Tom and Mira?
So, I see plenty of love for Mirgryn, but is there anyone out there to show Tom x Mira some love?
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So, I see plenty of love for Mirgryn, but is there anyone out there to show Tom x Mira some love?
I see more people shipping this than Mirgryn outside of this forum. I'm always surprised to see how many people ship Mirgryn here considering the lack of fanart I see when I'm looking for Morgryn gifs to post here (I think I saw like, two drawings, maybe three). I saw plenty of fanart of Mira and Tom as a couple, though. Also Sera and Mira and Margaery and Mira, all seemingly more popular than Mirgryn taking by the amount of fanart.
Either way... I don't really ship anyone in this game (my love for Morgryn does not equals me shipping Mirgryn; believe me, I fear what he could do with Mira after getting what he wants). I would find Tom and Mira cuter in a couple of years, since Tom looks too young for me to be comfortable with this ship. Of course, he is MUCH closer to Mira's age than Morgryn is, since Morgryn must be at least ten years older than Mira (probably more). Now, age isn't a problem for any of these pairings in Westeros, though Tom would only be considered an adult after completing sixteen. Anyway, be sure you are not alone in that ship. I'm not getting aboard, but I know for a fact other people are.
Well I would but Tom is already taken. Tom X Coal.
I ship Mirgryn so hard ^_^
I wish there was more Mirgryn fanart.
I'd totally ship it if Morgryn didn't exist and if Tom was a bit older.
hahaha I'm afraid I'm responsible for commissioning/requesting most of that art...I'm trying to make the ship a thing, I'm trying! Also I'm fairly sure Tom is around 15-16? It's safe that Mira is around Margaery's age, and depending on what source you're looking at, Margaery is 16 in the books, and 18 (in the show). Mira is probably a bit younger than Gared who I put in his early twenties.
I think Tom's baby face has a lot of people thrown off about his age, but he's pretty much Mira's height and his voice is definitely older than a very young boy.
Really? Well if Tom really is at an acceptable age, then all you need to get me to ship Tom + Mira is to erase Morgryn from existence.
Tom seems... a little too young? Honestly not too sure how old he is.
Finally, I'm not the only one!!11!
@llana No offence to the actor. But Margaery seems too old to be 16/18.
My favorite ship is Gared x Bacon, but yeah Tom and Mira come in on a nice second place.
It is mostly because of his baby face, yeah. Tom might be 16 already, the problem I have is that he looks too childish to me, and that makes me as uncomfortable as the Gared x Talia ship does, although Talia is probably a legal adult since women are considered adults after their first blood in Westeros (yes, despite being twins, Talia is considered a grown woman and Ethan was still considered a child because of the way age of majority works for women and for men in Westeros). It isn't something unusual for children that lived in poverty most of their lives to look younger than they are due to undernourishment, so I wouldn't be surprised if Tom was already legally an adult despite his appearance. It is as you say, his baby face is what bothers me. It is like some vampires in popular media that are thousands of years old but still look like children: They would also make me uncomfortable if they hooked up with an adult.
I really love Tom and Mira because I think it's the most genuine relationship Mira has in King's Landing. Tom might be paid to kep an eye on her, but if you've been nice to him it seems that their friendship is genuine. I would say Mira and Sera's relationship is similar, but Sera even cut off her relationship with Mira because it was too risky. Some of Tom and Mira's dialogues seem almost flirtatious, esp. the deleted ones in the games files (that could just be me being a desperate shipper lol). Oh! and one more thing about Tom's age. At least Sera thought he was old enough to be romantically involved with Mira, with her "tryst in the bushes" comment, and Mira can shrug it off by saying Tom fancies her.
Do you have a Tom X Mira tumblr by chance lol? I've been looking for people who ship the two of them and stumbled on one and listened to some of the unused dialogue and omg ship them so much more than I ever did before!
No! Ewwww.
Yes I do! In fact, I was the one who posted the unused dialogue.
You know how Borderlands finale went like Bad stuff, bad stuff, kill the main enemy (Jack), then bigger enemy comes along. Telltale might do this with GoT for example kill Ludd and Gryff (determinant) then Tohrren comes out of nowhere and unleashes hell.
You know Morgryn is the most likely to betray Mira much more than Tom.
Mira and Tom = Mom! Yay!
