How is this town still inhabited?

Boom Town looks like a bit of an unusual phenomenon. While griefers do have the tendency to blow things up, from what I have seen they tend to focus on breaking things that are not already broken, and travel to different places.

Other than the weird power struggle with Magnus, what is keeping the town together and why is everyone staying in Boom Town? Where do the Griefers get all these resources? Is there some sort of griefer's code of honor or enforcement keeping the town from tearing itself apart?

Was Boom Town once a completely different town that got raided, and there is an underground resistance trying to retake Boom Town and rebuild it from the ground up? Are the Griefers being contained by other nearby towns?

And as a side question, since the nether gate that connects Boom Town directly to the Temple of the Order of the Stone and all the whole rail system is right in the middle of the entire city, perhaps the griefers are responsible for how the Temple of the Order of the Stone got broken up in the first place?


  • I don't think anyone could answer those questions and going into that would be uninteresting in the game unless it was necessary for the plotline, although to your last question I think something a whole lot bigger than griefers would have broken up the order and besides what would the griefers do to destroy their legendary team?

  • I wasn't talking about the team, as much as about the Temple itself, and how it got into its ruined state.

    And I am not requesting that the game puts in the time to explain it, as much as I am to challenge the fans to fill in some good potential backstory.

    Or as the kids call them these days, "Headcannon".

    I don't think anyone could answer those questions and going into that would be uninteresting in the game unless it was necessary for the plo

  • I don't know. I'm kind of interested in what the hell happened with Boom Town.

    I don't think anyone could answer those questions and going into that would be uninteresting in the game unless it was necessary for the plo

  • I guess the griefers could have destroyed the temple but no one ever mentions what happened to it and it really should have been mentioned then in episode 2 if you take magnus' path, also I think that the griefers would've destroyed the whole thing instead of leave it in half decent shape

    I wasn't talking about the team, as much as about the Temple itself, and how it got into its ruined state. And I am not requesting that t

  • Hmmm that's a good point, and the Traps in the Temple still seem functional too.

    Perhaps what few griefers that made it were killed by some traps before they could mess the whole place up? Its a bit suspicious that Jesse and the gang only find one arrow trap before making it to the temple.

    There might also be some sort of external force working to keep the griefers in Boom Town.

    I guess the griefers could have destroyed the temple but no one ever mentions what happened to it and it really should have been mentioned t

  • It's all possible, it's a big mystery telltale may never explain

    Hmmm that's a good point, and the Traps in the Temple still seem functional too. Perhaps what few griefers that made it were killed by so

  • One thing I understand about the people of Minecraft, everyone is a natural survivalist. And if everyone is a survivalist, then everyone can live everywhere.

  • I said the same thing. I like to think that they're like Magnus, they've hidden themselves. They could have built underground homes with houses above them as decoys. But I'm just gonna say... a lot of people died.

  • People like to live dangerously

  • The town like a Minecraft PvP griefing server, with factions fighting and griefing all over the place. It is the way they have fun.

    The population of Boom Town is like the population of one of these servers. They enjoy living like that.

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