Lord Andros is ....

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Is Gay, As seen in Episode 4 during Tommen's coronation Lord Tarwick says that he's not interested in women and when you eardrops Andros he swerves the conversation when asked about his wife, So my theory is when Cersei tells Mira she will dispose of Andros I think she means sell him over to the Sparrows as the timing in the game and show is right. Also in the TV series when the Sparrows raid the brothel in Kings Landing and arrest all the gay people a man who looked a lot like Andros tried to bribe his way out of it with gold but got his throat slit. Why am I writing this because I have a theory that if things go well with Cersei this is how he'll be disposed of quite dark but it fits her personality with the revealing dark secrets and that. (I NOW KNOW THE TIMING OFF BUT I THOUGHT I'D KEEP THIS THREAD OPEN SO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THE ANDROS CHARECTER).


  • Eavesdrop... not eardrops.

    As far as your theory is concerned... interesting. I just want him out of Mira's life and I don't really care the manner in which this occurs.

  • Hey, grammarnazi, get outta here.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Eavesdrop... not eardrops. As far as your theory is concerned... interesting. I just want him out of Mira's life and I don't really care the manner in which this occurs.

  • Oh please. I make one teensy correction and all of a sudden I'm a grammarnazi? Your standards are woefully low.

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Hey, grammarnazi, get outta here.

  • Bit early for Sparrows I'm afraid.

  • *grammar nazi

    there is a space


    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Hey, grammarnazi, get outta here.

  • ^^ this

    kaza125 posted: »

    Bit early for Sparrows I'm afraid.

  • It's certainly a possibility but you don't know it for a fact. What Tarwick said implies either that he's gay or one of those people that can't stand women or both.

  • I begged a differ.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Bit early for Sparrows I'm afraid.

  • The way Tarwick said it was a wink wink if you know what I mean way.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's certainly a possibility but you don't know it for a fact. What Tarwick said implies either that he's gay or one of those people that can't stand women or both.

  • I did not need to know that he is gay, what do I care?

    enter image description here

    Your timeline is also off, it's mid to late Season 4 in the game, and the High Sparrow arc doesn't take place until Season 5 of the show.

  • Sparrows don't appear in season 4. The game will finish at end of season 4.

    NicWarden posted: »

    I begged a differ.

  • edited October 2015

    Oh is it Season 4 I thought because Tommen was king it was Season 5 my bad.
    Edit : That makes sense because of the Twins.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Sparrows don't appear in season 4. The game will finish at end of season 4.

  • edited November 2015

    I got the impression that Tarwick was indeed implying Andros is gay, yeah. Morgryn probably would be a more reliable source. Maybe one of the reasons Andros hates Mira so much is because she stole his crush. Twice, with Lyman :P

    But seriously now, people sleeping with people of the same sex doesn't seem to be a big deal in the books. I'm surprised to learn that it is a big deal in the show and that it could be the cause of his death. It is an interesting idea, it's a shame that the timeline is off according to other people in this thread.

    Anyways, it isn't hard for Cersei to kill Andros, even without the help of the Sparrows. He is just a merchant lord, and as far as we know, he is in a similar situation Mira is: No allies anymore, no one in King's Landing cares if he lives or dies. Push him from a window, blame it on the wine. Poison him, blame it on a heart attack. Arrest him because he spoke to Tyrion that one time and put his head in the end of a spear. She can get creative, she is the mother of the king.

  • outta isn't proper English as well

    *grammar nazi there is a space kthxbye

  • Valebread sarcasm right.

    Valebread posted: »

    outta isn't proper English as well

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