Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • oh of course

    Yeah, but we all know Rhys is a stuttering mess and words don't come out right when he tries to talk, y'know?

  • Yeah no heartbreakers around here. Is it bad that I get sad when I thing about how hot Rhys / @bigbadpaul is?

    It looks like we're almost done. I'm happy with my part, now it's just up to the rest of the group. But anyway, enough about school. Let'

  • think*

    Yeah no heartbreakers around here. Is it bad that I get sad when I thing about how hot Rhys / @bigbadpaul is?

  • enter image description here

    (I actually think this is my favourite gif)

  • edited November 2015

    We'll see how she feels when she returns...

    Why on Pandora would you get sad? (Also, lol, look at us tagging him in every message, we're gonna flood his inbox/feed/whatever.)

    Yeah no heartbreakers around here. Is it bad that I get sad when I thing about how hot Rhys / @bigbadpaul is?

  • edited November 2015

    Yo, where are my fellow night owls? .

  • edited November 2015

    Okay, so I've been thinking. About stuff.

    One) I'm slightly scared of the way everyone's teeth look in Tales. They have no canines. Just...straight. All the way across. Weird.

    Two) What happens if you refuse to let Scooter be your on-board mechanic in Episode 4? I'm pretty sure he ends up going with no matter what, since his death seems to be canon, but what happens if you tell him to stay on Pandora?

    Three) .....I just had it and I forgot. I'll edit this once I remember.

  • Every time I play BL2 now, I'm gonna look up at Helios and think...

    Rhys is up there...

    Just think, in BL2, you're up on Helios kissing ass and selling out and not even aware of that fine piece of Pandora you're missing out on

  • I'm gonna try to pin point where Hollow point should be roughly, I orginally said it's somewhere beneath the Dust, but I think a smarter bet is somewhere in the Dahl Headlands (from the first game)

    Every time I play BL2 now, I'm gonna look up at Helios and think... Rhys is up there...

  • Ooh! Yes. I kinda hope they'll make it a visit-able place in BL3....

    I'm gonna try to pin point where Hollow point should be roughly, I orginally said it's somewhere beneath the Dust, but I think a smarter bet is somewhere in the Dahl Headlands (from the first game)

  • edited November 2015

    And suddenly....it was quiet.

    I'll be around for a while tonight. Mostly writing, but I'll check in every now and then.

    Assuming people are even posting things.

    Klowbi posted: »

    Yo, where are my fellow night owls?

  • I gotta get some shut eye before the Double R, B, Triple R (RRBRRR: aka the Rhyiona this name is too long)

    Klowbi posted: »

    Yo, where are my fellow night owls?

  • Well for the teeth i think thats more of a technical issue, Teeth are hard to make in games and Scooter still comes with you anyway even if you tell him to stay

  • Good night! It was fun playing with you today!

    I gotta get some shut eye before the Double R, B, Triple R (RRBRRR: aka the Rhyiona this name is too long)

  • Because it hurts to see cute boys, and Rhys is cute and hot and adorable and a thousand other wonderful adjectives so, I'm in pain, but the good pain

    We'll see how she feels when she returns... Why on Pandora would you get sad? (Also, lol, look at us tagging him in every message, we're gonna flood his inbox/feed/whatever.)

  • enter image description here

    Good night! It was fun playing with you today!

  • I figured as much for the teeth, lol. Still kinda funny. I just remember someone mentioning it earlier.

    Okay, so there's no way to avoid his death. :( I thought so.

    Well for the teeth i think thats more of a technical issue, Teeth are hard to make in games and Scooter still comes with you anyway even if you tell him to stay

  • So the kind of pain where your heart is about to either stop beating or explode.


    Because it hurts to see cute boys, and Rhys is cute and hot and adorable and a thousand other wonderful adjectives so, I'm in pain, but the good pain

  • he is acute little nugget, but a nugget you want to make out with. idk how Fiona does it. XD

    So the kind of pain where your heart is about to either stop beating or explode. Gotcha.

  • But I'm freaking out about how high the quality of the picture is.

    "Did you guys fuck after you opened the Vault?"

  • Hah, I'm glad I made you smile!

    Holy muffins, I was grinning like an idiot during the whole thing. Especially the whole shirtless description...part....

  • was I the only who thought was cute when in episode 4 in the very beginning, Rhys says something about Fiona's thinking face? I just thought it was adorable how he noticed. :)))

  • Welcome to Rhyiona Paradise, friend! (This thread I mean).

    I don't even play this game but I still support this ship.

