Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Tell me

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You wouldn't understand. Okay good night or morning or whatever. Good sleep to you.

  • I totally get that. School comes first.

    But I am available tonight, so let's DO THIS.

    I'M STUCK ON MY PART. But with some music, I should be able to come up with something.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I need to work on our collab more, I've been busy with school and I had no internet last night. We must do this, together! FOR RHYIONA! Last time I read your part, I SMILED SO BIG. IT WAS REALLY CUTE.

  • u r beautiful

    but seriously

    get some sleep

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    cross my beautiful heart

  • So tomorrow, unless I get worse, I'm probably gonna be at work so I won't see any of your beautiful faces...avatars and comments (saved it) but when I get back, was wondering if anyone would be up for some more Borderlands 2-ing......

  • edited November 2015

    Rhys: "Shit, why am I always falling?! Seriously Fiona, this is like the third time today!"

    Fiona: "And yet, it hasn't lost its charm."

    Rhys gets up

    Rhys: "Do you REALIZE how you damage this oh so perfect face or hell, EVEN MY HEAD IF I LAND-"

    Fiona kisses him

    Rhys: "I-I...Um...You..."

    Fiona: "You talk way too much, Rhys."

    Getting back on topic Rhys starts skating and Fiona trips him on purpose Rhys starts to yell but Fiona kisses him to shut the fuck up The End Oh god so cringeworthy nite anyways

  • Skating again.

    Why is Rhys always skating.

    Getting back on topic Rhys starts skating and Fiona trips him on purpose Rhys starts to yell but Fiona kisses him to shut the fuck up The End Oh god so cringeworthy nite anyways

  • Gortys has a nightmare and interrupts Rhys and Fiona doing something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What happens next?

    Skating again. Why is Rhys always skating.

  • Oh God.

    This could be very bad.

    But knowing Gortys, Rhys and Fiona would be the only ones embarrassed.

    Gortys has a nightmare and interrupts Rhys and Fiona doing something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What happens next?

  • A sex tape

    Gortys has a nightmare and interrupts Rhys and Fiona doing something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What happens next?

  • My mind natural just snaps to parents trying to explain sex to their kid and its going right over the kids head

    Oh God. This could be very bad. But knowing Gortys, Rhys and Fiona would be the only ones embarrassed.

  • That too.....

    Hm.....that might actually be really interesting (and funny) to try writing.....

    Your earlier comment about drunk Rhys all alone at a bar got me thinking, too.

    My mind natural just snaps to parents trying to explain sex to their kid and its going right over the kids head

  • It's 11 PM and I want to wake up earlier because I'm going at a super (fucking) good Youtube Convention. I'm going to see some amazing Youtubers from France! Also some amazing Quebecers! So, have a good night everyone!

  • Wow, one of my rare non-lewd post.

    Eryka posted: »

    It's 11 PM and I want to wake up earlier because I'm going at a super (fucking) good Youtube Convention. I'm going to see some amazing Youtubers from France! Also some amazing Quebecers! So, have a good night everyone!

  • Well that actually was kind of serious like before he ever goes down to Pandora, I kind of have a head canon that Rhys actually suffers from depression and when Vaughn and Yvette aren't around he goes and gets hammered.

    That too..... Hm.....that might actually be really interesting (and funny) to try writing..... Your earlier comment about drunk Rhys all alone at a bar got me thinking, too.

  • I remember my second one-shot ever was Rhys and Fiona ice-skating. Rhys fell on his own while Gortys made Fiona fall. :')

    Skating again. Why is Rhys always skating.

  • edited November 2015

    ....I actually love this idea.

    And.....I will definitely add it to -drumroll- ...the list.

    And I want to try writing Yvette, too! So that'll be fun.

    Well that actually was kind of serious like before he ever goes down to Pandora, I kind of have a head canon that Rhys actually suffers from depression and when Vaughn and Yvette aren't around he goes and gets hammered.

  • Lol, proud of you.

    And good night! Have fun at the convention!

    Eryka posted: »

    Wow, one of my rare non-lewd post.

  • It's going to be fun at 1000%!

    Lol, proud of you. And good night! Have fun at the convention!

  • Rhys fell on his own

    Story of his life.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I remember my second one-shot ever was Rhys and Fiona ice-skating. Rhys fell on his own while Gortys made Fiona fall. :')

  • Well you know me, just brimming with ideas and not enough ways to share

    ....I actually love this idea. And.....I will definitely add it to -drumroll- ...the list. And I want to try writing Yvette, too! So that'll be fun.

  • Well, anytime you want one of your headcanons written, just ask.

