The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy Halloween everybody

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    @InfiniteDawn enter link description here

  • This thread be like:
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  • Also 7 more upvotes until I have 1000. I know that's not a lot, since I've been here a long time, but still...

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    This thread be like:

  • Hello there. Standing here with my detonated Lamborghini, having some linguini, cooking some weinies, and watching some Hoodini. But you know what I like better than all of this.... it's HALLOWEEN MOTHERTRUCKERS! Happy Halloween! :D

    Also I got some good news! I've OPENED MY GTA ONLINE CREW!!

    Well, finally here we are! I've opened my GTA crew and it's all set! Welcome to Deathrow Kingdom LS! (had to change the name since it was taken)

    Simple thing is to have a good time! Party hard, die hard. That's our motto. So if ya die, oh well, try again. It's not like we're mortals. haha

    Now I uh, haven't done this before so uhm... kind of a new experience for me. I'm leaving the crew to open access cuz I know some who might want in can still be a part of it. What goes in their system division is totally their own thing.

    Now, the some things I need to mention is that I don't take part of modding and major exploit glitches (I'm fine with wall glitches, entering buildings and real fun glitches), you guys can if you wanna but you can count me on those bits. And I kinda believe in a fair fight, so yeah. Ahem, anyway... let's get to the good stuff! (totally not feeling like Lester right now)

    I've created our training regime (I dunno if it carries over between systems sadly)! This is strictly to help people hone skills in different combat situations, as they say, there's subsitute for experience. It's a five part playlist, I set it under forced weapons to make the maps more controlled. First one takes place in a parking lot building by the highway of Del Perro, it's close combat involving pistols and shotguns. Second one is in a open field with a pond in the middle, it's for open field combat, involving rifles and snipers. Third one is a sniping session in the construction site near the prison, you got pistols and snipers available with some bikes (although, this is a stealth related session). Fourth one, is your typical run n' gunning session on a rooftop, with shotguns/combat mg/grenade launcher. It's meant for blood pumping situations. The final one is actually a capture mission ontop of the same rooftop, but a larger map. All NPCs are aggressive and have high accuracy. Both teams must go through long pathways to grab some bags of "precious treasures" and deliver them to the rendezvous. Me and my old friend (who's now in the crew), tried this and, haha, we got slaughtered. We never delivered the bags on our own and died like over 200 times. I made this one difficult on purpose, I want people to strategize, use teammwork, and take lots of cover. Think of it as a heist simulater.

    Now onto our Headquarters! This will be a hangout/escape base for all members, it really helped me on the long run so I think it'll be great for everyone! It's pretty linear btw. Here, lemme guide you through your new home!:D

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    Nearby the mechanic's autoshop, there's a highway. Take that route and you'll find a wall blown open (Took a lotta dynamite for me to use... >_>, still trying to buy a door for it).

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    Here is our entrance tunnel, or should I say trap tunnel if you're an outsider. If you ever find yourself chased by a player and don't wanna fight, on your way through the entrance, before the jump, have a mine before the ledge for an unwelcoming surprise for your bitch. Always works for me. ;)

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    Here is our living quarters! Here we can just chill out, and meet up! Just be aware of the skylight above us, sometimes assholes likes to shoot from there.

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    I like to call this the trap tunnel. Mines happen to be the same colour as some of the mud so it's great to place a mine in the mud patches to surprise any outsider. It's also great to outmaneuver outsiders by driving along the walls.

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    Here I like to call the "mirage" room. The reason it's called that, is because this room is directly below a road, and if you park it "on the road" via radar, people will often think you're on the surface. I often do this with a bounty on my head, and most people end up looking for me on that road for about 10+ minutes. xD

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    Here's our little tunnel after the mirage room. I'm noting this because I once got ambushed through the skylights. So it's best to note that when travelling through there.

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    And here is our last important room, the escape shuttle. Here we have 3 escape routes if our earlier traps have been avoided. One leads to the wet parts of the sewer tunnels, the left leads to the LLOOOOONGGGGG subway tunnel, the right one leads out to the open and is the shortest escape route.

    Now, I was thinking about making a group pm for members so we know when to have a group meetup. I was wondering if it was okay at first. So lemme know! And I'll do my best in trying to share our adventures, it'll be all in my perspective though so I might miss out on some things. And that's all he wrote today!

  • Just look at that duck.


  • So much nostalgia man.

    Jennifer posted: »

    This is Halloween

  • I just wanted to share with you my list of Halloween movies. Sorted from best to 'least best'.

    • Insidious 1,2,3
    • Mirrors 1,2
    • Room 1408
    • The Others
    • Oculus
    • Drag me to Hell
    • The Haunting in Conneticut
    • Dead Silence
    • Woman in Black
    • Orphan
    • Grave Encounters 2
  • enter image description here

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Also 7 more upvotes until I have 1000. I know that's not a lot, since I've been here a long time, but still...

  • When does the Halloween update end?

    Hello there. Standing here with my detonated Lamborghini, having some linguini, cooking some weinies, and watching some Hoodini. But you kn

  • And that's a 1000, people.

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    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Also 7 more upvotes until I have 1000. I know that's not a lot, since I've been here a long time, but still...

  • Well, I'm on a train, and the girl in front of me just got arrested for refusing to get off, it was quite a site to see. She literally got dragged out in handcuffs.

  • Did you take pictures? You should've taken pictures. Pics or it didn't happen.

    Well, I'm on a train, and the girl in front of me just got arrested for refusing to get off, it was quite a site to see. She literally got dragged out in handcuffs.

  • I was thinking about it, trust me, but I decided against it, I didn't want to make an already bad scene possibly even worse.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Did you take pictures? You should've taken pictures. Pics or it didn't happen.

