Who did you leave behind? (advise pls)

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Who n why? I let Asher stay.. Well, what r your thoughts...? I know this is one of the many such threads but still... What are the pros n cons for leaving either... And what would have happened if i dont do anything as red halo covers screen?
Actually i played GoTE5 now, to avoid waiting for FINALE for long


  • Haven't we already had like a hundred of these threads already.... anyway I also let Asher stay, unlike the majority of players who chose to slaughter Rodrik instead.

  • We get it, you prefer Rodrik, you don't need to constantly criticise people for saving Asher.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Haven't we already had like a hundred of these threads already.... anyway I also let Asher stay, unlike the majority of players who chose to slaughter Rodrik instead.

  • I had Rodrik stay behind, it was a really tough choice for me and I really could've gone either way. In the end I chose Asher because I wanted him to be the one to save the House and prove to everyone that their wrong about him. I perfectly understand the appeal for saving Rodrik and the reasons for it though.

  • Are people seriously still talking about this?

  • If I had a nickel for every time someone made these types of threads....

    Anyways I let Rodrik stay behind

  • I think you have a serious issue with those who sacrifice Asher, I wasn't criticizing anyone, only pointing out that my decision was in the minority (a factual truth), jeez what got you over-excited?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    We get it, you prefer Rodrik, you don't need to constantly criticise people for saving Asher.

  • Apparently they still are...

    Are people seriously still talking about this?

  • I don't have an issue with people that sacrifice Asher. I have an issue with people that advertise it as the 'right' choice which you have done multiple times.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I think you have a serious issue with those who sacrifice Asher, I wasn't criticizing anyone, only pointing out that my decision was in the minority (a factual truth), jeez what got you over-excited?

  • That was a hard choice everyone knows...
    I thought Rodrik should live coz he suffered a lot and had just recovered, almost. I couldnt see him suffer more and just, die, Elaena needed him more than Gwyn needed Asher. Asher's sacrifice will be praised more by House Forrester family as he brought an army for them and died to save his brother in the end. This will change other's thinking about Asher... Beskha will tell others how brave he was, how much he loved his family... For now, Rodrik was needed in war, i told fi8ers that they'll be lead by Rodrik, not me (asher)

  • The first time I saved Rodrik because I felt like it was his duty to be the Lord of house Forrester.

    The second time, I saved asher because I thought that I can't kill him off, just like that. Asher. Is. Life.

  • No I think you have a serious issue that you need to deal with yourself - and you've seriously misunderstood my preference for Asher's death as the 'right' choice, since I actually 'advertised' that his death could be considered just as valid as Rodrik's storywise, what I critisized was people (possible like you) parading how Asher's death didn't make sense your 'righteous' choice to sacrifice Rodrik did - and you impulsively go into an antagonistic mode and assume anyone who prefers the story with Asher's death see's Rodrik's death as a fundamentally incorrect choice, when both do make sense storywise.

    All I did was state my choice to save Rodrik was in the minority - and you just couldn't help but blow a fuse at this, as if by highlighting that fact it was somehow connected to declaring your own majority based choice false. Seriously, you have misread everything that concerns me on the subject of the final choice in Episode 5, if you want to criticize me then your own facts straight first instead of shameless indulging in online slander.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't have an issue with people that sacrifice Asher. I have an issue with people that advertise it as the 'right' choice which you have done multiple times.

  • Well you referred to sacrifice Asher as 'letting him stay', and sacrificing Rodrick as 'slaughter him' which kinda gave the vibe that you think it is the 'right' choice...

    Harian96 posted: »

    I think you have a serious issue with those who sacrifice Asher, I wasn't criticizing anyone, only pointing out that my decision was in the minority (a factual truth), jeez what got you over-excited?

  • I let Rodrick stay, it wasn't a really though choice to me since I liked Asher way more. Still it was pretty sad :(

  • edited November 2015

    Which was an incorrect presumption to make.

    Well no matter who you leave behind, they are pretty much slaughtered (the way they're killed) and I used that word choice because it was a painful decision regardless, it very much felt like sending one of them to a slaughterhouse. In my playthrough I saved Rodrik and Asher was slaughtered.

    'Slaughter' - the sacrificed brother is stabbed and shot at with arrows, its a terrible and brutal way to die, and I was quite saddened by Asher's death so I referred to it as a slaughter but had Rodrik died that would have also been a slaughter, I was just referring to my playthrough in particular where it is Asher who dies instead of Rodrik, which I considered a minority choice.

    While its true I prefer saving Rodrik over Asher, its slaughter either way to whichever one is sacrificed - I didn't use the word slaughter to say Rodrik's death was wrong, I used it to convey just what a horrid scene it was overall.

    Well you referred to sacrifice Asher as 'letting him stay', and sacrificing Rodrick as 'slaughter him' which kinda gave the vibe that you think it is the 'right' choice...

  • Ik, I just think it was probably the cause why you were misinterpreted.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Which was an incorrect presumption to make. Well no matter who you leave behind, they are pretty much slaughtered (the way they're killed

  • Let me clarify, I wasn't attacking you personally, nor do I blame anyone who saved Rodrik, I understand the reasons and I share them, I was really close to leaving Asher. It's just that a lot of members have been saying the Asher choice was wrong and that's been frustrating me a bit, (similar to your frustration to people saying leaving Rodrik is the right choice I imagine) it looked like you were doing exactly that because you have mentioned multiple times that majority saved Asher. If my comment come across as aggressive or antagonistic I apologize, it wasn't my intention. I should've simply asked you to tone it down a bit as it gets a little frustrating to see it mentioned over and over. So I am sorry for the way I went about my comment but please don't analyse me and suggest that I have problems.

    Harian96 posted: »

    No I think you have a serious issue that you need to deal with yourself - and you've seriously misunderstood my preference for Asher's death

  • I've gone into my reasons maaaaaany a time, so the short version. I have a save file for both brothers, but my "personal canon" is I left Asher. And I cried. But my homeskillet Rodders and I got this. #BurnHighpointToTheFookinGround2k15

  • Saved Rodrik because it's his duty to defeat Whitehills, not Asher's. He was meant to be a lord. He started this war with Whitehills and he shall be the one to end it. While Asher's duty was to bring the army and he had done it.

    Of course, it doesn't mean that I just let Asher die like this. It was a very hard choice and felt bad after I've done it.

  • Left Rodrik behind. Not going into more detail because people will just complain saying I made the wrong choice in a game that is supposed to be about choice.

  • I let Asher Stay.

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