Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh, I almost forgot. My daily thing.

    enter image description here

  • Oh I could and I would.

    enter image description here

    Watch yo back cuz.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what?! how could you?!

  • you're evil...

    Oh I could and I would. Watch yo back cuz.

  • Oh dear, please have some sleep! It'll give you strength for Rhyiona!

    Nellas posted: »

    Ok, kittens, i'm reallyreallyreally enjoying your company, but it's 4:30 am in my place and i usually wake up at 6 am:D I just wanna thank y

  • Night' Later! (^^,)

    Nellas posted: »

    Ok, kittens, i'm reallyreallyreally enjoying your company, but it's 4:30 am in my place and i usually wake up at 6 am:D I just wanna thank y

  • Ikr (¬◡¬)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you're evil...

  • Awwwwwwwwww yaaaaas!!!! Ok, now i can go to sleep for sure...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I almost forgot. My daily thing.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I almost forgot. My daily thing.

  • Hey you need your beauty sleep for tomorrow! Or, well, today. Talk later. <3

    enter image description here

    Nellas posted: »

    This ship gives power! I don't want to sleep at all! But I have to:(

  • That majestic hair. Such beauty.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I almost forgot. My daily thing.

  • edited November 2015

    Rhys: Fiona!

    Fiona: Uh?

    Rhys: Smile in 5...4...

    Fiona: W...what?

    Rhys: 3...2...

    Fiona's options:


    [rise a brow]

    Rhys: 1...

    Smile selected


    Fiona puts a pretty smile in her face, a bit sweet and seductive even if it is forced

    Rhys: Okay, now keep smiling, because you're beautiful.



  • Haha! Now that is true. ;D

    Mawula posted: »

    But...you didn't have to wait for it when you forgot! There's a bright side!

  • Good night! It was awesome to meet a new Rhyiona shipper!

    Nellas posted: »

    Ok, kittens, i'm reallyreallyreally enjoying your company, but it's 4:30 am in my place and i usually wake up at 6 am:D I just wanna thank y

  • Does anyone here have Steam? I'm looking into being active on there and playing some stuffs. Maybe.

  • Wow that's really good, and all I can do are lewds.....

    Daryace posted: »

    Rhys: Fiona! Fiona: Uh? Rhys: Smile in 5...4... Fiona: W...what? Rhys: 3...2... Fiona's options: [Smile] [rise a brow]

  • edited November 2015

    Everyone. All of us. (Well maybe not ALL). There's even a Rhyiona group!

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Does anyone here have Steam? I'm looking into being active on there and playing some stuffs. Maybe.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • 10/10 would play again.

    Daryace posted: »

    Rhys: Fiona! Fiona: Uh? Rhys: Smile in 5...4... Fiona: W...what? Rhys: 3...2... Fiona's options: [Smile] [rise a brow]

  • RockMySocks posted: »

    Does anyone here have Steam? I'm looking into being active on there and playing some stuffs. Maybe.

  • edited November 2015

    Whoever doesn't have Steam has been living under a rock their entire lives

    and that is a lot of people

    Everyone. All of us. (Well maybe not ALL). There's even a Rhyiona group!

  • edited November 2015

    Now, now, darling, don't judge the people who--

    ...yeah, you're kinda right.

    edit: well pffff now YOUR edit makes this look weird

    y u do dat

    Whoever doesn't have Steam has been living under a rock their entire lives and that is a lot of people

  • edited November 2015

    i fucking wrote about fiona dropping a mug on the floor AND I JUST DROPPED MINE BUT I BROKE IT


    rip...... here i go clean this shit............

  • Tfw u wanna finish a story but u just cant

    Rhyiona help meh


    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    gruvia you're auto forgiven

  • It's not that bad under the rock, you know :)

    My main gaming period of life was a decade ago. And I used to buy games on discs.

    Whoever doesn't have Steam has been living under a rock their entire lives and that is a lot of people

  • What are these discs of which you speak?

    Kidding. Kidding. I still have some games on disc, too.

    Mawula posted: »

    It's not that bad under the rock, you know My main gaming period of life was a decade ago. And I used to buy games on discs.

  • Am I late? Damn it, I'm late ;-;

    GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Nellas <3

    Nellas posted: »

    Ok, kittens, i'm reallyreallyreally enjoying your company, but it's 4:30 am in my place and i usually wake up at 6 am:D I just wanna thank y

  • Aah, discs ♡

    Mawula posted: »

    It's not that bad under the rock, you know My main gaming period of life was a decade ago. And I used to buy games on discs.

  • Wait, you have Steam? :o

    What's your name on Steam? ^^

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Does anyone here have Steam? I'm looking into being active on there and playing some stuffs. Maybe.

  • Don't cut yourself on the broken pieces of pottery!

  • Oh Rhys you lovable little, yet tall man-child. :3 Amazing job as always Wolf! This was such a cute story. <3 Also, I really enjoyed those little Fiona moments there, you are really good at describing her. Her more serious moments are a good contrast to Rhys' adorableness. :D

    I can totally see Gortys being jealous of Cuddles..

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Mornings are always too calm. She's far too used to sleeping with one eye open -- life on Pandora had never been kind enough to let her h

  • @RockMySocks





  • We believe in you, for Rhyiona!

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tfw u wanna finish a story but u just cant Rhyiona help meh

  • pfff you scrub

    Now, now, darling, don't judge the people who-- ...yeah, you're kinda right. edit: well pffff now YOUR edit makes this look weird y u do dat

  • R.i.p Wolf's Mug.

    "It's owner was a kluts"

  • Bob

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Wait, you have Steam? What's your name on Steam? ^^

  • You love me.

    pfff you scrub

  • Everything went well. Except for my mug of course. :(

    Don't cut yourself on the broken pieces of pottery!

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