  • enter image description here

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    Rise of the micro transactions

    I adored the first game on ps4 so yes I'm really butt hurt over this exclusive XD

    Less than two weeks enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    Oh Fallout will destroy it no question, but I don't care I loved the reboot(was my goty for that year) and I'm getting it. Square Enix obviously knows it won't sell that well being an X1 timed exclusive, but I guess the deal from Microsoft was so good they don't care.

    Also I didn't look real deep into it, but from what I've seen of it the microtransactions don't seem nesessary to get and won't impede the gameplay. Especially since I don't typically play multiplayer

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Rise of the micro transactions I adored the first game on ps4 so yes I'm really butt hurt over this exclusive XD

  • edited October 2015

    Ah, not quite sure. I'm on PS3, so I've been left out on the goodies. ;-;

    The best I could do is dress up as Juli Kidman from Evil Within in the game.

    When does the Halloween update end?

  • Interesting concept... What I'm getting from this, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that it's an unofficial name on a project that partners with a TV show and makes a series based off of that show, and then the next Episode or Season, moves to a different show. If so, I love it. Now I really hope the SuperShow is for RWBY or Doctor Who. OHHH THAT'D BE AWESOME!

    Jennifer posted: »

    The series itself isn't called the super show, just the concept. It's only called a super show because it's both a TV series and an episodi

  • Oh wait, Just read your other post, it's nothing like I described. Dammit! XD

    Jennifer posted: »

    The series itself isn't called the super show, just the concept. It's only called a super show because it's both a TV series and an episodi

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2015

    If so, I love it. Now I really hope the SuperShow is for RWBY or Doctor Who. OHHH THAT'D BE AWESOME!

    Unlikely since it's not based off an existing TV show, it's going to be a brand new original IP. Plus RWBY isn't technically a TV show.

    Interesting concept... What I'm getting from this, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that it's an unofficial name on a project that partners w

  • I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck. I hated New Vegas so much and I was so disappointed, but I loved Fallout 3. So there's no Fallout game, or even Bethesda game that could beat Fallout 3 in my opinion... Except for when Dishonored 2 comes out and makes people's fucking heads explode.

    Oh Fallout will destroy it no question, but I don't care I loved the reboot(was my goty for that year) and I'm getting it. Square Enix obvio

  • Dead Silence

    I adore this film definitely anyone give it a watch

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I just wanted to share with you my list of Halloween movies. Sorted from best to 'least best'. * Insidious 1,2,3 * Mirrors 1,2 * Room

  • To be fair New Vegas wasn't developed by Bethesda

    I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck. I hated New Vegas so much and I was so disappointed, but I loved Fallout 3. So the

  • Well, that actually makes a lot of sense.

    To be fair New Vegas wasn't developed by Bethesda

  • Unlikely since it's not based off an existing TV show, it's going to be a brand new original IP.

    Yep. I figured that out.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If so, I love it. Now I really hope the SuperShow is for RWBY or Doctor Who. OHHH THAT'D BE AWESOME! Unlikely since it's not based off an existing TV show, it's going to be a brand new original IP. Plus RWBY isn't technically a TV show.

  • Depending of country, you might end up meeting "Cartman" and he drags you away in cuffs because they dared to tape it.

    Nah, probably not but yeah...

    I was thinking about it, trust me, but I decided against it, I didn't want to make an already bad scene possibly even worse.

  • edited October 2015

    Borderlands 2 Bloody Harvest game time!

    Let's smash some pumpkins.

  • I love this film my childhood :'D

    Jennifer posted: »

    This is Halloween

  • enter image description here

    Clord posted: »

    Depending of country, you might end up meeting "Cartman" and he drags you away in cuffs because they dared to tape it. Nah, probably not but yeah...

  • edited October 2015

    I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck

    enter image description here

    I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck. I hated New Vegas so much and I was so disappointed, but I loved Fallout 3. So the

  • Yeah, their first super show will be an original concept. However, Telltale has said that future super shows could be based on existing intellectual properties that they'll license from other companies.

    If the super show concept works out to allow Telltale to go forward with their plans to do ones based on existing licenses, I'm personally hoping for a Fables/Wolf Among Us Super Show. :D

    Unlikely since it's not based off an existing TV show, it's going to be a brand new original IP. Yep. I figured that out.

  • You think Fallout 4 is going to suck because of New Vegas but NV wasn't made by Bethseda and therefore shouldn't be any type of evidence used against it.

    I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck. I hated New Vegas so much and I was so disappointed, but I loved Fallout 3. So the

  • He's not afraid at aaallllll!

    Just look at that duck.

  • edited October 2015


    EDIT: that's better lmao

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Borderlands 2 Bloody Harvest game time! Let's smash some pumpkins.

  • I was watching horror movies all night then at 3am I see a person wearing this mask coming out of the pitch dark to my left I have no idea what is going on

    enter image description here

    It was a really strange moment

    My Dad didn't even dress up for the Halloween party he went too, he won this mask at the party so he decided to sneak back into the house at 3am in the morning the door was already unlocked wearing this mask in the pitch dark to scare me XD

    enter image description here

  • I found this interesting

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    Honestly I don't care I think joining the army in first world countries is an unnecessary suicide mission to gain more wealth and power for the rich when they already have freedom and power but I do have the highest respect for soldiers.

    More women or more men, all men idc whatever people want personally I wouldn't want to send either gender out to die in an unnecessary war or even if they do survive the mental trauma will wreck the rest of their lives

  • My late grandfather actually graduated as a summa cum laude, and to that he chose to be a farmer.

    I'm off to visit him in the cemetery in awhile.

  • I love this movie. Marilyn's cover is also good.

    enter link description here

    Jennifer posted: »

    This is Halloween

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