  • enter image description here

    Here's hoping he will keep to his word...

    Well.... @ABigBadWolf said he'd have one tonight..... -stares-

  • edited October 2015

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over.

    It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the rest of your life without worrying again -- that he realises that it really doesn't help them with the little things.

    The desert is still a desert and no amount of coins is going to teleport them to the end of it and, when they do get across, he thinks he's never felt so exhausted before.

    It's a little ridiculous; Rhys can pride himself in having survived situations most of his ex-coworkers would've succumbed to long ago but he's irrationally more scared of dehydration than he ever was of a vault monster. Maybe it's because not everyone is there but he can't bring himself to pretend he's not enjoying the company no matter how much he tries.

    He drops himself on the floor with a loud thud that attracts her attention enough to make her look back at him and, in the middle of his heat induced stupor, he can still feel a sense of satisfaction that lingers even after she moves to walk ahead of him again.

    Of course she's stronger.

    "Hey," he croaks and internally cringes at his own cracked voice, "can we... can we stop? I'm dying here."

    Fiona sighs and it makes him pout a little -- he's trying and he really doesn't mean to hold them back but he's not built for this like she is and her seeming disapproval just rubs that in. He knows her idea of 'you're one of us now so suck it up and learn' is beneficial to them but he's not quite ready to let go yet.

    "...Fine," she gives in and he can detect her eyes softening, just a little, under the usual facade, "but don't take too long, it's going to be dark soon."

    It is and he knows that even if he heat bothers him now, the stinging cold is going to be worse later.

    "I won't," he promises and prays he can actually keep it this once, "I just wish we had water."

    "We will when we get back to the hotel," she reassures him but her face doesn't match her optimism and he wonder if she's honestly talking about the water at all, "we just... we just need some luck."

    Suddenly, he understands what's bothering her but he doesn't bring it up when she finally drops next to him with a badly concealed yawn. It's eating at him too lately -- he can't imagine how much worse it is for her to be missing her sister -- but pressing on isn't going to help their search and he's frankly too scared to try anything.

    But he's never in control of his own body -- or at least less times than he'd like -- so even he almost gasps when he realises he's scooted so close to her now that their arms are brushing. Surprisingly, she doesn't flinch and she doesn't look at him but he can tell the corners of her lips are tugging upwards, only so slightly, and he realises then she knows exactly what he's trying to do but he can tell she's probably not anticipating what's next either.

    And he knows he hasn't planned this far and that they've been stuck in this dance of will-they-or-won't-they for all the months they've spent together but he risks everything right there and then when he leans down and presses a kiss to the back of her shoulder.

    The fabric of her clothes feels strange against his lips but it's not entirely unpleasant when her heat is seeping through it (and he finds it hilarious he'd been complaining about it just a few minutes before) and he opens a tentative eye to peek at her once he pulls back.

    It's as if the area is burning for her too because she lays a hand over if, mouth agape and face flushing, and he thinks it's definitely not just the weather getting to her.

    "What was...?"

    She's not stuttering but she's eating her own words and Rhys considers he might have hit a jackpot far higher than any vault when she bites her lip in confusion.

    "You know what." And he leaves it at that because they're both aware and he thinks he doesn't need to embarrass either of them anymore for today.

    She asks no questions as she gets up but she offers him a hand and he knows this is her way of acceptance. Her touch lingers for a few seconds longer than it needed to and he decides it can't hurt to keep her there a while longer so, when he intertwines their fingers without permission,he doesn't expect resistance.

    And there is none.

    I am sooo sorry for any typos, I honestly tried to fix all of them this time but I might have missed something.

    Happy birthday lotti!

  • We need to stop or I'm gonna die from his adorableness, handsomeness and all this things I don't have time to write.
    He will be the death of me someday, I swear.

    Goddammit, I really need season 2 with Rhys (and Rhyiona) in it or.. bad things will happen.

    He's such a cheeseball, I just wanna hug him and touch his hair.

  • Speak of the devil! Right on time!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over. It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the

  • the hell, guys, have faith in me

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Here's hoping he will keep to his word...

  • it's the need

    the need for speed

  • Swoons.

    Thank you. I love you too.

  • I smell so many heretics...
    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    We do, we do...

    But a little motivation never hurt anyone. Hey, be glad we're not all punching you in the face like earlier.

    EDIT: Whoa you posted it before I even.....fhowefj

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    the hell, guys, have faith in me

  • tfw your friends dont believe in you

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Speak of the devil! Right on time!

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over. It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the

  • did he die from a heart attack

    (this is so cute, i cant)

  • Oh and I forgot, kewl pumpkins x)

    i know x) school really sucks here trust me, this thread is the most relaxing thing ever, and hanging out with you guys is just awesome

  • edited October 2015

    He came through! It's a miracle!


    (Great fanfiction by the way. I give it a Big 10/10)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over. It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the

  • In the words of Shia Labeouf.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    tfw your friends dont believe in you

  • I JUST MELTED............ that last part made me die nd go to heaven

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over. It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the

  • Damn, people actually discover some of these convos? I wanted to discuss some state secrets actually! Should I do that in a PM then? Like, PM PM, not the secret PM? :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Are you kidding me? It's practically confirmed, there's no doubt about that xD 0/10 too much tornado, too little shark? Secret it may

  • hahaha thanks (cx

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh and I forgot, kewl pumpkins x)

  • Um....

    I'm just gonna be....

    Over in my bedroom...

    screaming into my pillow

  • He came

    enter image description here

    He came through! It's a miracle! (Great fanfiction by the way. I give it a Big 10/10)

  • did he die from a heart attack

    You'd wish for that to happen, wouldn't you?...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    did he die from a heart attack (this is so cute, i cant)

  • YES PLEASE i miss you bro

    i'll have to think about it >:D

  • short and sweet :D

    still waiting for your ff.net account and stories tho...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He doesn't know what he's doing until it's already over. It's not until they have money -- the kind that you think will let you live the

  • Classy Chef

    enter image description here

    I'll post one for you Love you too dearie

  • But it'll be a beautiful death, that's for sure.

    We'll riot. WHO'S WITH ME??

    Narraya posted: »

    We need to stop or I'm gonna die from his adorableness, handsomeness and all this things I don't have time to write. He will be the death


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    In the words of Shia Labeouf.

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