The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?

    Ew no put that away Marilyn

    Oh god, I love youtube comments.

    I love this movie. Marilyn's cover is also good. enter link description here


    Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange? Ew no put that away Marilyn Oh god, I love youtube comments.

  • It's honestly not just that... It's being overhyped, they're trying to do way too much with the game at once, and it honestly doesn't even look that good. I think it'll at least be interesting, but I wouldn't buy it.

    You think Fallout 4 is going to suck because of New Vegas but NV wasn't made by Bethseda and therefore shouldn't be any type of evidence used against it.

  • Stfu Tom Cruise, nobody asked you. Maybe if you got some decent work and became a good actor, I'd give a shit.

    papai46 posted: »

    I don't know... I honestly think Fallout 4 is gonna suck

  • That feel when you come back from hanging out late with friends on Halloween and then you realize it's November 1st. It's a bad feel, man.

  • Thank you for those kind words that both flatter & shame me .

    I will try to be less insensitive on these matters. .

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is what frustrates me so much about you cope I've seen you make really intelligent, Nice, helpful, inspiring posts helped a lot of user

  • enter image description here

    I still have to wait an entire year hereafter for this.

    Fuck you, Microsoft, and your trying to punish other people for not buying your product. And fuck you, Square Enix, for agreeing to this.

    Less than two weeks enter link description here

  • It's a bad feel, man.

    FeelsBadMan :c

    That feel when you come back from hanging out late with friends on Halloween and then you realize it's November 1st. It's a bad feel, man.

  • edited October 2015

    Usually it's a good feel for me because my birthday is on the 12th. But this year, everyone in my year level has to present three pieces of work to a teacher and a parent on my birthday (for no goddamn reason that I can see.)

    That feel when you come back from hanging out late with friends on Halloween and then you realize it's November 1st. It's a bad feel, man.

  • hanging out late with friends

    Haha, friends? What's that?

    That feel when you come back from hanging out late with friends on Halloween and then you realize it's November 1st. It's a bad feel, man.

  • Is that you? If so, good job.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Ariana Grande Pixel art | Did this on my mom's slow ass laptop :)

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Thank you cope

    Cope49 posted: »

    Thank you for those kind words that both flatter & shame me . I will try to be less insensitive on these matters. .

  • Background color.

    The pixel art isn't finished yet.

  • That caveat about experience is very important in my opinion.

    From what I remember female recruits are trained differently. Females get less CQB and infantry tactics training. So, it's kind of unsurprising.

    More women or more men, all men idc whatever people want personally I wouldn't want to send either gender out to die in an unnecessary war or even if they do survive the mental trauma will wreck the rest of their lives

    I agree.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I found this interesting Honestly I don't care I think joining the army in first world countries is an unnecessary suicide mission to

  • Same. No hangover though, which is good.

    That feel when you come back from hanging out late with friends on Halloween and then you realize it's November 1st. It's a bad feel, man.

  • Haha, friends? What's that?

    Oh wait, I forgot. This is the Internet so real life interaction with people doesn't exist. :P

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    hanging out late with friends Haha, friends? What's that?

  • Actually, I found this on the social club.

    From now through November 16th in GTA Online, special Halloween treats will be available to the residents of Los Santos and Blaine County on PS4, Xbox One and PC. And no tricks here – once acquired these...

    So it's one long event! :D

    PS to those trying to enter my crew: I accidently left the crew on invite only but I fixed it. Sorry to anyone who couldn't enter at first.

    When does the Halloween update end?

  • It's been like two weeks since I saw any mice/rats, either they left the house, are in the walls (I did hear a noise once, but this house always makes noises since it's like a century old, could've been the shingles) or they're rotting somewhere....

  • They're trying to do way too much with the game at once.

    But it all just works!

    It's honestly not just that... It's being overhyped, they're trying to do way too much with the game at once, and it honestly doesn't even look that good. I think it'll at least be interesting, but I wouldn't buy it.

  • So this happened when I was played The Evil Within on Chapter 4(?), you could imagine the Benny Hill song playing during this cuz it was really stupid.

    I was being chased by this spider lady (has long black hair) in the first encounter, running like crazy through the corridors away from it, until then I was cornered in a small room. I remember from my brother's playthrough it hated fire so I burned a body near me but the thing is... IT DIDN'T WORK! So I kept running in the room, and saw a button on the wall, so I pressed it, and I locked myself in the room with the thing! ._. I was trapped and didn't know where to go and ran in circles dodging the thing, I kept running in circles, hoping to open the shutter. Tried and it didn't open! I kept running in circles thinking "Oh shit, I just locked myself with this freak and it's a checkpoint, I'm gonna die over and over again!". Soon enough I realized it was kill or be killed. I took out my shotgun and I fought the thing. I ran in circles confusing the creature for 3 minutes, when its back was turned I would attack. I repeated the process, switching between my shotgun, and bow gun with explosive arrows. I shot the final arrow in my bow gun, and BOOM! I killed it! I actually killed the thing that I thought couldn't be killed with bullets! :D Just, aw man... close call.

    enter image description here


  • Halo 5...

    Haha I made a joke ;)


    So this happened when I was played The Evil Within on Chapter 4(?), you could imagine the Benny Hill song playing during this cuz it was rea

  • Oh crap, I'm on PS4 :(

    Ah, not quite sure. I'm on PS3, so I've been left out on the goodies. ;-; The best I could do is dress up as Juli Kidman from Evil Within in the game.

  • There's a difference between being overhyped and actually having a lot of awesome features. You can say they're doing too much but they really aren't, they're just adding new features.

    It's honestly not just that... It's being overhyped, they're trying to do way too much with the game at once, and it honestly doesn't even look that good. I think it'll at least be interesting, but I wouldn't buy it.

  • enter image description here

    Halo 5... Haha I made a joke

  • Looks great :]

    Ariana Grande Pixel art | Did this on my mom's slow ass laptop

  • So, this was the best Doctor Who episode I ever watched.

    enter image description here


    Charlieh65 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Thanks! I got some of her hair done, but I suck on highlighting -- so, It's gonna take awhile.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Looks great :]

  • This is great and all, but...
    Ariana Grande? Seriously?

    Ariana Grande Pixel art | Did this on my mom's slow ass laptop

  • Don't like her?

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    This is great and all, but... Ariana Grande? Seriously?

  • Yeah, she's hot, but she's really annoying.

    Don't like her?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I originally didn't know too much about the series, but reading up on it, it sounds even better and more intriguing than Daredevil was, and that's saying a lot as Daredevil is a tough act to beat.

    This IGN article does a good job at summarizing the premise and how it holds up in comparrison to the Daredevil series:

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here This looks good

  • I got a better joke!

    Call Of Duty :)

    Halo 5... Haha I made a joke

  • Yeah, but that's just like, your opinion man.

    papai46 posted: »

    They're trying to do way too much with the game at once. But it all just works!

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