Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I'll tag you when I post 'em so you can find them easily. :)

    -boils over with excitement- I seriously cannot wait to read them. Eeeeeeeeyayyayayayyay

  • Ahh, the price of beauty. Poor Rhys.

    He is so hot that he sizzles from his own nervous sweat when his around Fiona Szzzzt..

  • You're a saint and I love you, you little nut

    I'll tag you when I post 'em so you can find them easily.

  • idk how he does it

    but I'm not complaining

    Ahh, the price of beauty. Poor Rhys.

  • Alright, everyone, it's late for me (very early morning, if we wanna get technical) and I have morning classes tomorrow, so I'm gonna head out for now.

    However, I want to leave the beginning of something I'm working on. I was suddenly inspired by a song (that I'll post along with the finished fic) and this idea wouldn't leave me alone. Be warned, it is kind of sad. Bittersweet, at the very least.

    It’s been years.

    She’s missed him. She says this openly.

    She has to fight back a stab of jealousy when she sees the simple golden band glinting on his finger.

    ...she doesn’t say this.

    “Seems like Atlas is treating you well.”

    He nods, tipping back the rest of the drink in his hand.

    “Hasn’t been easy, but...what ever is, right?”

    He smiles.

    It’s a goofy little lopsided thing; mostly lips, just a hint of perfect white teeth.

    It makes her heart beat faster and she decides to lose herself in her cocktail.

    Anything to avoid looking at him.

    To avoid feeling something.

    Good night, everyone! See you in a few hours!

    @xtheunseenteenx , I'm looking forward to this Rhyiona rewrite project...!

  • Noooo... it's just a ring, right? :(

    Alright, everyone, it's late for me (very early morning, if we wanna get technical) and I have morning classes tomorrow, so I'm gonna head o

  • Seems like I don't have to say nothing more... But...

    Good night to you!!! (I think that it sentence doesn't had any sense (?) Sorry, my English grammar sucks <3)

    That makes total sense, forgive me for not know, the school systems out her are not great XD

  • she hugs him hard <3

    Mornin'! (It's almost midnight here, though.)

  • Thanks cupcake! <3

    Mawula posted: »

    I get it, she is Spanish. It is morning for me too:)

  • edited November 2015

    ****Thanks to @PinkyPromise to translate that!*** (you can found the translated version on the comments <3 )

    Cada mirada suya era fuego con hielo. Aquellos ojos verdes centelleaban, brillantes, cada vez que pensaba o miraba a algo interesada. Y también cuando le miraban a él.

    Si, lo había notado. Fiona había intentado ser cautelosa con sus miradas durante casi todo el viaje, pero se le habían escapado un par. ¿Y qué decir de la tensión que hubo cuando entraron en la cámara? Aún recordaba como ella le había conseguido sonsacar que le gustaba alguien más. Rhys se reía mentalmente al recordar cómo Fiona había creído que le gustaba Sasha. Por el amor de dios, ¿cómo no había podido fijarse que de quien realmente estaba enamorado era de ELLA? Su preciosa con-artist, su estafador a favorita.

    Sí, ella había conseguido estafar a su corazón, haciéndole creer que no la tragaba cuando en realidad había conseguido que se enamorase completamente de ella.

    -Rhys. - escuchó su voz. - Rhys. ¿Me estas escuchando?

    -¿Eh? Perdona... ¿qué decías? - preguntó él, saliendo de su trance mental, sacudiendo la cabeza.

    -Te estaba preguntando dónde tendríamos que ir. Aquel hombre nos dijo que había una ciudad cerca, pero...

    -No nos queda otra opción. - contestó él. - Es... Raro verte insegura de algo. Seguro que el sol de este planeta no te está afectando? - y río con suavidad, llevándose la mano tras la nuca.

    -No digas tonterías. Es solo que... Somos un equipo, por eso consulto las cosas contigo. Además, estamos solos en esto. - replicó Fiona, arqueando una ceja con suavidad.

    -Muy bien, muy bien. Ya lo pillo. - y Rhys volvió a reír con suavidad. Le encantaba cuando Fiona se ponía así. - No te preocupes. Sea lo que sea lo que haya en esa ciudad, estamos juntos.

    Y ojalá siguiesen así. Aunque tendría que procurar no perderse tanto en sus ojos, porque sino nunca más se daría cuenta de lo que sucediese a su alrededor..y esta vez no estaría Vaughn para alentarle de ello con un codazo o una sacudida.

    (Technically this happens after open the Vault and desapear together)

  • Hi cupcake! <3

    Rayx123 posted: »

    Good morning!)

  • @rhonu lee, lee!! <3

    Daryace posted: »

    ****Thanks to @PinkyPromise to translate that!*** (you can found the translated version on the comments ) Cada mirada suya era fuego con

  • I wish I could translate...But I can't. : /

    Daryace posted: »

    ****Thanks to @PinkyPromise to translate that!*** (you can found the translated version on the comments ) Cada mirada suya era fuego con

  • edited November 2015

    Any translator could work... Even Google translate (not the best option, and it isn't going to be the same but... It's something. (Maybe someday I learn to write in English without a lot of grammar fails and I make my fanfics in English xD!))