    I've been so high on inspiration since I joined you guys.

    Well you know me, just brimming with ideas and not enough ways to share

  • I like to toy with the ideas of characters having actual mental conditions and I guess depression stands out to me because I was suffering from it a couple years ago, and I guess still feeling the effects. And I'm like, Rhys has too much of a conscious to be happy with what he's doing. Kind of goes with my whole idea that he is mainly an just an act in the first episode.

    Well, anytime you want one of your headcanons written, just ask. I've been so high on inspiration since I joined you guys.

  • He does have a conscious, unlike a lot of people up in Hyperion (we assume). But his survival instinct is also pretty high, too. He knows he's maybe not doing the right things on Helios, but his will to survive is kind of drowning out his morals. And then he goes down to Pandora and his morality ends up aligning with his survival (resisting Jack, etc.), so he's able to sort of break out of the image he kept while he worked for Hyperion.

    Who knows, maybe there's some other reason he started working for Hyperion.that we don't know about and he hated it the whole time, but made his way through the ranks just because it was what he had to do to stay alive....?

    I like to toy with the ideas of characters having actual mental conditions and I guess depression stands out to me because I was suffering f

  • edited November 2015

    I'm actually gonna go play some Tales, guys. For inspiration. Hopefully I can make some headway on a few pieces I've been working on recently.

    Be back in a little bit!

    Gotta get through the flower scene........

    EDIT: Nvm, can't play, Kristi's working on the collab with me GOTTA WRITE FOR RHYIONA.

  • I was just starting to remember that movie. Thanks!

    You made me think of the question to this answer (sorry about being cryptic but I don't want to get in trouble)


    Gortys has a nightmare and interrupts Rhys and Fiona doing something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What happens next?

  • Forever alone

    You guys left me just when I came sniff

  • edited November 2015

    Still here!

    But yeah, it's been really quiet during the nights. (Or...days? Depending on your time zone.)

    Forever alone You guys left me just when I came sniff

  • Oh at least you're here. At least I'm not alone.

    Still here! But yeah, it's been really quiet during the nights. (Or...days? Depending on your time zone.)

  • Nights usually.

    Still here! But yeah, it's been really quiet during the nights. (Or...days? Depending on your time zone.)

  • There hasn't been too much actual Rhyiona content today. But there was some good stuff yesterday, if you feel like wading through a bunch of off-topic (but entertaining) conversations...

    Oh at least you're here. At least I'm not alone.

  • I did, actually.

    There hasn't been too much actual Rhyiona content today. But there was some good stuff yesterday, if you feel like wading through a bunch of off-topic (but entertaining) conversations...

  • Oh! Awesome, then.

    I did, actually.

  • edited November 2015

    ZAPPY X ME, I SHIP IT. (as much as I would ship any thread ship XD)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I would actually ship ZapThroat x Kristi but sadly Kimmi x Kristi is already confirmed lol =P

  • you're gonna laugh...I actually wrote a fanfic where serana is one of the main characters :D where are you from? (pleasesaygermanypleasesaygermanypleasesaygermany)

    If you write a fanfic about Serana, I will read the shit out of it. I will over analyze the crap out of it and break it down it down in every conceivable way for you (just something to consider)

  • the realisation that the new mlp-episodes comes today, and it's gonna be a DISCORD-EPISODE!

    enter image description here

    THAT realisation hit me today. don't know what wolfie is up to though

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    wut realisation

  • Whoo, all that shipping craziness really got to me and I'm super tired.

    I don't have any Rhyiona to offer you tonight before I go to sleep, but my inside sources say that there's some writing coming up in the near future.....

    Again, thank you all for being cool and crazy people.

    I'll see you in a few hours...

    And good night.

  • edited November 2015

    Good morning, everybody!

    Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 :)

    Considering that roleplay. The following characters will be present:

    The action will be set during the ride to Cassius facility.

    I encourage you all to choose a character. If want someone added, just ask, I'll try to make it possible. Anyone who is "off screen" can be made to come in. I will add you to this post.

    Meanwhile I'll work on intro and goals. Yes, my dears, each one of you will get tasks to complete during the play.

  • enter image description here

    (HAHA! get it? it's funny 'cause...'cause her name is rainbow dash, and...rainbow spaghetti...you know...weird and all...)

    Eryka posted: »

    Rhys licking Fiona's leg because it taste like some rainbow spaghetti

  • there is no such thing as "too weird" when you're talking about this thread. dude. you've been around here for waaaaaay longer than me, and yet you don't know the most simple of rules

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    this thread is getting way too weird right now, good night before I get mental scars

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