The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I do, I have a shitty pc and no money to buy a PS4/Xone, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    does anyone here still play with their X360? If you do, would you still use it by 2016?

  • LMAO, dude don't worry, she doesn't care.

    Sorry about before @InfiniteDawn

  • That's awesome.

    Yup and any money already on your account on 360 automatically shows up on xbox one as well as long as you use the same account


  • They have nothing to do with each other.

    No idea what that metaphor means.

  • An XBone One costs 4000 here so... yeah.

    does anyone here still play with their X360? If you do, would you still use it by 2016?

  • Oh. Well that's not exactly the point, they're both video games after all, But one of the 2 video games just happen to be 100x better than the other.

    papai46 posted: »

    They have nothing to do with each other.

  • That is not all, Like, to describe a Link Between Worlds and how it's amazing would be like trying to explain why star wars is amazing. So yeah, that is all actually. It's the bees weird, tiny, barely visible knees... Ech... Anyway, Link Between Worlds was fucking awesome.

    The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the bees knees. That is all.

  • I'm using Xbox 360, yes. I really only watch YouTube and play Skyrim on it though. And occasionally a new horror game when I get one. I finished Silent Hill 5 and loved it. Anyway, back on topic, Yes, I will be keeping it as long as I can. So into 2016 is good. But now the real question, Why do you ask?

    does anyone here still play with their X360? If you do, would you still use it by 2016?

  • Holy shit, that's the exact same situation as mine. XD

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I do, I have a shitty pc and no money to buy a PS4/Xone, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • You'll find out soon.

    I'm using Xbox 360, yes. I really only watch YouTube and play Skyrim on it though. And occasionally a new horror game when I get one. I fini

  • soon.....

    You'll find out soon.

  • It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now.

    Can't believe it's already been one year since I've joined this crazy place that turned my life upside down, inside out, outside in, you get it by now.

    I just want to say thank you, to all of you.

    Sappiness stops now, pop the champagne!

  • I still have one that I play on pretty often. It's been having some problems though so it's probably not going to last much longer. Chances are, if it dies on me, I'll just get a newer version of the 360 (the one I have is the old, fat model) since there are still a ton of games I'd like to play.

    does anyone here still play with their X360? If you do, would you still use it by 2016?

  • happy 2 year forumversary br0

    I came to the forum on this exact day 2 years ago. I legit remember my 1 year anniversary happening like 5 minutes ago.

  • happy 1 year forumversary br0

    It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now. Can't bel

  • Happy one year and 9 day anniversary

    It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now. Can't bel

  • thanks br0 enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    happy 1 year forumversary br0

  • Thanks Metallica!

    Happy one year and 9 day anniversary

  • IKR, Fallout 4 is soooo good!

    Oh. Well that's not exactly the point, they're both video games after all, But one of the 2 video games just happen to be 100x better than the other.

  • Wow, everybody is celebrating their times in here. You know, my forumversary was 9 days ago... I FUCKING FORGOT IT ;^;

  • kreygasms 2 u

    thanks br0

  • Happy bday! I know right, time really flies ;-;

    It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now. Can't bel

  • Happy belated forumversary! (5 years? holy crap)

    papai46 posted: »

    Wow, everybody is celebrating their times in here. You know, my forumversary was 9 days ago... I FUCKING FORGOT IT ;^;

  • Happy anniversary although I didnt even want to mention mine to anyone lel^2

    It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now. Can't bel

  • ayy happy anniversaryy

    papai46 posted: »

    Wow, everybody is celebrating their times in here. You know, my forumversary was 9 days ago... I FUCKING FORGOT IT ;^;

  • There were no choices in Telltale's games back when he turned it down though, as it was when they were still making puzzle adventure games. That's the reason why he turned them down, as he didn't forsee choices and consequences games at all, since adventure games were still dominated by puzzle based gameplay at the time.

    Now that choices and consequences are the most popular type of adventure game, I wonder if he'd consider a Scott Pilgrim adventure game now, either through Telltale or another company.

    Maybe the creator just hated the fact that none of your choices matter in Telltale's games.

  • Happy 1 year and 9 day anniversary.

    It's my one year anniversary!... or it was 9 days ago, but I didn't have time for celebrations then, so I'm celebrating it now. Can't bel

  • So I played Final Fantasy VII not too long ago, but it was my first time playing a Final Fantasy game (or a JRPG for that matter). Everyone was saying I might not like it because its graphics can put you off and it hasn't aged well but that wasn't the case at all, I loved it so much, it was amazing.

    The story, the characters, the adventure, I just loved the whole thing of it.

    So I was wondering if you guys could request what Final Fantasy game to play after VII or what ones are similar to it? I have no clue about any of them. When I googled it some people were saying to play all of them from VII up and then some were saying to just skip to X? I just wondered if you lot could offer some light onto this :')

  • Damn son, so much edginess I got cut.

    papai46 posted: »

    LMAO, dude don't worry, she doesn't care.

  • If Bruce doesn't appear....

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    I haven't defeated 7 yet but it is all kinda spoilered for me anyway but I will finish it soon ''SOON'', I also watched Final Fantasy 7 Advent Of Children and if you are gonna watch it here is my advice... Watch the Blu Ray version because that one is alot better more beatifull than the normall version. Blu ray has 45 minutes of extra scenes and a few things more. BTW voices in Japanese because some of the English voices don't realy work like... Realy.

    I played Final Fantasy 8 couldn't stand it

    I want to try Final Fantasy 9

    Final Fantasy X I still have to buy that one

    But don't buy at all cost FINAL FANTASY XIII

    So I played Final Fantasy VII not too long ago, but it was my first time playing a Final Fantasy game (or a JRPG for that matter). Everyone

  • Ten ruined the franchise IMO. I like 8, but a lot of people don't because of the magic system. Six is good. Try six. Or Tactics is the best FF game ever, but it's a turn based strategy.

    So I played Final Fantasy VII not too long ago, but it was my first time playing a Final Fantasy game (or a JRPG for that matter). Everyone

  • Ah, the dreaded "soon"! You really should complete it, it feels very rewarding after the 50+ hour journey :-)

    Thanks for the advice, brah! I didn't know whether to watch Final Fantasy Advent of Children but I will and I'll be sure to watch it with English subs :D

    joshua007 posted: »

    I haven't defeated 7 yet but it is all kinda spoilered for me anyway but I will finish it soon ''SOON'', I also watched Final Fantasy 7 Adve

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    enter image description here

    Dear God, they said it couldn't be done and Telltale proved them wrong!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Jokes aside, I wonder if that's just some random meme or if that's the documentary Job was alluding to?

    EDIT: Yep, it's the Documentary:

    Hmm... I think all we can say about this now is that it's going to be cool, and we can't wait for you to see it! ;) Dear God, they said it couldn't be done and Telltale proved them wrong!

  • I was eyeing up 6 actually, it sounded pretty cool and I like the style of it in pictures. so I think it will be the next one I purchase now. Thanks for your help! :-)

    Ten ruined the franchise IMO. I like 8, but a lot of people don't because of the magic system. Six is good. Try six. Or Tactics is the best FF game ever, but it's a turn based strategy.

  • For a second I thought this was Super Show.

    I was hoping it be Telltale Games: A Telltale Games Series. Dear God, they said it couldn't be done and Telltale proved them wrong!

  • Damn it freaking sucks bro! I gotta work tomorrow, Thursday, and friday. Cutting into my Tomb Raider and Fallout time homies

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