    I wish I could translate...But I can't. : /

  • You will get better if you keep using and practicing it. :)

    I used to be terrible myself.

    Daryace posted: »

    Any translator could work... Even Google translate (not the best option, and it isn't going to be the same but... It's something. (May

  • edited November 2015

    I will. In fact I do trying to write here and on Skype! But literature is so far for me right now, and I asked first here few weeks ago if there wasn't no problem if I uploaded my fanfics in Spanish <3

    However, maybe I'll can found somebody who could help me to translate them. :)

    You will get better if you keep using and practicing it. I used to be terrible myself.

  • oh oh I've missed this comic! Can't wait for the finale :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Heyo! so..I decided to continue my Rhyiona AU comic. I know I know, I said that I don't feel like drawing it anymore but I suddenly g

  • Every look from her was fire with ice. Those bright green eyes sparked whenever she thought about or showed interest in something. And also when they looked at him.

    Yes, he had noticed. Fiona had tried to discreetly glance at Rhys throughout the whole trip, but she slipped up a few times. He still remembered their conversation and how she got him to confess that he liked "someone else". Rhys chuckled to himself after recalling how Fiona thought he liked Sasha. For God's sake, how didn't he realize that the one he had feelings for was HER? His precious con-artist.

    Yes, she had actually conned his heart by making him think he couldn't stand her when, in reality, he had fallen madly in love with her.

    "Rhys," he heard her voice. "Rhys, are you listening to me?"

    "Uh? Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" He asked, trying to shake himself out of his mental trance.

    "I was asking you where we should go. That man told us there was a city nearby, but..."

    "Well, that is our only option," replied Rhys. "Say... It's weird to see you so indecisive. Are you sure that this planet's sun isn't messing with your head?" He rubbed his neck and let out a soft laugh.

    "Don't be stupid. It's just... We're a team. That's why I feel the need to ask you about this stuff. Besides, we're all alone in this." She raised one eyebrow delicately.

    "All right, alright, I got ya," He smiled at her tenderly. He loved it when she got like this. "Don't worry. Whatever this city throws at us, we're together."

    And hopefully they stay together. Although they'll have to make sure not to stare into each other's eyes for too long, lest they forget about the world around them.


    Spanish is my first language, so I thought: Why not?

    I took a few liberties here and there. There's some slang that won't make sense even if translated.

    Daryace posted: »

    ****Thanks to @PinkyPromise to translate that!*** (you can found the translated version on the comments ) Cada mirada suya era fuego con

  • Not at all, my dear! Ah, I love how nice everyone here is!

    Daryace posted: »

    Thanks cupcake!


    Every look from her was fire with ice. Those bright green eyes sparked whenever she thought about or showed interest in something. And also

  • Hello ponies! How's everyone's day so far? What did I miss in the past 15 hours?

  • adasdsa you're so cuuuuuuute <3

    enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Not at all, my dear! Ah, I love how nice everyone here is!

  • enter image description here

    Yuss,I'm finally back :')

  • TFW you got a new tablet ^-^

    insert happy GIF here

    How are you all today? ^-^

  • What's good?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    TFW you got a new tablet ^-^ insert happy GIF here How are you all today? ^-^

  • I'm fine and you?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    TFW you got a new tablet ^-^ insert happy GIF here How are you all today? ^-^

  • Life. xD

    Just had a free day and didn't write a biology test! I'm so happy =D

    What's good?

  • Damn you lucky

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Life. xD Just had a free day and didn't write a biology test! I'm so happy =D

  • I'm good, just listening to some music, thank you for asking ^-^

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm fine and you?

  • Lewd music?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm good, just listening to some music, thank you for asking ^-^

  • For now...

    Are you up for Borderlands 2 soon? =3

    Damn you lucky

  • What, no!

    Eryka posted: »

    Lewd music?

  • edited November 2015
    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    For now... Are you up for Borderlands 2 soon? =3

  • Stop lying to yourself

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    What, no!

  • Okay, give me some minutes to finish my English homework and I'll be good to go ~-^

    Yea @Firehawkcultist too

  • edited November 2015

    For the love of god... =/

    Eryka posted: »

    Stop lying to yourself

  • enter link description here

    And congratz on that new tablet :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    TFW you got a new tablet ^-^ insert happy GIF here How are you all today? ^-^

  • Heh for my English homework it's like an hour lol

    Too many essays

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, give me some minutes to finish my English homework and I'll be good to go ~-^

  • I know you like to listen to some sweet music about love

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    For the love of god... =/

  • Nah, only to some Life is Strange soundtrack =|

    Eryka posted: »

    I know you like to listen to some sweet music about love

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