Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited October 2015

    But chloe's still alive? Thats the biggest change there is, and now with everyone else dead its going to get even worse. Plus when chloe inevitably dies again max will use her power for sure.

    Max rewinding time doesnt do anything (which is why the world fixes itself) its just if she changes time. And chloe being alive continues to change time. And a tornado came from just chloe; the town being destroyed would be a national event, leading to massive changes.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    as you said before, everything is a guess, I still stand by my opinion though on the assumption that after saving chloe she wont use her powers anymore.

  • I'd like thorough scrutiny of how the tornado came to be and how those events rised. And how causing alterations to timeline such as preventing someone's death be the center of a disater, how is nature so human focused to even cause disasters? So because Chloe died, she wouldn't breathe and that air wouldn't have caused tornado but if she lived her mighty breath through chaos theory and intensified butterfly effect made changes to cause a big tornado? Who gave Max her powers in the first place regardless if whether it was a paradox of a future Max going back in time and forgetting the future, then starting episode 1 events? Then us repeating the cycle for all I care? Is it like that? *****************PREDESTINATION SPOILER*************** the infinitely time looping event of Predestination movie by Ethan Hawke? ********

  • Although I loved the game, they left many plot holes in it. You also have to remember that the last EP was changed and I think at one time there was supposed to be more than the two ending we got. Perhaps some of those questions were answered or at least hinted at in the parts that were changed. For me, I think the storm was caused by Prescott. I also think max was given her powers to set things right, which meant saving Chloe (I remind you that when she first saw the girl, she didn't know it was Chloe she was saving), since she was also instrumental in helping Max uncover the truth. The first few ep's lead me to think that maybe DONTNOD would dare to be different in that they would end the game with the same old cliche on time travel. Turns out I was wrong. Maybe it would have been different before the change, but we may never know.

    Web Head posted: »

    I'd like thorough scrutiny of how the tornado came to be and how those events rised. And how causing alterations to timeline such as prevent

  • Well let's just hope they will fix it now that it won 2nd place. Also I didn't say that The witcher 3 was bad, I liked it so much, but still I didn't feel anything for the characters, the story was good but LIS's was better (my opinion).

    If a broken game can win second place for game of the year (batman) then why are people trying so hard? Arkham Knight was broken on

  • I played The witcher 3 and I liked it, the story was good (and not great too) but I wasn't that invested in it, when it comes to LIS a lot of moments comes in mind when I think of "best gaming moment" unlike The witcher 3. Again this is only my opinion.

    I disagree, the story was decent but its not anything thats not been done before. Plus the game was good not great, it had a lot of dialogue and pacing issues, particularly at the start and end. Also what moment was the best gaming moment for you?

  • There was.

    Crydog posted: »

    Was there an award for Music at all? If so, why the HELL didin't Life is Strange win it?

  • Oh, I like this one. :)

    enter image description here

    For those who have chosen to save Chloe in the end and have no regrets, "they will recover from this tragedy together"

  • Among them there was another image here

    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Oh, I like this one.

  • edited October 2015

    It's cheap way out to use something like "chaos theory" instead of spend weeks to write the reasoning behind everything supernatural that happens in the plot.

    Then presenting all that in-game without making it long exposition dump where the protagonist finds that "one" who will explain "everything."

    Web Head posted: »

    I'd like thorough scrutiny of how the tornado came to be and how those events rised. And how causing alterations to timeline such as prevent

  • I think I've read that the writers said it was left open, so that players can come up with whatever headcanons they want? I'm not too sure on that. I think it was supposed to show that Max and Chloe's bond (wether it's romantic or just a really close friendship depending on the players' choices) was stonger than ever, but they didn't have the budget. I mean, even Shenmue 3's budget is slightly larger, and that's through Kickstarter.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    We don't know what isn't and is true after ep 5, but Its the most logical explanation I think.

  • lmao warren trying to cop a feel xD

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Road trip after the storm. THE REAL HAPPY ENDING!

  • enter image description here

    Clord posted: »


  • Either my memory is failing me or you edited the previous picture to say "Hellaween."

    Or I got subliminal message and said the same thing. >_>

    Wouldn't be the first time I auto-correct in my head.

  • W-warren...?

    enter image description here

  • What? No... It couldn't be. I mean, he was in the Two Whales, with Joyce, Frank and Pompidou.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • He was there when we met him, doesn't mean he was there for the rest of the storm.

    What? No... It couldn't be. I mean, he was in the Two Whales, with Joyce, Frank and Pompidou.

  • If you look at Max's messages in the cliff scene, you can see she tried sending him some messages, but he didn't receive them.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He was there when we met him, doesn't mean he was there for the rest of the storm.

  • It was probably just the storm, it doesn't mean he was hurt.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    If you look at Max's messages in the cliff scene, you can see she tried sending him some messages, but he didn't receive them.

  • Well that's true. He could've been somewhere else. We'd only really know for sure if we could get a better look at the body.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It was probably just the storm, it doesn't mean he was hurt.

  • He probably got crushed by responsibility.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Hopefully he was in the diner. Unless someone checks out the model, we won't ever know.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well that's true. He could've been somewhere else. We'd only really know for sure if we could get a better look at the body.

  • Even getting a close look at the shoes would reveal it.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Hopefully he was in the diner. Unless someone checks out the model, we won't ever know.

  • Sadly, the endings are in the form of pre-rendered cutscenes.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Hopefully he was in the diner. Unless someone checks out the model, we won't ever know.

  • enter image description here

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I noticed that. I'm pretty sure it's just a generic model, anyway. I figure if it really was him they'd put some emphasis on it.

    Sadly, the endings are in the form of pre-rendered cutscenes.

  • Yeah, just an fmv. The compression was pretty noticeable to me, compared to how sharp the game usually looks. I noticed it during the scene Chloe appeared in the nightmare, after nightmare Max was done talking. Giving it a better look, it doesn't really look like a corpse. The shape is pretty weird.

    Sadly, the endings are in the form of pre-rendered cutscenes.

  • edited November 2015

    Voice actor got nominated by using almost their real voice?


    Usually voice actors change their voice quite a bit to make it fit to the role. She basically just added some attitude to her real one and done.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • So... um... the finale pretty much ruined the series for me but in the ending, I had a feeling of sadness... after I've heard that song, I shed a tear to be honest...

    enter link description here

  • I absolutely hated this series, but she deserves this, her performance as Chloe was stellar. I hate the character, but she did an amazing job portraying her, this award is well earned.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I expected the season would end this way, so I was prepared for it.

    I was still sad though. :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So... um... the finale pretty much ruined the series for me but in the ending, I had a feeling of sadness... after I've heard that song, I shed a tear to be honest... enter link description here

  • $5000, just like the handicap fund.

    Check this out.

  • Did anyone else find the finale as disappointing as I did? I found it seriously heartbreaking since I had loved the series so much up to that point. I deleted the game very soon after I finished it, no interest in a potential season 2.

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