Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    I'm totally down with that idea. Let's do it.

    You are such a doll!!! AND I CANT WAIT TO READ YOURS maybe we should make a little book of all these little re-writes!

  • thanks for that, but I let google translator do some work, and nope, it's sadly not an mlp-reference.

    it was a reference to you show, i thought.....

  • The funny thing is that I was just texting my friend how much I love guys like that. You, my friend, have exquisite taste.

    I have a thing for tall, slightly clumsy guys, soo.....it works. Headcanon: Rhys may not be graceful, strong, or particularly athletic... ...but he's flexible.

  • Rhys is everyone's perfect man.


    The funny thing is that I was just texting my friend how much I love guys like that. You, my friend, have exquisite taste.

  • Yay! I'll PM you in the a.m. with like ideas and stuff. :) so excited

    I MIGHT START WORKING ON IT NOW. I'm totally down with that idea. Let's do it.

  • You mean I'll wake up to your lovely ideas...? YASS.

    There's just so much potential for Rhyiona rewrites throughout the entire game!

    Yay! I'll PM you in the a.m. with like ideas and stuff. so excited

  • Haaayyyyy

    I HAVE RETURNED. ....has it seriously been silent around here for TWO HOURS?? You do realize this is a crisis, right, guys? @xtheunseenteenx , you're my awesome late-night Rhyiona buddy, let's talk

  • I just realized how close we are to 2 million views on the page! I have been stalking this page since right before episode 3 came out, but I never commented on this forum until like last week. I was way more active on the wolf among us community page. But I'm here and RHYIONA IS LIFE

    I HAVE RETURNED. ....has it seriously been silent around here for TWO HOURS?? You do realize this is a crisis, right, guys? @xtheunseenteenx , you're my awesome late-night Rhyiona buddy, let's talk


    One by one we'll convert them all....

  • don't even think I spelled that right


  • I know, it's insane!

    I wish I'd found this sooner. I'd been lurking around for a few weeks before Ep. 5 came out, and then finally decided to make an account and join, like, two days before it was released. I can't believe it hasn't even been a month yet. I feel like I've been here forever.

    YOU'RE DARN RIGHT RHYIONA IS LIFE. It's also love. True love.

    I just realized how close we are to 2 million views on the page! I have been stalking this page since right before episode 3 came out, but I

  • edited November 2015


    ....heck, that doesn't look right either.


    oh, that is right

    only one L



  • Good morning sweeties!!! <3
    *Insert a cute gif of Fiona smiling *

  • edited November 2015


    (It's almost midnight here, though.)

    Daryace posted: »

    Good morning sweeties!!! *Insert a cute gif of Fiona smiling *

  • You did well in AP English didn't you?

    compels? ....heck, that doesn't look right either. DICTIONARY. MY LOVE. HELP ME. oh, that is right only one L ALSO, WHERE'S THAT GIF WHEN YOU NEED IT?

  • Good morning? Omg where do you live? It's only 9:40 in California wow we really have the worst time zone

    Daryace posted: »

    Good morning sweeties!!! *Insert a cute gif of Fiona smiling *

  • Like everyone on here is so nice and welcoming and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

    especially you, @growlingpeanut. You are my fave person to obsess with about Rhys.

    I know, it's insane! I wish I'd found this sooner. I'd been lurking around for a few weeks before Ep. 5 came out, and then finally decide

  • I sound like a true california girl saying 'like' before everything I say...

    Like everyone on here is so nice and welcoming and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. especially you, @growlingpeanut. You are my fave person to obsess with about Rhys.

  • Yes. Yes I did. And enjoyed it a lot, too.

    You did well in AP English didn't you?

  • I'm in it now and I like it but it's a little challenging, but now I know I can come to you :)

    Yes. Yes I did. And enjoyed it a lot, too.

  • It really is like a family. Complete with all the weird cousins, lol.

    I will obsess about Rhys with you anytime. Honestly. Any time. Ever.

    Rhys is a vision of adorkable beauty.

    Like everyone on here is so nice and welcoming and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. especially you, @growlingpeanut. You are my fave person to obsess with about Rhys.

