The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Actually the game is awesome. (If you're not on pc like zeke said.)

    papai46 posted: »

    Don't buy Arkham Knight. Also this game is extremely easy, you don't need tips.

  • It would be ironic if those people had a car accident themselves for spreading false rumors of his death just for laughs.

    Let me tell you, there are some really sad people in this world, and it gets on my nerves that people would do this. There's a popular Youtu

  • Man I miss my childhood so much and I miss when yugioh was awesome. Grew up with the series :(

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Wait for data to restore, sees a flying ghost head. Takes a nap, sees somebody die ''I'm totally sorry what just happened on your second day at Abstergo Entertainment... But hé without you we probably wouldn't have a great pirate game aye aye''

    Animus bugs out. the entirity of the data is corrupted and you are rendered a vegetable

  • edited November 2015

    enter link description here
    Kittens master race

    enter link description here

    And also a award

    This is pretty amazing! xD Connor FTW!

  • Man I miss my childhood so much and I miss when yugioh was awesome. Grew up with the series enter link description here

  • I am pretty sure that what this is, is not legal. I will have to go and report you guys-ooooo what's that on your wrist?

    joshua007 posted: »

    Wait for data to restore, sees a flying ghost head. Takes a nap, sees somebody die ''I'm totally sorry what just happened on your second day at Abstergo Entertainment... But hé without you we probably wouldn't have a great pirate game aye aye''

  • I went rummaging through leftover Halloween candy last night, found a bag of gummy bears. I haven't had gummy bears in a long time so I grabbed it. The design on the bag immediately triggered aversion in me, and hints of a long repressed memory. I went to Google to solve this mystery. I typed the name on the bag 'Haribo' and 'gummy bears', and found the Amazon reviews for Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears.

    I remembered why I haven't had gummy bears in so long. It was a few years ago probably, my sister brought me two average sized bags of gummy bears, saying they upset her stomach but she didn't want to just throw them away so she figured I might want them. I did want them. I finished the bag she had opened. I don't remember what happened next, I only remember the pain. I do recall taking one last look at that second bag before I threw it away. I remember the hate for those bears existing. And the hate that my only form of vengeance would be disposing of them. I won't forget again.

  • Happy 1st anniversary on the forums to @ingen_nate_kenny!

  • You beat me to it, but yes, happy anniversary dude.

    No_username posted: »

    Happy 1st anniversary on the forums to @ingen_nate_kenny!

  • It's Friday, so enjoy this ironically outdated meme. enter link description here

  • Thanks guys!

    enter image description here

    I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and probably never will, but still, you know. I haven't been banned (well that's kind of obvious lol), went from being a MC:SM hater to a fan, a guy who knew nothing (see what I did there?) on GoT to being one of the top editors of the Game of Thrones Wiki, became and still is one of the original Rhyshas, saw Jurassic World in IMAX 3D (that's not really related but man was it awesome) and somehow, somehow, became a moderator on September 13/14. I love Telltale more than I have before.

    This was my first post/thread:

    I want to shout out all the cool people that I remember from my experiences!

    @MetallicaRules - just a cool guy all around, I didn't forget his anniversary, he didn't forget mine :)

    @Pipas - I remember one of my first interactions with him was asking for a Santa hat on my avatar, Rhysha bros now.

    @Saltlick123 - JP fan, great fun

    @dojo32161 - the Yoda of the forums

    @No_username - lol me and him in Chatzy

    @Jennifer, @OzzyUK, the untaggable @Blind Sniper (I did a trick), @HiroVoid, @CathalOHara, @kiwi_walking_dead, @Vainamoinen - the Superior Moderators

    @ReggiesLeftArm - Regs, you and me brotha.

    @Intellectual_Poultry - my precious poultry! Part of the reason I got Steam :)

    @Lingvort - posts are hilarious, 'nuff said.

    @EpicMustacheGuy and @Poogers555, you two welcomed me, Poogs, you remember 'Hold onto your butts?' and EMG, he got my username.

    @GrumpyDof - what can I say about the Cat yo?

