Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited November 2015

    ![enter image description here](http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FMUlmRFnTQxwJ2%2Fgiphy.gif&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgiphy.com%2Fgifs%2Firon-man-film-marvel-MUlmRFnTQxwJ2&h=250&w=500&tbnid=8mBSXe2_eU01zM%3A&docid=yI-5FLY03qYYCM&ei=1Go5VpnTEIKOaeSekOAL&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=274&page=1&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=0CDMQrQMwAmoVChMImY3W8tn1yAIVAkcaCh1kDwS8)

    Good thing Captain America is on our side :^)

  • Oh wow.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Sure you are too.

  • Thank you Kristi. :) I'm glad that @ABigBadWolf made me think about this comic a while ago lol.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Can't wait to see the rest, Hanna!

  • Good night!

    Farauna posted: »

    I'm off for toady-- good night everyone! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

  • Who knows, maybe Grumpy and I are working for TTG O.O

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Then the picture you and Grumpy collabed on will come true!

  • i talked to him on steam once

    he koo

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yo guys go to chatzy and make @Toffe some company, he needs to stay awake three more hours and i gotta poof Ps: he says hes the king of rhysha hes cool, i promise :P

  • Ofc i'm cool ^^
    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yo guys go to chatzy and make @Toffe some company, he needs to stay awake three more hours and i gotta poof Ps: he says hes the king of rhysha hes cool, i promise :P

  • Okay, but prep for it to suck, because I'm really struggling with this one xD

    Mawula posted: »

    But I really want to! This is such a nice feeling

  • But @Pipas tho

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yo guys go to chatzy and make @Toffe some company, he needs to stay awake three more hours and i gotta poof Ps: he says hes the king of rhysha hes cool, i promise :P

  • @Pipas is my minion
    And if Pipas is reading this it is a dream go and lie in bed for a few hours and you will wake up XD

    enter image description here

    But @Pipas tho

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited November 2015

    I had the idea of doing a fanart with Rhys and Fiona dancing flamenco, should I do it? (draw it)

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I had the idea of doing a fanart with Rhys and Fiona dancing flamenco, should I do it? (draw it)

  • I can't disagree with Shia

  • edited November 2015

    Torn between wanting to write and wanting to start a new Tales playthrough to record for my dad.

    It's so dang quiet around here.

  • edited November 2015

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Raid Race

    So, it didn't happen last week, but I was hoping we could get it going this week. If people have the time, I was hoping for doing it as soon as possible, Weds, Thurs, or Friday? I got an actual race idea for BL2 that we don't need completely even teams to do, we just need at least one person per team to have beaten the game on TVHM. Even if you haven't beaten on a second playthrough, you're welcome to join, and we'll try to balance teams out. I will message the details to those wanting to get involved because I want to keep it a secret, cause I'm not sure how many know about this hidden feature in the game and I don't want people looking up ahead and getting an unfair advantage...... Anyway PM, if you're interested and what your highest level character is/closest to level 50.

    (PS: again like last time, I'm planning this for Steam so there's no confusion)

    (PSS: also let me know what day works, make a suggestion of your don't like the ones I gave

  • That would be awesome

    Eryka posted: »

    I had the idea of doing a fanart with Rhys and Fiona dancing flamenco, should I do it? (draw it)

  • I'm almost finished with my 3rd full playthrough. (pls write)

    Torn between wanting to write and wanting to start a new Tales playthrough to record for my dad. It's so dang quiet around here.

  • btw I luvveeee yew :)))))))

    Torn between wanting to write and wanting to start a new Tales playthrough to record for my dad. It's so dang quiet around here.

  • My Dad's been watching some LPs on YouTube, but he thinks they're annoying so I was like, "...I can record my own for ya, dad."

    Gotta show him the light of Rhyiona.

    I am writing, btw.

