The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So, ppl keep saying evil characters get so much fandom love only because of their good looks.

    Can those ppl explain to me my love for Bill Cipher.

    enter image description here


    Ok, no, sorry, I'm in the wrong, that's one perfect triangle.

  • surpassed losers

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • In less time to boot.

    Green613 posted: »

    surpassed losers

  • But, you know, this thread used to have all the other versions that just got phased out.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    In less time to boot.

  • A phased out thread,

    Is not a happy thread.

    But, you know, this thread used to have all the other versions that just got phased out.

  • Fuk of fgt nobdy cars

    Green613 posted: »

    surpassed losers

  • says the weenie whos never had a good thread in his life

    papai46 posted: »

    Fuk of fgt nobdy cars

  • I am paranoid, hyped, and all kinds of emotion.

    This is like a natural...probably unhealthy high.

  • Speed is bad for you, Golden.

    I am paranoid, hyped, and all kinds of emotion. This is like a natural...probably unhealthy high.

  • Ah, dopamine highs.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Speed is bad for you, Golden.

  • Ah, well that's fine.

    Nothing beats a good adrenaline high though.

    Ah, dopamine highs.

  • Cocaine.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Ah, well that's fine. Nothing beats a good adrenaline high though.

  • No, I actually didn't. I did hear that they were writing songs or a song for Black Ops III.

    @InfiniteDawn Did you hear about A7X hiring Brooks Wackerman as their new drummer.

  • enter image description here

    (Sorry, I really just wanted an excuse to post this gif lmao)

  • u need 2 calm

    Green613 posted: »

    surpassed losers

  • Or insult.

    Green613 posted: »

    says the weenie whos never had a good thread in his life

  • Poor Dee, he really doesn't know how to keep his head on his shoulders. Don't worry Dee, the doctor is in the house (puts on rubber gloves with a rape face).

    (Sorry, I really just wanted an excuse to post this gif lmao)

  • This is the part where I regret even posting that gif.

    Poor Dee, he really doesn't know how to keep his head on his shoulders. Don't worry Dee, the doctor is in the house (puts on rubber gloves with a rape face).

  • It's going to be called Jade Helm and it's an instrumental apparently that will be released this Friday. I don't know if it's going to have Wackerman or Illejay on drums though, I would guess Wackerman.

    No, I actually didn't. I did hear that they were writing songs or a song for Black Ops III.

  • Yep, can't wait to hear it.

    It's going to be called Jade Helm and it's an instrumental apparently that will be released this Friday. I don't know if it's going to have Wackerman or Illejay on drums though, I would guess Wackerman.

  • Eat a snickers.

    I am paranoid, hyped, and all kinds of emotion. This is like a natural...probably unhealthy high.

  • kill me

    So how is everyone doing today?

  • Anyone here watch American Horror Story?

  • Looks very good indeed. I now look at Xbox owners with intense and burning envy and Microsoft with mixed feelings.

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    El Nino systems, am I right?

    Oh shit. Holy fuck. We get tornadoes.

  • Lucky you. I live near the city and it was pissing down when I went to school today,

    El Nino systems, am I right?

  • Well this is in the Telltale talk section which is at the bottom and not a game while Tales was at the top and a game. So it doesn't count :P

    Green613 posted: »

    surpassed losers

  • F**k I need more time to do things. Tuesday Rise of the tomb raider and Fallout 4 comes out and I may be buying a New Nintendo 3ds and I can't play three things at once :(

  • I fear their next m/v will include memes.

    so I see that one of my favorite bands released a song and I see this enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Today is turning out to be pretty wonderful guys. I went into work at 9am and finished all my work by 11am. This means I get to spend all day eating food and playing Skyrim and then go out tonight for some cool firework displays. However there are some idiots on the field at the back of my house who think it's hilarious to set fireworks off at this time in the day. so I might need to go flay them. But I'm optimistic this will turn out to be a 10/10 day. Wow, I have had a lot of coffee.

    Hope you guys are having fantastic days too...

  • Yes, I do! I just watched the most recent episode out in the UK. This season is definitely turning out to be better than the last season imo but that might just be because of how fabulous Gaga is... My one critique would be that there hasn't been enough Evan Peters on my television yet.

    Anyone here watch American Horror Story?

  • Well, my only class that I have today got cancelled, so I have the whole day off, awesome.

  • Atleast my threads aren't about a non canon ship.

    Or insult.

  • enter image description here

    Uhm... so I guess it was too much on the dark humor there? Sorry, didn't mean to creep you out.

    This is the part where I regret even posting that gif.

  • A quick story.

    I wanted ice cream so I went to the freezer. I open it, and there is no ice cream. Someone else must have ate all of it. I briefly contemplate suicide.

    The end. Good, right?

  • A 2 hour workshift?! Gah damn, that's amazing! o_o

    Thanks, you have a good day too! ^-^ /

    Today is turning out to be pretty wonderful guys. I went into work at 9am and finished all my work by 11am. This means I get to spend all da

  • Binge Tomb Raider 2 for the whole day or two, then FallOut for the next, and when you're out of the house play Nintendo 3DS.

    F**k I need more time to do things. Tuesday Rise of the tomb raider and Fallout 4 comes out and I may be buying a New Nintendo 3ds and I can't play three things at once

  • edited November 2015

    Gotta love days without school work, my high school a few years ago often had bus cancellations so I went home and just chill out when that happens. lol

    Well, my only class that I have today got cancelled, so I have the whole day off, awesome.

  • enter image description here

    A quick story. I wanted ice cream so I went to the freezer. I open it, and there is no ice cream. Someone else must have ate all of it. I briefly contemplate suicide. The end. Good, right?

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