Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Good morning, guys! ^-^

    How are you all today, on this fine Saturday? <3

  • edited November 2015

    Packing :) time to go home!
    How are you?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, guys! ^-^ How are you all today, on this fine Saturday?

  • I'm good. Just listening to some music as always. Although I'm really hungry right now xD

    Thank you for asking ~-^

    Mawula posted: »

    Packing time to go home! How are you?

  • Are you interested in participating in the forum role play? This early, you have the opportunity to pick 'not Sasha', lol.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm good. Just listening to some music as always. Although I'm really hungry right now xD Thank you for asking ~-^

  • Hella interested! ^-^

    I would like to be... Loader Bot =3

    Mawula posted: »

    Are you interested in participating in the forum role play? This early, you have the opportunity to pick 'not Sasha', lol.

  • Okay, putting you on the list. It is planned to happen on the next weekend.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hella interested! ^-^ I would like to be... Loader Bot =3

  • Haha, can't wait ^-^

    Mawula posted: »

    Okay, putting you on the list. It is planned to happen on the next weekend.

  • Well uh. I choose Fiona! That would be awesome!

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • Oh I choose Vaughn!

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • And I like the second one! Double layer of sense.

    Quick question, everyone. For the fic I put up last night, which would be the better title between these two? 1) Second's Not The Same

  • edited November 2015

    Hey @GrowlingPeanut, IT'S DONE!

    I stood at the corner of the sidewalk, waiting in the cold for the signal to change to the walking person, alone. Of course I’d be alone. It’s nothing new, but I honestly wish it wasn’t like that. Outside of Vaughn, Yvette, and few others at Atlas, I find myself alone all the time. It’s as if they got the message and would rather stay clear of me. I put my hands in the pockets of my black coat and dig myself a bit deeper into the warm deep blue scarf I have wrapped around my neck. I couldn’t get rid of it and I tried so hard to. It was as if every time I was prepared to dump it into the container to give to the unfortunate, glue was magically wiped on my hand. Goddamn this scarf...

    I look up, to see if the signal has changed; it hasn’t. Does God, hate me or something? Does he want me to reflect on everything I’ve done wrong in my life? I sigh, looking around for something to stare at to divert my attention to. Anyone or anything will do, hell maybe I can try to hit on someone. “Ha, who am I kidding?” I chuckle at how pathetic I can be while hitting on someone, my ‘flirting’ has only worked on one person, somehow.

    There are very few people walking around here, maybe because it’s cold? I turn my head straight back to the crosswalk sign ahead, its changed. Finally! When my mind has finally registered that, I was going to walk until I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

    My eyes widen, there’s no way I could mistake that figure, the one I held in my arms so tightly every night months ago. She was on the other side of the street, just crossed the road as I was searching. I must of been like a ghost because she would of ran otherwise. She’s still wearing that red coat, but this time she has a white beanie on matching with her white pants and black boots. I’m glad to see her sense of fasion hasn’t died along with our relationship. I shake my head,stop admiring her Rhys! This may be the only chance! By the time I finish admiring her beauty and undeniable killer fashion sense, she’s gone down a few blocks. I run after her as fast an Olympic athlete, winning for the gold. That gold medal is here, and I would do anything to have her back, even if that means tiring my ridiculously long legs for her. “Fiona!” I call out to her. She stops in her tracks and I do the same, only a mere few feet away when she turns to look at me.

    Her face went from curiosity to disgust really quickly. Unsure of what to say, I wave at her with a nervous smile. “You still look beautiful as always.”

    “And you’re still a complete shit, turns out we both haven’t changed.” She turns back to her original direction and resumes her stride to her destination. No, I can’t lose you! I bolt right in-front of her, blocking her path. She tries to move around me, but I mimic her. “Get the fuck out of my way, now.” She demands.

    “No, Fiona! I really need to talk to you! I never got to apologize.”

    “Apologize? Now you think of that?”

    “I didn’t have the chance-” A powerful smack hits my cheek, cutting me off.

    “You had all the time in the world to say ‘you’re sorry!’” She pushes me to the ground and stares down at me. “Yet you sat there and you watched me leave through that apartment door...” I swear, at the moment, I could of saw her frown. However, the brief moment of sadness immediately went back to anger. “We’re over and done, Rhys. Simple as that.” She walks around me and starts to leave me behind. Again she’s walking away from me like she did that night. I turn around and get on my knees.