Ohh yes, I have two posts ready for once Episode 6 is released. One has a "I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG" tone, for when Morgryn betrays Mira, and the other has a "Okay I guess I was wrong about Morgryn. Sorry Rickard." tone for the unlikely case if Morgryn happens to not be the backstabbing asshole I think he is.
Ha so true.
To me, Tom seems quite young so I couldn't imagine them together. Plus, he is a coal boy and Mira is a lady, that would never work in the world of Game of Thrones.
Link? I'd be interested to see it.
While I agree with you, their social positions doesn't mean they can't fall in love. It just means they can't marry unless they elope.
It is the sole reason why I don't ship Mirgryn. I love Morgryn, I love Mira, their interactions are great and the occasional flirting is lovely too.
BUT... I just can't trust Morgryn. I can't. He reminds me too much of Littlefinger. I think he wouldn't hesitate on throwing Mira to the lions if that would benefit him. He was the one to introduce Andros to Ludd, which indicates that he knew Ludd for a while, and still he didn't mind going behind his back to try to strike a deal with a Forrester the minute he saw he could get rich doing that. He then said he could be an ally to Mira, someone she "could really trust", but ran away at the first sight of trouble and left Mira to fend for herself. If interacting with him wasn't such a delight, I would want my Mira to avoid him.
Wtf? Wrong, ew, no. That just seems like pedophilia. x mira
Here you go!
Isn't the age gap between Mira and Tom significantly smaller than the one between Mira and Morgryn? As for possible pedophilia, that would be a modern outlook though in the context of the world of Westeros it doesn't really seem as shocking considering how in medieval times adolescence was considered passage into adulthood- wait.... assuming Mira is 18, then Tom is like.... 14 or 15? I take it back, this ship creeps me out...
But if Mira's between 16 to 17 suddenly it doesn't sound that bad....
However I think another factor to take into consideration is this: Does Mira have (or potentially have) romantic feelings for Tom and if so would she realistically act on those feelings? It seems unlikely, as we know Mira is an intelligent individual she would know that Morgryn is a far more realistic suitor to take into consideration since he has both wealth and status, and marrying him would also benefit her family whereas she wouldn't exactly gain any advantage with Tom whose a socially low ranking coal boy (and is probably working for Varys whom I desperately hope will cameo in the final episode before Tyrion's escape).
Love your post. I will comment on a few points of it (expanding on them, not correcting them).
Mira's presumed age on the wiki is 17-19. Putting aside the modern outlook and thinking of Westerosi laws and customs only, Tom needs to be 16 to be considered an adult. I think it is possible that Tom is 16 already, but his baby face makes me uncomfortable with this ship. Tom's presumed age on the wiki is "mid teens", so we don't know for sure if he is 16. Morgryn's presumed age on the wiki is "early to mid 30's", so yeah, the age gap between Mira and Tom is significantly smaller. The difference is that we know for sure that both Mira and Morgryn are legally adults, while we do not know if Tom is legally an adult.
I absolutely agree that Mira wouldn't act on any romantic feelings she could have for Tom, too. The only way for her to marry him would be if they eloped, and I don't think Mira would leave her family behind like that. At least my Mira wouldn't. Her hand in marriage is precious to her family, and should be used to forge an alliance with someone that can be of use. Marrying for love is dangerous in Westeros, especially when you need allies, as our dear Robb Stark demonstrated so well.
Morgryn is not the only man in King's Landing that Mira interacted with that would be a good suitor, though. We have Lyman, who is agreeable enough and also a Lannister ("A third cousin, to be fair"), and we also have Tarwick once Sera is out of the way. Sure, Lyman got his manly bits smashed by a horse, which might be a problem, but at least "Mira Lannister" sounds pretty awesome. And Tarwick, well, he must be twice her age, but that's no problem in Westeros. At least he is nice to Mira. Both Lyman and Tarwick seem easy to manipulate, while Morgryn plays me like a damn fiddle every time we talk.
I kind of always wondered if there was a semi-romantic 'intellectual' attraction between Mira and Morgryn - I'm impressed with how mentally sharp the both of them are yet only a part of me wishes to have them paired for this, while the other part still see's him as a viable threat to Mira if not dealt with properly.
My fascination with Mira and Tom sort of even perplexes me... part of me is hoping they'l get a scene like what Fiona and Scooter got in TFTB Ep.4, maybe its the whole tabooed nature a potential relationship between them that breaks societal customs for a minor noble like herself (kind of like how I'm weirdly interested in Cersei and Jamie because its tabooed nature feels so surreal, though I guess that's a pretty extreme example).