  • Oh dear, this is Rhys' life in two sentences! XD

    look i made a thing insp. from msbonniesalvatore

  • edited November 2015

    Notice how in the intro of episode 5 as the lyrics play "be the girl you loved" it zooms in on Fiona (at roughly 1:00)

    enter link description here


  • edited November 2015

    Rhyiona confirmed.

    Also, in Ep. 4, during the intro, the line "you will never belong to me" plays as Sasha and Rhys are looking at each other. (If I'm remembering correctly.)

    Coincidence? I think not.

    Green613 posted: »

    Notice how in the intro of episode 5 as the lyrics play "be the girl you loved" it zooms in on Fiona (at roughly 1:00) enter link description here

  • That is so cool! I never even listened to the songs' lyrics, it's kinda hard to recognize the words for me. I would really love to replay the game, but thinking of the finger gun scene....shudders I replayed it like 50 times till I could pass it. Can't even think of it now.

    Rhyiona confirmed. Also, in Ep. 4, during the intro, the line "you will never belong to me" plays as Sasha and Rhys are looking at each other. (If I'm remembering correctly.) Coincidence? I think not.

  • i hope so, i find their dynamic extremely cute :)

    Rhyiona confirmed. Also, in Ep. 4, during the intro, the line "you will never belong to me" plays as Sasha and Rhys are looking at each other. (If I'm remembering correctly.) Coincidence? I think not.

  • edited November 2015

    Alright, everyone. I hope you're ready for a feels trip. I'll try to keep this explanation as short as possible.

    I was listening to this song:

    enter link description here

    and so many of the lines reminded me of Rhyiona that I knew I had to do something with it.

    However, the story being told in the song doesn't lend itself to many happy ideas. So I just went where it told me to go and I came up with this.

    This is kind of a rough draft. I'll end up working more of the song into it before I post it over on FFN.net, but I wanted to get the general idea out and share it with all of you so I could get some feedback and make edits tomorrow.

    Enjoy and let me know what you think. :)

    (Tagging @xtheunseenteenx so she can find it.)

    It’s been years.

    She’s missed him. She says this openly.

    She has to fight back a stab of jealousy when she sees the simple golden band glinting on his finger.

    ...she doesn’t say this.

    “Seems like Atlas is treating you well.”

    He nods, tipping back the rest of the drink in his hand.

    “Hasn’t been easy, but...what ever is, right?”

    He smiles.

    It’s a goofy little lopsided thing; mostly lips, just a hint of perfect white teeth.

    It makes her heart beat faster and she decides to lose herself in her cocktail.

    Anything to avoid looking at him.

    To avoid feeling something.

    “How about you? Any Vaults worth mentioning?”

    She smiles into the brightly-colored drink on the bar in front of her. “It’s more waiting and following fake leads than anything else.”

    “Well, they don’t call it Vault hunting for no reason.”

    He smiles again, wider this time.

    It’s more of a grin, really.

    He still looks so boyish, and she finds herself wishing she felt as young as he looks in that moment.

    “But you...you’re doing alright? The rest of the team’s treating you okay?”

    She feels a lump rise in her throat.

    Hearing that concern.

    Knowing he still cares.

    Pushing down everything but a smile, she nods.

    “They’re treating me like family.”

    The answer is honest.

    Which is why it chokes her up.

    Lilith, Axton, Gaige, Mordecai, even Krieg and Salvador; they’ve all become her family.

    They’re the people she’ll fight and die alongside.

    They’re the people she’ll spend the rest of her life with.

    Even though it could have been him.

    She can’t keep herself from looking at the ring on his finger again.

    It’s such an innocent thing.

    Just a plain band of metal.

    But it somehow carves out a hollow space in the pit of her stomach.

    His words.

    Before the Vault.

    I’m interested in someone else.

    She knew what that had meant.

    But she hadn’t been ready.

    She’d been too eager to start her life. Her new life.

    And she’d missed her chance.

    And he’d moved on.


    someone else.

    Warm fingers on her arm jolt her out of her regrets.

    Warm...all except for the ring.

    The ring is icy against her skin.

    She has to fight with every muscle in her body to keep herself from pulling away.

    “You sure you’re alright, Fi?”


    It sounds like something out of a dream.

    Sure, the others use this nickname.

    But none of them say it quite the same way he does.

    She can’t look at him. She doesn’t want to see his face.

    It feels like she’s hit rock bottom already, but she knows that if she looks up, into his eyes, she’ll be able to fall even further.

    “You know you can tell me, right?”

    Something strangely foreign starts welling up inside her, boiling in her blood.





    She doesn’t know whether to punch him or cry.

    Or both.

    So she just sits there, silent, wrestling with this unwelcome chimera of emotion.

    She can feel him rubbing his thumb against her arm.