    “I...I still love you Fiona.” She stops in her tracks, looking back at me. It looks like she wants to say something, instead, she just stares at me. “I wake up every day expecting to see you by my side, but there’s nothing there. I want to see that smile only you can pull when I wake up. Do you know how many times I was told by Vaughn to move on?” I’ll need more than two hands to count the times he’s told me that. He’s worried, I get it, I haven’t exactly been the same since Fi and I broke up. I try to act like me, but he knows that I’m not the Rhys he knows and became best friends with. “No other girl will fall for my stupid one-liners or hell, to top it, there has been no other girl who interested me. Yvette recommended them to me, and I had to say something.” No other girl was like Fiona. They were beautiful and cute, yes, but that can only go so far for me. Their personality never clicked with me, they were either just trying to hard or acting so nice, you could tell it was because they felt bad for me or they wanted something out of me because of my position at Atlas. Fiona, she was someone I wanted to be. She was everything I wasn’t, fearless, undoubtedly sassy, useful, and knew how to control a situation with her words easily.

    “That night, I was just so tired and aggravated, and I took it all out on you. Those words I said, I never meant them. Fi...I’m so sorry.” Fiona, who has said nothing throughout my entire speech, just stood there, staring at me with those green eyes. She then downcasts her eyes, her face looking doleful.

    “I can’t.” My heart dropped instantly after hearing those two words come out of her mouth. “Usually, I’m not affected by that sort of stuff, but if someone close, like Sasha were to say the same things like you did, it hurt. Do you know how much pain I was in? All because of your work. You do that for a living Rhys, and if that were to happen again, I would just be in the same position as I was before.

    “I-I can give up Atlas!” I offered. It was ridiculous, I can’t give that place up. I worked my ass off to get where I am, but I said it anyway. I would do or say anything that could welcome her back into my embrace.

    “Don’t kid yourself, Rhys. Giving up a corporation for me? You’ll regret that sooner or later when you end up on the street. You’ll get better, it just...takes time from what I was told.” She shows a small smile, but it doesn’t match up with how the rest of her face looks. “I have to head home...Sasha’s going to get worried if I don’t get home. She’ll think I’m at another bar or something...” She chuckles and then looks at me. “Bye Rhys.” She turns her back to me, “...I love you too.” she mutters before leaving me in the dust on the sidewalk.

  • edited November 2015

    Ouch, I've been rejected while sleeping. That surely never happened to me before :D

    And when I first saw the name 'zap', I thought: omg, zapp brannigan?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    poor mawula, man

  • Huh, no one wants Sasha :(

    Oh I choose Vaughn!

  • Omg, that is amazing!

    What had Rhys done?

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey @GrowlingPeanut, IT'S DONE! I stood at the corner of the sidewalk, waiting in the cold for the signal to change to the walking pers

  • Yes, but he doesn't know Jack-shit about you!

    Because I've been with him for so long is the reason he hates me!

    @SirScrubbington See? He thinks I'M the REAL Handsome Jack here! So I must be!

  • edited November 2015

    O hai. Heer cums da cheef, w/ his frend, wh0s g0t beef. better say bai bai, cuz ur all gon dai!!!!!1111!One!!!!!Shift+1!!!!eleven!!!

  • edited November 2015

    My dear @nohuhhuh, would you like to be Gortys?

    UD. Sorry, it is taken already.

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • AI Jack - @SirScrubbington

    Love you <3

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • enter image description here

    O hai. Heer cums da cheef, w/ his frend, wh0s g0t beef. better say bai bai, cuz ur all gon dai!!!!!1111!One!!!!!Shift+1!!!!eleven!!!

  • +1 on Arby n the chief reference

    O hai. Heer cums da cheef, w/ his frend, wh0s g0t beef. better say bai bai, cuz ur all gon dai!!!!!1111!One!!!!!Shift+1!!!!eleven!!!

  • Can I join please?

    Mawula posted: »

    Are you interested in participating in the forum role play? This early, you have the opportunity to pick 'not Sasha', lol.

  • You're welcome, pumpkin :D

    AI Jack - @SirScrubbington Love you

  • athena pls

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • Fok u m8

    enter image description here

    2 l8 m8

  • John's secret fetish for going as girls in rp.

    athena pls

  • enter image description here

    John's secret fetish for going as girls in rp.

  • Gortys please.

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following

  • Rude.

    Fok u m8

  • lol u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad

    Fok u m8

  • i'm rhys mom but what do i have to do with anything

    Mawula posted: »

    Good morning, everybody! Did I miss any fiction or art? Cause I went to bed around page 1500 Considering that roleplay. The following


    High five, bro!

  • shuddup sasha

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • edited November 2015

    enter image description here


  • replace the u with i in your reply

    lol u mad?

    lol u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad u mad

  • Thanks John <3

    shuddup sasha

  • You can phone him :) if you want.

    You can take another part.

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm rhys mom but what do i have to do with anything

  • no u

    replace the u with i in your reply lol u mad?

  • shuddup sasha

    enter image description here

    shuddup sasha

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