    @GoldenPaladin, @Markd4547, @Welcome_to_Woodbury, @BigBlindMax - you all rock!

    @LiquidChicagoTed - the great fan fiction writer of Forum of Thrones, a super chill and brilliant guy.

    @NoHopeLeft - another great fan fiction writer, with Monument, and introduced me to ToS

    All of the Rhysha, love you guys, and my much tortured fan fiction readers. One day, I will finish the episode, and you will some closure.

    There's so many I can list, but I don't have all day, otherwise I won't be able to post this :)

    I've been described by many of the Rhysha Chatzy people with 3 words: "Stannis and SpongeBob." Well I got both:

    And finally, thank you Telltale for having such awesome games and forums!

    Random note: A while ago I realized today is also my half-birthday! Here's a song I haven't listen to in a while:


    enter image description here

    No_username posted: »

    Happy 1st anniversary on the forums to @ingen_nate_kenny!

  • I am indeed precious. :) :) :)

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Amazing :^)

    2k version will be uploaded on my tumblr, which has better texture quality. i didn't bother to edit this one since it's almost 5 in the morning

  • tfw you don't get mentioned

    enter link description here

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • @dojo32161 - the Yoda of the forums

    I thought that was @1508644 (Yo-da-Man)

    Anyway, congrats.

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Thanks for the shoutout, happy one year anniversary.

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Regs, you and me brotha.

    enter image description here


    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • @Lingvort - posts are hilarious, 'nuff said.

    enter image description here

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Thanks for the shoutout Bruh :)

    enter image description here

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Glad to have you around InGen!

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • No way. i thought you were here long before I was...
    Congrats bro and fellow Rhysha shipper.

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • enter image description here

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • That moment when you get mentioned and didn't expect it

    enter image description here

    Thanks for the mention, and congrats to the mod status!

    enter image description here

    (I should probably stop spamming gifs like that)

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • I've been described by many of the Rhysha Chatzy people with 3 words: Stannis and SpongeBob

    wut? I thought I was the only one who did that XD

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • This is what the Don thinks about the game Destiny:

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    You know, I can kind of suspect that these "people" are probably involved in a crowd that Thomas pissed off since he is a comedian and I think comedians have this thing of pissing off a certain group of people due to their humor and these asswipes are getting back at him in their own twisted view, that's my theory anyway.

    Let me tell you, there are some really sad people in this world, and it gets on my nerves that people would do this. There's a popular Youtu

  • People are fucking scumbags.

    Let me tell you, there are some really sad people in this world, and it gets on my nerves that people would do this. There's a popular Youtu

  • I wouldn't be surprised, I mean the video they decided to start this all on was called "Shoot All Your Problems Away"

    enter link description here

    J-Master posted: »

    You know, I can kind of suspect that these "people" are probably involved in a crowd that Thomas pissed off since he is a comedian and I thi

  • At this point, I'm not sure if I'm afraid of the fact that the girl I like is more popular and probably smarter than me, or if I'm afraid of looking stupid in front of her. She's really nice, and we're friends, so I know she wouldn't hate me if I made a fool out of myself (she'd probably join me), but ughhhhh.

    This is hard. :(

  • And people already shitting on it. Shame.

    enter link description here

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Thanks for this guys, you all rock!

    Thanks guys! I can't believe it's been a year. One great, fun year. I still don't know what those 37 first notifications were, and pr

  • Don't get your hopes up, that's all. Been there, done that.

    At this point, I'm not sure if I'm afraid of the fact that the girl I like is more popular and probably smarter than me, or if I'm afraid of

  • In the words of one of the most important philosophers of our era:

    "Do it! Just do it!" - An Actual Cannibal

    At this point, I'm not sure if I'm afraid of the fact that the girl I like is more popular and probably smarter than me, or if I'm afraid of

  • I've only got five more weeks!


  • I guess that means me too InGen hahahaha :^)

    Thanks for this guys, you all rock!

  • just 7 more months!





  • Yeah, it will pass in a second. :)

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