Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • hello hello <3

    Daryace posted: »

    Bigby!!!!!!! <33333333333

  • C'mere, you!

    enter image description here

    I know, I know. I was just feeling dramatic and needed an outlet for it.

  • ayyyyyyy everybody

    I'm awake but it's freezing outside and my bed is warm, so I'm still laying here using my phone for this. How is everyone on this fine morning/afternoon/evening?

    I'll try to drag myself out of bed so I can play some BL2 with whoever wants to ( @Wolfenus54 ), but I ate a bunch of cupcakes last night and my stomach isn't happy with me.

  • Ryona

    enter image description here

    Y-you missed out a H...

    Green613 posted: »

    Ryona is, not Rhyiona 2 different things

  • How not to miss you? You're my fav Zer0!!

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Aww,hey,I missed you too

  • How is everyone on this fine morning/afternoon/evening?

    I'm doing just fine! Feeling better than the last couple of days, in-fact!

    I ate a bunch of cupcakes last night and my stomach isn't happy with me.

    Hopefully your stomach will forgive you.

    ayyyyyyy everybody I'm awake but it's freezing outside and my bed is warm, so I'm still laying here using my phone for this. How is every

  • "I ate a bunch of cupcakes"



    PD: Hello! <3

    ayyyyyyy everybody I'm awake but it's freezing outside and my bed is warm, so I'm still laying here using my phone for this. How is every

  • edited November 2015

    You fuckers on the other side of the world are lucky, y'all out of school and I'm going to school right now.

    Sorry for the salt

    At least I got my favorite classes today, so time will go by quick for sure.

  • Lol, I can't even look at a cupcake without thinking about Jack.

    I also maaay have called my co-worker "cupcake," too... He was amused.

    Daryace posted: »

    "I ate a bunch of cupcakes" cupcakes... NOW I IMAGINE JACK EATING ALL OF THEM. PD: Hello!

  • enter image description here

    Daryace posted: »

    How not to miss you? You're my fav Zer0!!

  • this is the cutest thing I've read in a while. So peaceful and calm. Great Job!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Short Rhyiona one-shot, may expand upon this at some point. WHO KNOWS, I MAY TRY THIS SCENE AGAIN IN MY SERIES. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. P.S. Y

  • edited November 2015

    Hey^^ I'm fine, just sitting on the bench in the park and it's snowing here. Will I become snowman soon...?._. Hope you feel better, Peanut C:

    ayyyyyyy everybody I'm awake but it's freezing outside and my bed is warm, so I'm still laying here using my phone for this. How is every

  • so pretty!

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi there! I wrote you all message, but especially for @GrowlingPeanut whose handwriting is beautiful. Hope you'll like my handwriting too

  • Same, I have to be at school in about an hour and a half. :(

    You fuckers on the other side of the world are lucky, y'all out of school and I'm going to school right now. Sorry for the salt At least I got my favorite classes today, so time will go by quick for sure.

  • Good luck with school. C:

    You fuckers on the other side of the world are lucky, y'all out of school and I'm going to school right now. Sorry for the salt At least I got my favorite classes today, so time will go by quick for sure.

  • At least you got more time than me

    I got 6 minutes

    Same, I have to be at school in about an hour and a half.

  • Yea my grades atm are so terrible I wonder how my parents are still stable(I usually get As and Bs)

    Nellas posted: »

    Good luck with school. C:

  • I got 15 minutes, and I have a science exam

    At least you got more time than me I got 6 minutes

  • Awwww! I wish it were snowing here! That would at least justify the cold....

    Thanks, it's not that I'm feeling bad, I just need to eat some real food.

    Nellas posted: »

    Hey^^ I'm fine, just sitting on the bench in the park and it's snowing here. Will I become snowman soon...?._. Hope you feel better, Peanut C:

  • I'm going to school right now.


    Try to have fun. :v

    You fuckers on the other side of the world are lucky, y'all out of school and I'm going to school right now. Sorry for the salt At least I got my favorite classes today, so time will go by quick for sure.

  • Have fun? I hope she have a lewd class.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'm going to school right now. Gah... Try to have fun. :v

  • Do your best, kitten! we have faith in you;)

    Yea my grades atm are so terrible I wonder how my parents are still stable(I usually get As and Bs)

  • edited November 2015

    I will, but I won't if this happens

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'm going to school right now. Gah... Try to have fun. :v

  • That would be GYM class

    Eryka posted: »

    Have fun? I hope she have a lewd class.

  • Gym? Oh I know! Gym ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    That would be GYM class

  • I'm bored right now and I can't waste a lot of free time here.

    You can invite me to BL2 to play Rhyiona Raid Boss Race (Remember to set the timezones so I can have full energy) or with your friends.

    Let me know if you want me to play with you. I'm too afraid to join someone's game right now.

  • Lewd class? We're more afraid of sex than violence

    Eryka posted: »

    Have fun? I hope she have a lewd class.

  • My bf call me cupcake too! ~

    PD: cupcakes everywhere!

    Lol, I can't even look at a cupcake without thinking about Jack. I also maaay have called my co-worker "cupcake," too... He was amused.

  • Wolf's on, I can get on in 10 mins and we can do something?!?!?!?!?!


  • Нормально читается)))

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi there! I wrote you all message, but especially for @GrowlingPeanut whose handwriting is beautiful. Hope you'll like my handwriting too

  • Пожалуй скажу так:

    [enter link description here](http://38.media.tumblr.com/a3f7bb9381369b75af5926a17604c74b/tumblr_mv61dnOYbS1rhanpdo3_250.gif)

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi there! I wrote you all message, but especially for @GrowlingPeanut whose handwriting is beautiful. Hope you'll like my handwriting too

  • Thank you! :)

    this is the cutest thing I've read in a while. So peaceful and calm. Great Job!

  • are we speaking other languages now? Yay, good thing I've brushed up on my German!
    Ich bin ein Schuh.

  • enter image description here

    I will, but I won't if this happens

  • LOL,я о таком подчерке могу только мечтать)))

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi there! I wrote you all message, but especially for @GrowlingPeanut whose handwriting is beautiful. Hope you'll like my handwriting too

  • LOL я о таком подчерке могу только мечтать)))

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi there! I wrote you all message, but especially for @GrowlingPeanut whose handwriting is beautiful. Hope you'll like my handwriting too

  • I got many complaints when people were copying my writings from University lectures. Idk why :)

    Unreadable...?! It's beautiful! I don't even know what it says, but I'm just staring at it....

  • Ну я типа старалась :)

    Vernaya posted: »

    Нормально читается)))

  • Thanks! I want to learn English cursive too, now I mainly write in block letters, lol.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    wow beautiful my handwriting SUCKS

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