Mira eloping with Tom... hmmm... well many fans do seem to believe that she will try to escape Kings Landing in episode 6 and might have to choose between the assistance of either Tom or Lord Morgryn.
All this time Tom has been Mira's most trusted accomplice so perhaps she can grow close to him however with Tom's own background and motivations kept a mystery I can't discount the possibility of him hiding something very important and if that would hinder their trust. I'd like to see them as friends at the very least, though I know Tom must be getting something out of helping Mira - I just don't know what exactly a coal boy is hoping to achieve through helping Mira save her family back in Ironrath...
Now, Mira and Lyman... I'm trying not to laugh but it actually might sort of work... I mean, 'Mira Lannister', now that sounds a lot more awesome than 'Mira Morgryn'.
Lyman does have the advantage to being easy to manipulate by Mira, as well as his name bearing much weight and prestige, even if he himself doesn't quite live up to it - still I can't help but sort of pity the poor man... However I can't fully picture Mira ever developing feelings for him, and even if she married him for his name - I think she would actually be better off marrying Morgryn in the long run - if he and Mira joined forces with their minds they could be a force of intrigue to reckon with, plus Mira would have access to moderate wealth and status which can only help her family.
Weird, for some reason I still want to ship Tom and Mira.... even if it makes no realistic sense for Mira... of course she would never go ahead with it,
It would be tons of fun to have Morgryn as an ally in Season 2, with him and Mira playing the game together, but I too see him as a threat to her :P
I can't see Mira ever having feelings for Lyman either. If they were to marry, that would be the very definition of a political marriage. To be honest, though, I think he would see her as being too lowborn, since she is from a third-tier house and he is from a first-tier house that is currently sitting on the throne.
What worries me about Tom is his boss. We don't know who they are or what they could possibly want with Mira. Sure, now they want her alive, but what if that changes? What if Tom is spying on her, and not simply protecting her? What is he is telling everything Mira tells him to his boss? I am really afraid of that. I think that the betrayal that would hurt the most in the game would be Tom's (or Beskha's, in the games that Asher is alive). It would be absolutely heartbreaking.
I'm wrapping my mind around the prospect of Tom possibly betraying Mira and whether it would carry a level of determinance regarding how she treated him in the prior episodes... no, that's unlikely to have a future impact (or at least I'll be surprised if it will at this point) - it would undoubtedly be painful, because he was her closest ally and arguably one of the catalysts for her playing the game.
I do wonder - even if Mira has romantic feelings for Tom we know its extremely unlikely she would act on those feelings since she's too smart for that - but has anyone considered if Tom himself fancies Mira? How much of his acts come from orders to protect her and how much come from his own personal feelings to protect her? He's obviously positioning himself as her ally at least for now but that makes him a player in the game as well, so its obviously not out of the goodness of his heart - he either has something to gain or is exceptionally loyal to whomever he takes orders from.
I do think determinatly at least if Mira does treat him well he could care for her on some non-romantic level, though I can't see the same in a scenario where she had left him to (almost) drown by Damien in Episode 2. Not to mention - this is Game of Thrones we're talking about, so a dark secret lies in.... every turn?
Basically as much as I would kind of like to ship Mira and Tom at least in theory I know that realistically such an option would be tantamount to Mira turning her back to her family which she would never do and since Tom's motivations are still unclear there is always the possibility of him becoming a new threat to Mira, which would be a problem for her considering how closely involved he was with her schemes.
Mira and Lord Tarwick... I'm not sure what to think of this ship - I don't think its as popular as Mira x Morgryn or Mira x Tom, or even Mira x Lyman, and that might be due how their interaction is quite limited save for the exception in Episode 4, I suppose just not enough is known about his own background or character, unlike Morgryn, and he isn't exactly the most involved with Mira's life either, unlike Tom - I'm not even sure how he ranks in terms of wealth and status compared to Morgryn, while Lyman lacked much to be desired he does hold a sort of trump card being a Lannister.
Mira's most realistic romantic option is probably with Morgryn. I'm trying to determine who Tom is to her - a close friend and confidant or a tool she uses for her own agenda - the two work closely together so perhaps an emotional bond of some sort between the two is possible, but I can't help but also think that this current non-romantic relationship between the two will not end well in the finale... still I do like the idea of Mira maybe subconsciously developing some feelings for Tom but never acting on them.
I appreciate you running that page so angry about episode 5's ending