    I'm almost finished with my 3rd full playthrough. (pls write)

  • Rhys- I'm gonna rule Hyperion, we won't have to fear bandits at all

    Vasquez- Well I've never seen a company prez. lacking so much balls

    Rhys-I'm gonna be the main event, no one could even come near

    I'm brushing up on looking down, I'm working on my sneer

    Oh I just can't wait to be king

    (Doodoo doo doo doo dooodoo doo)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wow, rhys actually looks strong for once

  • enter image description here

    btw I luvveeee yew ))))))

  • WIP

    Stop...Please, stop. I repeated that through my mind as their yelling seemingly got louder, that could just be my imagination part of my system going haywire. I slowly rise up from my seat and look at them, teary-eyed. They’re going back and forth, pointing fingers at one another. Is this what they call sadness? Your heart aching and watery things coming from your eyes? The feeling was so foreign to me. All I did was smile and my mechanical heart produced a warm feeling to my brain. I was...happy. All three of us were. If they continue to fight, they’ll hate each other...I bolt to the door and throw the door open and run out, nearly tripping down the apartment stairs in the process.

    “GORTYS!” I hear Dad call out my name, but I ignored it. I continued my path down the street with only my socks on. I can’t bare to see them fight, I don’t want them to hate each other because if they do, I won't be able to record anymore precious memories with them. I don't want those happy memories to stop!

  • wat

    wat is this




    kristi no

    kristi78968 posted: »

    WIP Stop...Please, stop. I repeated that through my mind as their yelling seemingly got louder, that could just be my imagination part


    enter image description here

    wat wat is this ARE RHYS AND FIONA FIGHTING WHY WHAT'S GOING ON kristi no


    I'll just wait then.

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • and your profile pic is like one of the best pics I've seen of Rhys on this website

    10/10 would recommend

  • cuteness overload

    kristi78968 posted: »

    WIP Stop...Please, stop. I repeated that through my mind as their yelling seemingly got louder, that could just be my imagination part

  • edited November 2015

    God he's such a hottie, right?

    I cropped it out of a screenshot I took, actually. I didn't even mean to catch him smiling like that, but it was too adorable to not use.

    and your profile pic is like one of the best pics I've seen of Rhys on this website 10/10 would recommend

  • awww man. so this is how you reel us in huh. Well played Kristi, well played. cant wait to read the rest of it!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    WIP Stop...Please, stop. I repeated that through my mind as their yelling seemingly got louder, that could just be my imagination part


    OMG OMG I'm like ... I'm... woooah I'm like Athena and Joey's style is great, dayum Julie, this is glorious sis (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank youuuu!

    XDJulieXD posted: »


  • Wow, looking back on this, I meant I would have an estimate of 75+ hours by the time I finish my other saves (For a Season 2) I have about 62 hours right now

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thank you, I'd love to know how it goes

  • There's going to be more kid Vaughn right? ;-; Oh gosh, I'm super excited, glad that you've decided to actually wrap it up after all. So sad when awesome projects like that are left unfinished (not that it was bad of you to leave it no no, just that it's great now.... yeah, I think you'll understand what I'm saying , sorry c':)

    Anyway, I'm really glad and looking forward to seeing more of it (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Heyo! so..I decided to continue my Rhyiona AU comic. I know I know, I said that I don't feel like drawing it anymore but I suddenly g

  • It was made by @rhonu and posted here so many times... Never hurts posting it again though, this video is perfect c':


  • edited November 2015

    Мдее,на русском форуме как-то так))) enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Согласитесь, что на русском фэндом смотрится странно. Один "Рис" чего стоит. Вот и приходится писать на англ, хоть аудитория добавляется, хоть так ) а тут весело, хоть я иногда и не врубаюсь совсем!

  • Хорошо, что я пошла сразу сюда :)

    Rayx123 posted: »

    Мдее,на русском форуме как-то так)))

  • edited November 2015

    GMorning sweeties!!

    Today I'm a married girl with @rhonu

    @SirScrubbington doesn't love me.

    It' a cold morning. Brr.

    I have tons of love to share.

    I dreamed with Rhyiona <3

    And probably I can do my Fiona's cosplay (with my Rhys) as soon as I thought!

  • I really prefer the members of canine family. But all babies are cute!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    This may not be a gif of little wolves, but how about a little ocelot?

  • I wish you luck with it. I'm sure it'll be great!

    Klowbi posted: »

    Okay, but prep for it to suck, because I'm really struggling with this one xD

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