What previous choice will effect episode 6?

I've been thinking about this, I doubt a lot of previous choices we made (if any), will seriously change what happens in episode 6. I can see Mira's choices like if you burned the decree or kept the knife having an impact. But for the others I don't think there will be much of an impact, and the choices we make in episode 6 will decide what ending we get? What do you all think?


  • The choices I think would have the most diversity:

    Asher/Rodrik- For obvious reasons.

    Duncan/Royland as Sentinel- For obvious reasons

    Duncan/Royland as the traitor (If alive)- Maybe we'll get a final talk with them and there will be an additional choice.

    Keep/Burn the Ironwood decree- If you kept it you may be able to use it in a good way or maybe it could be used against you as evidence, or both.

    Show Mercy/Maim Gryff- A maimed Gryff may have a different personality or act differently. If Rodrik's alive and Gryff was maimed their confrontation could be even more intense and personal.

    Keep/Throw away the Knife and Attack/Run when dealing with Damien- I think these choices will connect in a big way, if you attack Damien the knife has blood on it, so if you threw it away there's evidence someone was stabbed with it, if you didn't attack Damien it just looks like he left his knife behind. Keeping it may be the same regardless as Mira would have a chance to clean it, she may get away with it or someone will find it but there'd be no way to tell if it was used.

    Submit/Stand up to Gryff- This ones a bit of a stretch and would only have an impact if Rodrik was alive. If Rodrik stands up to Gryff he gets beaten pretty badly, maybe if he stayed down he'll be in better physical condition. Again, this one's a stretch and a bit more unlikely then the above.

    So those are the choices I think would have the biggest impact.

  • Question how do you get bold text.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The choices I think would have the most diversity: Asher/Rodrik- For obvious reasons. Duncan/Royland as Sentinel- For obvious reasons

  • you put * at the start and end of sentence

    NicWarden posted: »

    Question how do you get bold text.

  • Like this.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    you put * at the start and end of sentence

  • edited November 2015

    YAY strong text.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Like this.

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