  • Oh yeah, totally! Just PM me if you have questions on anything. I'd be happy to help. :D

    I'm in it now and I like it but it's a little challenging, but now I know I can come to you

  • edited November 2015

    A wonderful fanfic! As I said before I looove it when Rhys is brave and determined! It surely swipes Fiona off her legs....

    Again, amazing work!

    My first fanfic I'm sharing here......inspired by a scene from Scrubs.....hope you like it It was a cold autumn evening on Sanctuary, Fio

  • I'm trying to get my friend to watch a Playthrough and she just finished episode one, the first thing she texted me was

    "Rhys is hot."

    It really is like a family. Complete with all the weird cousins, lol. I will obsess about Rhys with you anytime. Honestly. Any time. Ever. Rhys is a vision of adorkable beauty.

  • Ahhhh you're ma fave <3

    Oh yeah, totally! Just PM me if you have questions on anything. I'd be happy to help.

  • Awesome, plain awesome!

    Dedicated to: @klowbi I finally finished my version/ how I wished the flower scene went. It's not as good as the last one, and even then

  • edited November 2015

    -muffled screaming-

    Yes he is. YES. HE. IS.

    I think "Atlas Rhys" is hotter than "Hyperion Rhys." Something about the new hair and clothes.


    I'm trying to get my friend to watch a Playthrough and she just finished episode one, the first thing she texted me was "Rhys is hot."

  • Thanks love you Green.

    Green613 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf No Johns, is a term frequently used in competitive smash (more often then not, Melee) for when a player makes excuses as to

  • I get it, she is Spanish. It is morning for me too:)

    Good morning? Omg where do you live? It's only 9:40 in California wow we really have the worst time zone

  • Good morning!)

    Daryace posted: »

    Good morning sweeties!!! *Insert a cute gif of Fiona smiling *

  • The drooling scene (which I still have to write), and pretty much anything else lol

    You mean I'll wake up to your lovely ideas...? YASS. There's just so much potential for Rhyiona rewrites throughout the entire game!

  • Thank you so much! XD

    Mawula posted: »

    Awesome, plain awesome!

  • I'm trying so incredibly hard ahhhh

    -muffled screaming- Yes he is. YES. HE. IS. I think "Atlas Rhys" is hotter than "Hyperion Rhys." Something about the new hair and clothes. YOU MUST GET HER INTO THIS GLORIOUS SHIP. AT ANY COST.

  • I think Hyperion Rhys is more naïve and adorable and Atlas Rhys seems wiser, even though he's still a dork. Still hot asf

    -muffled screaming- Yes he is. YES. HE. IS. I think "Atlas Rhys" is hotter than "Hyperion Rhys." Something about the new hair and clothes. YOU MUST GET HER INTO THIS GLORIOUS SHIP. AT ANY COST.

  • That makes total sense, forgive me for not know, the school systems out her are not great XD

    Mawula posted: »

    I get it, she is Spanish. It is morning for me too:)

  • That scene is so perfect. They're both so snarky and they're adorable when they're sleeping and -chokes on feelings-.

    I'm actually writing two flower scenes. One follows the actual episode pretty closely (Fiona's not even gonna physically be there, actually) and the other one is post-game...

    The drooling scene (which I still have to write), and pretty much anything else lol

  • This. All of this.

    Hyperion Rhys is...cuter, I guess. He's more innocent.

    Atlas Rhys is more experienced, and more confident, too. He's not just faking it like he was when he was still with Hyperion.

    Lol, we're acting like he's two different people.

    He will always be a dork. He will also always be hotter than hell.

    I think Hyperion Rhys is more naïve and adorable and Atlas Rhys seems wiser, even though he's still a dork. Still hot asf

  • -boils over with excitement-

    I seriously cannot wait to read them. Eeeeeeeeyayyayayayyay

    That scene is so perfect. They're both so snarky and they're adorable when they're sleeping and -chokes on feelings-. I'm actually writin

  • He is so hot that he sizzles from his own nervous sweat when his around Fiona


    This. All of this. Hyperion Rhys is...cuter, I guess. He's more innocent. Atlas Rhys is more experienced, and more confident, too. He'

  • he is*

    freaking autocorrect

    He is so hot that he sizzles from his own nervous sweat when his around Fiona Szzzzt..

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