I loved Ep.2!

I loved episode 2! Who else did, tell me your favourite part, such as "I liked when I beat Magnus and became The 'King of Bo0m t0wN!'" or "It was really cool when Ellegaard made a surprise appearance after I came back with Axel, Reuben and Magnus!"


  • It was alright, but my favorite part was when no ones lips moved to what they were saying!

  • That was a pretty cool feature

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It was alright, but my favorite part was when no ones lips moved to what they were saying!

  • It was meh, not bad, but could have been better. I still like the series as a whole so far, but this episode was kind of disappointing, the impact of choices was great, but the length was a huge problem. But yeah, beating Magnus was definitely the best part of the episode for me, it was very satisfying.

  • And Really funny!

    Slywolf217 posted: »

    That was a pretty cool feature

  • It is meant to be 1-2 hours of gameplay, I think.

  • But to have a one hour episode as the second episode of the season, that's a problem. Job Stauffer says it was meant to act like a Part 2 to episode 1, if that were the case, why not just make the series 4 episodes long and have them all a little over two hours long like most of their recent episodes. Honestly, that might have been better than having the second episode, which is where the story is really supposed to start picking up, be only one hour long.

    Slywolf217 posted: »

    It is meant to be 1-2 hours of gameplay, I think.

  • edited October 2015
    • _ ............... _
    • ....._(☉☉)/

    But to have a one hour episode as the second episode of the season, that's a problem. Job Stauffer says it was meant to act like a Part 2 to

  • I think the episode was a bit disappointing but it had some cool elements to it. Ellegaard's section was probably my favorite.

  • Ellegaard made a surprise appearance even though you decided to get Magnus, BECAUSE:
    enter image description here

    I felt bad about Ivor in this episode. I didn't want to fight him.
    Yeah, he's an arshole, but he wants to stop that thing so why don't just let him do his jobs?

  • Because he's a idiot for even making the wither, even if he did have a plan to destroy it with the damn potion (Axel has to just take it, unless, you chose to take it, instead) I mean, I don't blame Ivor, but still!

    motoro posted: »

    Ellegaard made a surprise appearance even though you decided to get Magnus, BECAUSE: I felt bad about Ivor in this episode. I didn't wa

  • I liked how it was really short and acted as a part two to episode one. Because one comes before two and that obviously means that the second part should be shorter than the first.

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