    She can imagine the expression on his face.

    So she still doesn’t look at him.

    She knows she won’t be able to hold back whatever’s trying to spill over if she does.

    Those mismatched eyes were always able to say more than his words ever could.

    And if his words alone were tearing her apart...

    She didn’t want to think about what his eyes would do.

    “Fi, talk to me. Something’s wrong.”

    His voice is soft.

    So soft.


    And something clicks inside her.

    That bubbling feeling suddenly cements itself, dropping heavily into her gut.

    It’s the weight of realization.

    She knows what this is.

    It’s love.

    And that’s when she looks at him.


    “So...who is she?”

    Fiona nods to the ring.

    It’s sitting on the nightstand.

    Next to the bed.

    She wants to cover it with something.

    A pang of guilt slices through her.

    He sighs and presses a kiss to her collar bone.

    “Is now really the time?”

    No. It’s not.

    But she can’t just let it go.

    The last hour had been a beautiful distraction.

    The soft sheets.

    His warm body.

    How everything just came so naturally to them.

    How they’d fit so perfectly in each others’ curves.

    But she knows it’s going to be the last time as well as the first.

    She needs something to remind her that they shouldn’t be here.

    Not like this.

    He isn’t hers to have.

    Not anymore.

    “Not telling me won’t make it any easier.”

    He’s silent and she knows he’s studying her face.

    She just leans against his shoulder, tracing the tattoos across his chest.

    Memorizing him.

    Just in case it’s the last time she ever sees him again.

    “We met about two years ago.” He begins quietly. “Through Atlas. It started as a...collaboration. On some weapon designs.”

    Fiona swallows the sour taste in the back of her throat.


    Thrown together and forced to work as a team.

    It sounds too familiar.

    “She and I had similar ideas. Off-the-clock meetings turned into...”

    She shuts her eyes as he trails off.

    This hurts a lot more than she’d expected it to.

    Is she anything like me? she wants to ask.

    But she keeps her mouth shut because she doesn’t know what will come out if she opens it.

    “I wish I could say I was sorry.”

    But he’s not.

    And that’s all she needs to know.

    The silence that follows lasts for several long minutes.

    Eventually, he kisses the top of her head.

    She draws in a shaky breath.

    “Did you mean it?”

    She knows she doesn’t have to specify.

    “I did.”

    His breath whispers through her hair.

    “And, if we’re being honest...”

    She finally looks up, placing a finger across his lips.

    It’s hard to force a smile with the tears burning behind her eyes, but she does it anyway.

    “You don’t have to say it, Rhys.”

    Because those words won’t change the fact that you’re going to be waking up with someone else for the rest of your life.

  • edited November 2015

    What have you done?! I'm crying, I'm crying... That's not fair! I-I will pretend it was a bad dream of Fiona, ok?

    Seriously, it is a masterpiece. I can't even imagine what was it like inside you when you were writing it.

    Alright, everyone. I hope you're ready for a feels trip. I'll try to keep this explanation as short as possible. I was listening to this

  • Yeah, that's why I said 'more sinister' haha

    but it'll always seem more sinister now. No offence, but I've always seen rhack as sinister. You have Jack, a corporate psychopathic

  • Hmmm...glancing around suspiciously

    Anyone here? People are liking the posts, but do not say anything. Why?

  • Do you remember what he said? Cause I missed it for certain.

    was I the only who thought was cute when in episode 4 in the very beginning, Rhys says something about Fiona's thinking face? I just thought it was adorable how he noticed. ))

  • Yeah, you're quite popular on ff.net :) looking forward for your Rhyiona works!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh man, I still have 23 pages left to catch up on, but I'm getting there! I feel better since earlier, not 100% but certainly better. I k

  • enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Hmmm...glancing around suspiciously Anyone here? People are liking the posts, but do not say anything. Why?

  • Okay. Nice to now I'm not alone here now :)

  • Yeah, still there, leaving tomorrow :)
    It is very relaxing here, sauna and nature walks :) no rush, no worries!

  • You're in Finland? Dang, I envy you :'D Hope you enjoyed your time there ^_^

    Mawula posted: »

    Yeah, still there, leaving tomorrow It is very relaxing here, sauna and nature walks no rush, no worries!

  • Personally, I'm not really into romantic drama. That being said, I absolutely think you could write for a living if that's something you'd like to pursue.

    Alright, everyone. I hope you're ready for a feels trip. I'll try to keep this explanation as short as possible. I was listening to this

  • Busy, with stuff and thangs

    Mawula posted: »

    Hmmm...glancing around suspiciously Anyone here? People are liking the posts, but do not say anything. Why?

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